My Plans vs God’s Purpose

These days have been very quiet and uneventful. Although I made plans to volunteer at a nursing home for a couple of days, there were conflicts that did not allow me to offer my time.  It just did not work out.  So I went another direction.  

Carl and Smitty Brecheen are two amazing people whom I call my friends.  I met them about 3 or 4 four years ago providing in-home manicure and pedicure services for them.  Dr. Carl was a professor at Abilene Christian University, and taught Marriage classes.  From what I gather, Dr. Carl was well liked by the students and faculty, and I can see why:  he had quite the personality.  He and his devoted wife, Mrs. Smitty have been married over 50 years!!
It is my privilege to get to visit with the Brecheens during this sabbatical and to help Mrs. Smitty.  She stays busy taking care of Dr. Carl and I had the opportunity to give my time to sit with him while she could get some much needed time off for herself.
Although my plan was to do something else, which I thought would have a greater impact for more people, I found that being around Mrs. Smitty allowed me to see how she never seems  anxious about anything!  She just goes with the  flow-  of grace!   I needed to see that!  Sometimes what we want is not  what  we need.  But God  looks  past  what we  want and gives us what we need.
Hmm.  I love it when a plan comes together!

Proverbs 19:21Amplified Bible (AMP)

Many plans are in a man’s mind, 
But it is the Lord’s purpose for him that will stand (be carried out).