Camp High

getting to hear the testimonies of my fellow kitchen workers was so ministering.  It’s a great reminder that every person has a past.  Every persons past contributes to their belief system and choices they make now.  And when we submit to God and listen to HIS voice, our future can and should look so different.

We joined the congregation of Tents of Mercy on Shabbat….Saturday.  What a fun reunion getting to see many of the adults and kids at camp and then participating in the service.  Wow!  Goodbyes were also difficult.  The “Camp high” is still lingering.

One of the coolest events was seeing my kiddo lead worship on the Sea of Galilee.  Goodness!  Tucker has many talents….music is one of them.

My prayer today is God… me who you are.  I want to know you better.

What a gift to be given time off of work for 2 weeks…..and to be in Israel.