A Day Without Rain

I finally saw the sun again!  For a brief 45 minutes this past Friday the sun appeared from behind the clouds!

I have been at my parent’s house this past week, and although it hasn’t rained a lot there, it has rained some every day, except Friday and Saturday(today).   I have been building a “hot-tub” house for my Dad this week.  My Dad is soon to be 84 years young, and was out there helping me all day long,  between rain showers.   He is a joy to work with, but this week has tested my patience.  Not meaning that he is “a pain to work with”, but rather patience as in my dad has one “speed” (slow), and my “speed” is quite a bit faster than his!  But we still managed to get the little house framed, roofed, and siding installed.   They decided to add a couple of windows (a change to the original plans), but we can do that later, no problem.

I am back in Abilene this week to work with Habitat For Humanity for a few days, yes probably building a house, and also at the Habitat “ReStore” store for a couple of days.   Some people may think that I have not had any “restful” time with all this house building.  But for me, this type of activity is very relaxing.  This sabbatical is not only for resting the body, but for also resting the mind and soul.  Creating and building is my way of resting my mind.  I can let everything else on my mind just go away for awhile, and then focus on the one project.  And the tired feeling at the end of the day helps me to sleep better at night!   Now that I’m on the subject of sleep and rest, I don’t believe I am getting ‘exactly’ the required 9 hours of sleep per day….bed time at 10:30 pm, up at 7:30 am, a one-hour nap after lunch, and a nap after dinner….(my Dad likes to nap, so I might as well too!)

Next week I will be returning to my parent’s to finish the inside of the hot-tub house.  Walls, ceiling, flooring, and some painting.   Here’s some pics to-date. More to come later after the final product.

— Foundation —


— Day three —


–Day Five — (windows to be added next trip)


Sunrise one morning….look closely….yes, it’s starting to rain.