Mini Sabbatical — week one.

Monday, I returned from my mini Sabbatical.  I had a wonderful two weeks, and I would like to share some highlights.


I had planned on taking my dad to Italy the day before Father’s Day.  We were both excited, since we didn’t even need our passports or would experience any kind of jet lag.  Italy, TX has a bike ride that we have never done before.  So we got up early that morning and headed to Italy to take part in the 63-mile ride that is called, Tour d’Italia.  We both had so much fun that we are planning on going next year.   I enjoyed my day with Dad.  And he finished 5 minutes before I did.  Way to go, Dad.


My first week of my mini was helping out with Meals on Wheels.  This is something I look forward to and like visiting with others.  It is sad to think that sometimes, that is the only contact they might have with people all day.  There was one day that we were able to take a box of fresh tomatoes and could share with those on our route.  I took the box home and divided up the tomatoes into bags and delivered them the next day.  The tomatoes were a popular gift and sure did bring a smile to everyone that received them.


I am so happy that my first week was spent delivering meals.  I  hope that I brought joy to others, because they sure did bring joy to me.