Allison Condry : follow up

I can’t believe I’ve already been back to work for a week!

I apologize for my lack of blogs, but I’m living in the dark ages and don’t have internet at home. It felt like my sabbatical zoomed by and was only 10 days instead of 30! Once I got back to work, I could tell I’d been gone for 30 days though- ha! Thankful for my coworkers pitching in, or I wouldn’t have made it through this first week back.

To recap, I spent my first week helping where needed at the Alzheimer Association. There were an array of tasks I helped with in preparation for “The Walk to End Alzheimer’s” fundraiser. My favorites were chalking sidewalks, baking cupcakes, and counting money! I’ve since heard that the bake sale alone raised $540 for the fight against Alzheimer’s with the total so far raised for “The Walk to End Alzheimer’s” in Abilene being $103,035.50! The next 2 weeks of my sabbatical were spent traveling the Seattle area with my parents. It’s been a long time since I’ve been with my parents for 2 weeks straight, but we had an incredibly blessed trip. The weather was gorgeous, public transportation was easily navigated, sights were seen, memories made, and attitudes stayed positive! My last week of sabbatical was spend recovering from vacation and taking care of little things around the house. It was good to get back to the gym and even though I’d walked all day every day for 2 weeks with a half marathon thrown in there, my legs could tell I’d missed a few weeks of Body Pump!

I also read a couple of books which I’ll get to in another blog post. I’m not good at summarizing what I learned, so I’ll work on that this weekend. Hopefully, I can give y’all the highlights and not retype the entire book 😉