A restful day

Today was spent just doing nothing serious.  I went to the gym and got a short workout in before my friend interrupted me to tell me his delivery to his house had arrived.  Tom was waiting on a few parts for a trailer for his sport plane.  He bought two new wheels and a couple other parts that I can’t even describe but they are part of the trailer he uses to tow his very small two seat plane.  We opened the boxes and had a good time assembling the new parts and then realized he needed a welder to complete the job.  We went to the garage where he stores his plane and fixed the garage door opener.  This took two hours!  The wings of the plane fold inward and the plane fits in his garage.  I should say it does now.  He had to cut a large hole in the back of the garage and bought a yard shack and placed it at the rear of the garage over the hole in the wall so the plane could fit in.  The shack is connected to the garage so it looks like an extension of the garage.  Which it is.

The plane is a tiny aircraft that is easy to operate and can take off and land in a very short distance.  Tom’s been a pilot since I met him over 35 years ago.  I spent time with Tom on my last sabbatical and enjoyed spending time with him again this go around.  Tom’s an engineer and although it may sound like this wasn’t a restful day it was in my mind because I was with a life long friend who I enjoy being with since our sense of humor is so similar and i enjoy how he takes on a problem and manages to fix it.  Like when we were finished fixing the garage door opener and fuel starting gushing out from one of the gas tanks which is located at the top or front of the wing!  It was funny, (not at the time) watching two guys scrambling to capture the fuel in anything we could.

It was great fun just doing something with an old friend.  I spent the rest of the day resting and doing a little reading.

In “Jesus Calling” November 15 ironically dealt with approaching problems with a light touch and that we shouldn’t focus so intently on the situation that we lose sight of Jesus.  “Our mind gears up for battle and your body becomes tense and anxious.  There is a better way.  When a problem starts to overshadow your thoughts, bring this matter to Me.  Talk too Me about it and look at it in the Light of My Presence….. You will always face trouble in this life.  … Approach problems with a light touch by viewing them in My revealing Light.”.

Funny how that fits in with the things Tom and I encountered today.