Allison’s mini sabbatical Feb 2018

I started off my mini sabbatical minutes after leaving work on Friday by volunteering in the kitchen for “Night to Shine” – a Prom for people with special needs. I helped unload tons of food donated by Abilene restaurants which was amazing to see. Through the evening, I replenished food for the guests and watched them dance the night away. I also got my workout in by checking on the food upstairs in the respite room. Not only does Night to Shine love on the guests, but also their caregivers by providing a room with live music, massages, and food.

On Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday I delivered Meals on Wheels and volunteered at Pregnancy Resources of Abilene. I was able to pray for the babies and families while doing some organization (love it!) and numbering their “Life in Bloom” tickets. They also gave me a super random job that no one had time to sit down and do, but needed to be done. There were 9 trash bags full of stuffed animals wrapped in Christmas paper that had been donated, but needed unwrapping. It was a fun job and I was more than happy to take care of that for them! I ended up filing 2 bags with the unwrapped plushies.

I then headed to Peoria, IL with my parents where I got to meet my 3 month old nephew, Locke, and celebrate my niece’s 3rd birthday.

Wren chose to have a princess party which was most fitting since she loves pink and only wants to wear dresses! We got in early enough on Friday evening to help with cleaning and decorating and on Saturday I made cupcakes and assisted my brother in the kitchen. Wren insisted we each wear a “neck-a-lace” while party prepping.

The party was a success and while Wren napped off her sugar high, I made Brian build a snowman with me!

It had snowed all during the party and since we don’t see real snow in Abilene, I also made my dad build one with me!

On Sunday, we participated in a children’s Symphony event where Wren got to try her hand at the upright bass. We might even end up on Peoria public television!

On Monday evening, we were able to bless Brian and Sarah with free babysitting so they could go out. It was good to see family and to soak in all the kiddo snuggles since it’s rare to see them with the 1,000 miles between us. I’m very grateful for the time during the mini sabbatical to be able to visit!

On our way back, we stopped to see some sights including the Illinois and Arkansas state capitols (we tallied them up and determined I’ve seen 18 of the 50) and Lincoln’s tomb. We also stopped for a visit with my grandmother which was my first time to see her since she moved to a dementia care facility. She seems to have adjusted well and we discussed her many traveling adventures from when she was younger.

Funeral related fun facts I learned on this trip:
Lincoln had multiple funerals on his way from DC to Springfield and was finally buried 20 days after he died.

The card game, Uno, was invented by a barber and sold to a funeral parlor owner who mass distributed it.