Kathy Byram, Mini-Sabbatical, May 17-21, 2021

Mission of Miracles Food Pantry in Baird, TX

In 2000, the year my father lived with us, I was freelancing from home and discovered that the local food pantry needed volunteers. It was that year that I was allowed the time to help families in Baird. Our church was gathering a group of volunteers and I met a woman by the name of Ruth Fisher (photo at the bottom of this post). She was in her 90s and had opened a food pantry and clothing location in the 1980s. She had been running this non-profit for the last 20 years. I started helping her sack boxes and bags of food for the 65+ families and individuals in Baird. I had no idea there were so many that needed assistance in our small community. Ruth was running a “faith-based mission.” She took orders from no one, except God. She was the most giving woman I have ever known. She taught me that our heavenly Father asked us to care for the needy in our community. A lot of people asked me: “Why do you keep giving that man stuff? He’s a drunk.” OR “That woman as 6 children. She just needs to get a job, or something?” OR “That couple just does drugs? Why do you even bother helping them?” OR “You have been feeding that man for 10 years, he’s a loser, lives in a dump, and smokes too much. He’s never going to change.” OR “That family is just lazy. They need to get a job. They just want free food and free cloths.”

Ruth told me that the Father asked her to do one thing. “Love and feed the people. He will take care of the rest.” This is our job. This is what we do. My friend Mark Hewitt with Love & Care Ministries in Abilene tells the same story. People ask him all the time, “Mark, why do you keep feeding the same drunks, prostitutes, gang bangers, druggies and dealers for the last 25 years?” He tells them, “I’m not doing this for you, I am doing this for the Father because he asked me to.” Because of Mark and Ruth’s relationship with God, they have taught me that when you choose to be a servant, it means we give up the right to feel the need to be in charge. We get ourselves out of the way and make room for the Father’s mission. We become his vessel by caring and loving those that many do not.

People need help. We are not all the same. If we are blessed to provide, then that is what we do. No one knows what difficulties people go through. God does. I am grateful Funeral Directors Life cuts out sabbatical time for their employees to volunteer in their local communities and abroad. The bonds I have with the ladies and gentlemen I work with, and work for, are my neighbors, attend our churches, and volunteer at this Baird mission.

Oh, and that woman we helped with 6 children is now involved in vacation bible school as a teacher in our church this summer. That man with the drinking problem has started a mowing business and is making his own way. That couple that was doing drugs is now in a recovery program and they both volunteer at the food pantry faithfully every week. They also have a small dog walking service. And that man we have been feeding for 10 years volunteers at the local Meals on Wheels for the lady that retired at the age of 92. He has been with them for 5 years now. See, God knew.


This is JJ. He works with his sister and helps run the mission. Their mother, Joann, passed in December of 2020 and ran it before them. They are continuing her legacy.

Food from the food bank in Abilene!

Lana Dobbs, my buddy, and Angie Dobbs mamma!

Church buddies, Carolyn and Penny!

Ruth Fisher, November 23rd, 1911-June 23, 2012 with niece Carrie