Meals on Wheels End of Week

Sorry for the delay in my post, I had an unexpected glitch today.  I was on top of things got up early got a lot accomplished before it was just about time for me to leave.   Got ready and was about to leave or thought I was but, my vehicle did not start.  I  felt a little stressed but my neighbor came to my rescue and let me borrow her vehicle so I could make my delivery route on time.   I invited her to come with me but she declined.   I made my rounds and let everyone know it would be my last day and had so many good conversations with my newfound friends.  I had a sweet little lady  said her daughter convinced her to get set up on Meals on Wheels because she had recently had surgery.  Said she really didn’t want to but it sure had helped her.  She was very appreciative for the meal and that I took the time to volunteer.   I had another couple that the husband always was the one to answer the door.  He  told me I needed to keep that smile I have not only for them but to be sure and share with everyone.  He introduced me to his wife and she said she really appreciated me taking the time to serve and for Meals on Wheels.  She shared that she was really sick and their vehicle didn’t work and that by the end of the month the meals we deliver is sometimes all they had to eat.  This was very heartbreaking to me.  I relayed the information to Gloria at Meals on Wheels and she said they would get someone out to visit with them to see if they are aware that Meals on Wheels  also provides a service where they can receive groceries.  I did not know this so I was very glad I shared it with her.  Being able to take the time to volunteer at Meals on Wheels was so rewarding.  I really am very grateful for FDLIC  giving us the time and opportunity to be of service in our community, read our devotional and book, rest and reflect is Such a Blessing!