Mini Sabbatical : May 2022

Thanks to the Helpers of People leave program (mini sabbatical), I was able to take a much needed break and significantly help Meals on Wheels.

I spent my first week visiting North and South Carolina for the first time with my parents and aunt. My parents are getting older and with my mom’s health, it was nice to get to spend quality time with them while also enjoying new places. It’s a goal of mine to visit (and drink coffee) in all 50 states, so I’m 2 states closer now. Only 9 more to go!

I spent my 2nd week delivering a double route each day for Meals on Wheels. They were extremely grateful for my time and ability to cover two routes each day. They have been short on volunteers since 2020 and are very appreciative of all the help they can get. One of the days, another volunteer saw me loading up for two routes and called me a “Power Deliverer!” 😊 The 8 week mark for me to be able to donate blood fell during these two weeks, so I was also able to go and donate blood during the week which was nice to be able to do while I was already on that side of town. Just a nice little bonus to my week.

Additionally, I read “Rhythms of Renewal”. Here are some tidbits from that:

“Sabbath is a verb. This practice is essential for our ability to grow in mental, emotional, and spiritual health. We cannot run if we cannot rest. When we intentionally Sabbath – stop striving so much – we create space for healing, wholeness, and refreshment. Restoration replenishes us physically, fortifies our mental health, and enables us to engage emotionally.”

“Importance of play: Researchers are now documenting the benefits of play for adults and finding that ‘play isn’t just about goofing off; it can also be an important means of reducing stress and contributing to overall well-being.’”

“Even a short burst of ten minutes’ brisk walking increases our mental alertness, energy, and positive mood. Studies also show that just 5 minutes of outdoor activity – like hiking, jogging, or even outdoor yoga- can change mood and self-esteem.”

“…it’s true we get in better shape and build muscle tone, but it shouldn’t be our primary motivation. Instead, we exercise to stay mental and emotionally healthy. We exercise to increase our heart rate and stimulate the production of serotonin and dopamine; neurotransmitters God gave us to help us maintain our ideal state of sell-being.”

“When we push ourselves, we discover how much we can accomplish, how brave we can be, and how strong we really are. What happens if I try something new; if I push myself and fail? That’s okay. Even when we fail, we learn new things.”


Thank you DIG for investing in your employees and the community by allowing this great opportunity.