Costa Rica I have arrived

Our flight started in Abilene Sunday morning at 1120. We arrived at DFW on schedule only to be told that if your layover was over 12 hours we would have to claim checked bags and recheck for the next flight. We had a 15 hour layover. Yes it was planned because it was a much cheaper flight.  5 of us split the cost of a hotel room and got up at 130 am Monday to fly to Miami. A long flight but not bad considering. Only 1.5 hours in Miami. I was not impressed with the airport at all. None the less the last leg was to Costa Rica and I would tell you how long that flight was but we had already gone from CST to EST to CR time. Right now I am not even sure it is Monday. Tonight is fellowship with the YWAM group and tomorrow starts the real work. Oh and the last two years I have been here, it reminded me of Texas. Dry grass and hot. Not so much this year. It is very green, not so hot as TX but with the green comes the humidity. All is well.