Camp Week

I am so very thankful for the Helper’s of People week that I was able to take.  I went back to camp this year as a counselor but not as a kids counselor-I went as a middle school counselor.  I must admit I was just a tad bit nervous to be an 8th grade girls counselor.  Originally I had not planned on going to camp this year.  I told myself that I would only go IF they needed counselors and guess what they still needed counselors at the parent meeting in early May.  So that was my sign to say, Okay I am going to camp.  Thankfully, the other counselor, Cara, that was with me just happen to be a friend of mine as well as a junior high teacher.

Once at camp we met our girls in our cabin and the hustle and bustle of camp began.  I enjoy camp because it is a time to witness the younger generation worship and let down their guards they are all slowly and quietly building up throughout the year.  Camp is also a time for me to slow down and not worry about the everyday, but to refocus and have more conversations than normal with God.

From the moment I walked out of the cabin each morning my glasses fogged up-gotta love the humidity.  Days were fill with games, free time, worship, family group Bible study, evening service, and finally coming back to the cabin with 15 teenage girls.  There was a lot of eye-rolling and huffing, but I would not trade it for anything because the message each day was powerful and to see the message through their eyes was very worth a sweat filled week.

Of course I did get to see my own child at camp as well.  He would find me after each meal and ask for money for candy and ice cream at the store-yep that is definitely why enjoys having me go to camp.  My trade-off is seeing him worship with his friends and not caring who is watching.

One of the best lines I picked up from camp was: “The Bible and God’s word is like deodorant.  It does not work unless you do”……yes this is odd but I do have a middle-school aged boy who let’s just admit does not smell the best a lot of times.  This was a great description and really caught their attention.

The week flew by.  I do enjoy camp greatly, but I so enjoy coming home to my own bed!