Test, test, an unorganized rambling pre-blog.

It’s about two weeks until I start my sabbatical, and my mind is flooded with thoughts on how to make the most of it. Coming off of this Harvey flooding disaster, I guess the timing couldn’t be any better for a break. I’m thinking a lot about avoiding wasted time. A nap is not wasted time, right?

For the last few weeks I have been planning time with each member of my immediate family. A weekend away with my bride, a fishing trip with my number one son, a Casting Crowns concert with my daughter, a day trip with my mom and taking my youngest son to play in the woods. Also, there are several good friends that are going to get calls for lunch so we can catch up.

I’ve arranged to help our pastors visit home-bound and hospitalized church members, and volunteer at the Brazoria County Gathering Place, which has activity-based socials for people with Alzheimer’s and related disorders. I pray that God will help me bring some joy and comfort to people.
I also bought a new book to read entitled “How To Disciple Men”. Our “Blast and Cast Men’s Ministries” executive director contributed a chapter, so I had to check it out.

Sorry to end abruptly, but prospecting hour has arrived!