Teresa Mansker Mini-Sabbatical November 2021

I had the privilege of getting approved for another mini-sabbatical this past November.  It is kind of the same story but 2nd verse.  If you will remember my last mini-sabbatical was in December of 2021, I had just had a minor surgery and my daughter was leaving for her mission for our church.  This round, I was recovering from a major surgery that happened in October and our son was about to leave for his mission.

It started Tyler’s senior year in high school and ALL the emotions that come with that!    Tyler got his mission call to serve a 24 month mission in the Orem, UT area to begin on November 8, 2021.

Since Madey had gotten home from her mission in June 2021 and engaged in September, she decided to get married the Saturday before so Tyler could be there.  So we had a wedding on November 5th.  The wedding took place in UT and the reception was here in Abilene the very next day!  WHEW, I am glad that is over!

Tyler started his training at home on 11/8 and had to report to UT on 11/17.  This is when I decided to ask for my mini-sabbatical.  The week of November 15th Scott and I set off on a journey to take and leave our “baby” in UT for 2 years.  A very emotional journey it was!  We took our time seeing and enjoying God’s beauty.

On our way home we decided to stop in Moab, UT.  What a beautiful place!  We went up on top of the world or so it felt!  It was breathtaking and a little scary I might add! 

We signed up with Meals on Wheels to deliver the next week.  When I called to get us a route for the week, the lady at the front desk asked me if I was willing to deliver, “anywhere”?  I thought about that because in my past, I have told them no – that I would only deliver to certain parts of town, but I felt very compelled to tell them that we would “serve” anywhere they needed.

God doesn’t put limitations on MY BLESSINGS, so why would I put limitations on those that I would have an opportunity to bless?  There were families out there that needed help and I am, we are, called to care for those who are in need.

We went to a really nice, older area on the northside of town and had I not had my eyes opened, I would have missed it.

I am grateful for opportunities I had to serve others and share the love I have with them, even if it was in the form of a hot delivered meal!  Heavenly Father loves ALL of His children, no matter what side of town they live on or how they get their next meal.  I am grateful that He loves me!

I am also grateful for the opportunity I was given in this time to be able to do some traveling and serving this past year!  I am blessed to work for FDLIC and love the Servant Ministry that we have here!

With all this to say, don’t limit your own blessings over something you are scared of!  Look at the bigger picture and know that you play a very important part in His plan!



Teresa Mansker