The Mountains Are Calling, and I Must Go

This morning I begin a journey to camp and fly fish in western Colorado – despite a few obstacles and some apprehension on my end!  I’m so grateful for the chance to spend some time alone with my Creator, in an environment where I often feel closest to Him.  I’m not sure I’ll ever get a chance to do something like this (on my own) again!

In advance of this trip, it was great to spend a weekend with the kiddos.  We (and by “we” I mean “I” – but the kids were good sports) volunteered to paint faces at the Baird Railhead Festival with Palette of Purpose, the art nonprofit I work with.

I painted SO many unicorns (including one on my daughter’s arm) and SO many ninja masks I went cross-eyed… but it was fun to talk to kids about art and make jokes about messing up the designs.  The look of terror on a kid’s face when he thinks I painted a unicorn instead of a dragon is pretty priceless.