
My sabbatical began at 12:00 midnight, Friday, August 11, 2017. At 6:00 AM that very day I was admitted to the hospital for surgery. Yes, it was “planned” for that date and time but it had not been planned for long! And, you guessed it, it was nowhere near what I’d planned all along for my sabbatical. Enter God’s perfect plan.

Until just a few weeks ago, we, my husband Galen and I, had no idea my surgery was even needed let alone medically necessary. Wow! Because of this necessity, lots of precautions were taken by my doctors to ensure a successful surgery. While my care team was focused on the medical/human readiness aspect, we refocused our perspective.

We left all the doctors and medical stuff behind and focused on who and what we know and have through our faith; prayer. And we didn’t stop with just the two of us praying. We reached out to family, friends, extended family, and every prayer group we know. Guess what? Every single person embraced us in love and prayed with us and for us. No questions asked. No “Soccer practice first, then I’ll pray.” No “I’ve been in meetings all day and I’m too tired.” Because of love, they prayed.

Oh, I almost forgot a pretty huge step that I took! I called on a true friend the night before the surgery, explained what was happening with all the challenges that had been overcome to make the surgery possible, all our fears that had been calmed, and the needs being met by this change in my plan. This news was a big surprise to my friend to say the least. My heart was relieved and our decisions reinforced after this call. He prayed for me, for us, for our medical team, and for a swift and full recovery. Why, you may ask, was this such a big step for me? Because it is easier for me to give than to receive. I’ve really focused on asking for help, for prayer, when I need it. It’s becoming more natural to me every day but it’s still a work in progress. And my friend remembers all too well the “DJ” who would never share her needs nor ask for help/prayer and recognized my strength and courage. See, I told you it was a HUGE step!!

My surgery was an amazing success! It took longer than expected but my team took the time needed to do their good work.  Another piece of big news is the fact that I came home the very next day! Yeah, that wasn’t my doctor’s plan for me, but we know who is in control. Today I went for my first car ride and had my one week checkup. Both were awesome!

I have much more to share but that’s for later. I’ll share with you a quote, a promise from God, that a longtime friend, who just happens to be a guiding light in my life, shared with me many years ago. Just insert your name on that line and peace will be yours too!

“God’s in control. _____ has peace.”