Enjoying the simple things…..

This past week was a quiet week for me. This was the year the kids spend Thanksgiving with my son-in-law’s family. But what a wonderful week it was to just take time to enjoy the simple things…like taking long walks with my little dog (Dusty) reading, and spending time with friends.  Even the weather was perfect…the sun was out, it was warm with no humidity. We don’t get that many days here in Louisiana with no humidity!  When you slow down, its amazing how many beautiful things you can see.  God has blessed us so much and I count my blessings every day. Not only do I have wonderful friends and family, but I am so blessed to have such a great company to work for.  I think back to when I was considering applying to FDLIC, I went online to  check it out.  That was the year of the first Sabbatical and the first thing I did was call my long time friend Mark Childs.  I ask him if this company was for real. It sure sounded a little different than where we came from.  He laughed that wonderful laugh of his and said yes!  So 7 years later, here I am and saying YES every day. Thank you Kris, our board of directors and everyone that works for FD for making this company what it is!!