Israel – here I come!

As I type the title of this blog, I’m reminded in Proverbs – “We make our plans, but God determines our steps” (Proverbs 16:9).  The last time I blogged was last July when I was taking off of work to host the TX SLAM Tennis Tournament.  But, God had a different plan.  My husband Jon landed up in ICU.  I never made it to the tournament.  So, it’s with great reserve I say I’m leaving for Israel in 3 days….at least I think I am!

Our daughter, Tucker, and I determined after Jon died to keep a journal for a year.  We wrote all the character traits Jon possessed that made him Christ-like and incredible.  Then, we both picked one of those “Jon” traits to work on through the year as a tribute to his lasting legacy.  We decided we would need to compare our journals on a trip that commemorated his death.  Well, our church takes a group to Israel annually and well, it just seemed the right thing to do.  We’ll be working a kids camp the first week in Israel, then touring the 2nd week.  Of course, we’re planning on talking a lot about our journals on the long plane ride.  (Just so you know, Jon Smith was one of the most kind persons I know.  He really never let his emotions get the best of him and always treated people with respect.  This was an obvious trait for me to work on this past year because I can be very unkind at times & I hate that flaw. My journal is full of successes and failures in this area! And yes….I’ll be working on it the rest of my life!

Can I tell you how grateful I am to be making this trip with my daughter?  I’m excited for what God will reveal to us and how much we’ll learn about God’s country, people, HIS character,….  I’m also looking forward to serving with other members of church that I hardly know and getting to know the people in Israel.

Thank you Kris and FDLIC for allowing me this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!
