Costa Rica Thursday 3rd day

It had really poured rain the night before (Tuesday)  The plan was to finish minor clean and pick up while the families were shopping first thing.  Neighbors would be invited and we would be out of their hair and them into their new houses by noon.

The families left, the teams went through the neighbor hood and sites were picked up, tools were loaded and extra materials were sat by the road for the taking.  The even took the wet floppy sheet rock that is sure to mold.  But…..

All was ready, the furniture was assemble, mattresses were placed and beds were made.  The dining table set with new dishes.  A bunson burner was unpacked as was a rice cooker and a coffee maker.  Towels  were laid out and curtains were hung. And we waited and waited and waited.  Finally people from the neighbor hood started showing up and the families arrived and their purchases were put into their houses.  They were prayed over, their houses blessed, bibles presented and keys given.  The houses were theirs.  They were very grateful and happy.  The neighbors were happy for them.

We were done, 2 houses in 2 days, 2 families blessed and hope given, a neighborhood coming together.  Yes we were done, but Jesus?  Well HE started long before we got there.  HIS work will keep going.  HE will never leave them or forsake them.  Yes we accomplished something, but only because we were giving the ability through Jesus to do the work.  He provided us with a wonderful company and the vision to go forth into the world.  He gave each of us the ability to work in whatever task we were given.  He gave each of us the means to get there.  He gave each of us the will.  He gave us team members that took care of work while we were gone.  We are so blessed and so spoiled. I am thankful for AC/heat, running water, indoor bathrooms, electricity, access to groceries and the means to cook them.  I am thankful, that HE has never left me nor forsaken me and no matter what life brings, HE will always be with me and has provided me with a new heaven and new earth.  I certainly won’t be at the top of the good list but hopefully I will not be near the end either!