Author: DJ Jons

Be Still and Serve

I had a backup plan for my service project and it was a really good one, too! I was going to physically work side-by-side with the inspiring team heading up our Yankton Food For Thought program (details later in this post). And we all know by now that my plans keep flying out the window while I learn to be still and follow His plan.

Since I was placed on the injured reserve list of sorts, I did indeed have to be still. That was for medical reasons, too; however, I soon learned, it was most importantly for spiritual reasons. I learned that I could have limited physical activity during my day as my body heals yet my mind would be running a marathon of thoughts and flooding my heart with turmoil. You know, those kinds of thoughts: “What if I had…”; “Maybe I could just…”; “I should have never…”, and on and on. I had a list of thoughts and emotions longer than I care to admit. But God’s own words tell us to be still, to not flinch in our faith no matter what disruption or trouble this world may bring.  I was reminded of this in my reading, and that’s when I was still and waited with a quiet mind and an open heart for His direction. His direction came and it was perfect!

I began to use the blessings God has gifted me in the areas of Marketing and Learning and Development to serve Yankton Food For Thought which supports two programs for students and families in need.

  1. Sack Pack Program – Serves over 400 students weekly to provide weekend meals that are nutritious, shelf-stable, and child-friendly so every child has a better chance of being successful in the classroom.
  2. School Food Pantry – Students and their families, who are in need, receive the opportunity, twice each month, to “shop” for food items at the School Food Pantry.

Here’s what we know: If kids are hungry they cannot learn at their full potential. That’s why the program is aptly named Food For Thought. A hungry child cannot learn and education is key to breaking the cycle of poverty. If this program can provide the most basic need, which is food, to children and their families, hopefully we can start stabilizing lives.

This is where my servant heart led me, and my work with Yankton Food For Thought will continue well beyond my sabbatical. The new branding umbrella for these programs is just launching and my opportunities to make a difference are limitless. Education about this program is vital and making this program a part of our city’s culture moving forward is critical. I am blessed to serve in this way as God planned. I know that, soon, I’ll be amid the physical work as well to help make this program a success – but in His time, not mine.

My heart for all touched by Harvey

Heavenly Father,

Please put an end to flood waters for all suffering in Hurricane Harvey’s aftermath. Bring about dryness and low humidity as only You can. I pray for Your Peace to bless each soul with restful, restorative sleep. Jesus please melt their stress and mold it instead into a vessel of honor that holds their faith. May You bless them with moments of laughter despite the devastation. And may they see a tangible token today, a special gift, that reinforces in them the promise that You are the God Who Sees and Cares for all.

In Jesus’s precious name I pray, amen.

Who knew?

It has been a big ol’ roller coaster ride since my last post. When last I posted, I was anticipating my 2-week follow-up appointment on Friday, August 25. And that’s right where we got in line for that roller coaster ride.

Who knew that even if you THINK you feel okay that you’re really NOT okay if your blood pressure is 98/62 (normal is 120/80) and your hemoglobin level is 5.2 (normal is 12)?? Well I didn’t so I couldn’t have been more surprised by all the extra fuss that ensued. My temperature was well below 97 degrees Fahrenheit too which added to the ups and downs of this ride. While our wonderful medical team prepared for everything they would do to “make me better”, Galen and I did what we knew would make me better. We began praying and reaching out to our prayer warriors (Notice our pattern since this journey began?). We were pretty quickly surprised by my friend, my nurse from Mississippi, coming to be with us. What a great blessing!

“You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance.” Psalm 32:7

That scary roller coaster ride then became much calmer and even our medical team relaxed and had visible peace. I had my sabbatical coin tucked in my left hand. Yes, I had a great day (Saturday, August 26) after all of this “fuss” which was a super gift. Then, yes, I did have not-so-good days to follow beginning on that Sunday (August 27). But it was all part of the process that was necessary to get me to Wednesday, August 30…the day I began to feel kind of like me again!! Throughout the downs and ups of our wild ride we focused on our blessings, love, and even laughter. It turns out that you can laugh when you feel seriously yucky! We laughed at my inability to do simple things like drink water without a big red straw (a.k.a. I could not do it alone), at Galen trying to be superhuman (do everything by himself) only to find that he does not possess super powers (a.k.a. he needed help too), and with our family and friends who witnessed these moments, belly laughed, and still loved us.

Remember, I said that on Wednesday, August 30, I started to feel better. The next morning, August 31, I read my devotional, Jesus Calling, which spoke to me about my fragility, my weakness and He told me that this was not a punishment nor an indication of my lack of faith. Amazingly, He was developing my ability to trust Him, to lean on Him rather than on my own understanding (or strength). Did you know that Jesus prefers us to depend on Him continually, trusting Him to guide us and strengthen us as needed? I had not focused on the very important fact that I grow strong in my weakness; actually hadn’t even thought of it. He spoke directly to me through this message giving me exactly what I needed. I had turned to Him in prayer and trusted in Him yet I hadn’t realized, in the moment, that my weakness was going to make me stronger through Him. So completely awesome!

The End. of that roller coaster ride and the beginning of getting stronger and fulfilling God’s purpose for my life and our life, Galen and me, together. I read in my sabbatical book, Captivating, about the radiance hidden in a woman’s heart, my heart, that the world desperately needs. There’s so much more to this book but this statement was profound and kept my mind and my heart returning to it repeatedly. I can relate it to my here and now in that the light of my candle has never dimmed even during this time. I’m sharing my blessings, my heart, and perhaps others will light their candles from my flame and my light will shine brighter because of them. This is the stuff His love is made of.

Getting Results

No way to lead into this but to say that the pathology results from my surgery were benign = NO CANCER!! Praise the Lord and thank you to every prayer warrior! My 2-week checkup is tomorrow, Friday, August 25, and I’d love to have your prayers for continued wonderful results.

This is going to sound way too cliché but…I’ve been looking to cultivate relationship results in all the wrong places. It’s true. I was focused on developing stronger relationships with family members who just recently became a part of my life. And I haven’t abandoned that effort. What did I learn that changed my direction? Relationship opportunities are all around us. Trust. It’s all about trust…opening our hearts.

My medical team was amazing as I shared in my last post. Now let me tell the impact on my life by my nurse from Mississippi. She is an angel through and through! I fought the good fight to be allowed to keep my Sabbatical coin with me during my surgery. She gently won the battle and I gave my coin to Galen. He held it tight in his hand while I was in surgery; he told me later that he’d felt such a strong connection with me during surgery through this symbol of The Whole Armor of God; pray always. Definitely a part of His plan, not mine.

I talked with my Mississippi nurse as we walked to the operating room and we continued our talk, when we arrived, as the rest of team scurried around us. She kept the conversation flowing by asking more questions about this “coin” to which I had such a commitment! I shared with her about our first Sabbatical Year in 2010 and that I received this coin during my send-off and I’d kept it with me since that day. I explained that, once again, 2017 is our Sabbatical Year which allows me to, among other things, refocus on the deeper meaning of my Sabbatical coin. I was sure she feigned interest in my coin just to distract me and keep me calm prior to surgery. No trust.

The next morning my Mississippi nurse came to my hospital room. She’d completed her shift and came to see me on her very own time. That resonated with me, trust was born and my heart opened. She said she just had to see me to be sure I was doing okay. Then she did it. She picked up my Sabbatical coin which was right in front of me on my little lap table along with my Jesus Calling devotional. Her next words kind of sealed our relationship forever. “So, this is THE coin. Tell me why you fought so hard to keep it?”

We talked for more than an hour that Saturday morning. I took out the little document that accompanies our Sabbatical coin in its case and shared this with her. [Note: If you haven’t read the story of the Sabbatical coin you really should!] She shared her faith with me and a whole new perspective on Satan that rocked my world. We’ve talked several times since I’ve been home and we’ll get together soon too.

God blessed me with this amazing faith-filled woman in my life. We’ve already established a bond that will not be broken. Someday we can talk more about the conversation on that Saturday morning. The voice-to-voice or face-to-face is the only way to do justice to the story of my nurse from Mississippi.

The topic of trust seems to all around me in my conversations and readings. I now carry with me an excerpt from my August 22 Jesus Calling daily devotional.

“Trust Me, and don’t be afraid; for I am your Strength, Song, and Salvation.”


My sabbatical began at 12:00 midnight, Friday, August 11, 2017. At 6:00 AM that very day I was admitted to the hospital for surgery. Yes, it was “planned” for that date and time but it had not been planned for long! And, you guessed it, it was nowhere near what I’d planned all along for my sabbatical. Enter God’s perfect plan.

Until just a few weeks ago, we, my husband Galen and I, had no idea my surgery was even needed let alone medically necessary. Wow! Because of this necessity, lots of precautions were taken by my doctors to ensure a successful surgery. While my care team was focused on the medical/human readiness aspect, we refocused our perspective.

We left all the doctors and medical stuff behind and focused on who and what we know and have through our faith; prayer. And we didn’t stop with just the two of us praying. We reached out to family, friends, extended family, and every prayer group we know. Guess what? Every single person embraced us in love and prayed with us and for us. No questions asked. No “Soccer practice first, then I’ll pray.” No “I’ve been in meetings all day and I’m too tired.” Because of love, they prayed.

Oh, I almost forgot a pretty huge step that I took! I called on a true friend the night before the surgery, explained what was happening with all the challenges that had been overcome to make the surgery possible, all our fears that had been calmed, and the needs being met by this change in my plan. This news was a big surprise to my friend to say the least. My heart was relieved and our decisions reinforced after this call. He prayed for me, for us, for our medical team, and for a swift and full recovery. Why, you may ask, was this such a big step for me? Because it is easier for me to give than to receive. I’ve really focused on asking for help, for prayer, when I need it. It’s becoming more natural to me every day but it’s still a work in progress. And my friend remembers all too well the “DJ” who would never share her needs nor ask for help/prayer and recognized my strength and courage. See, I told you it was a HUGE step!!

My surgery was an amazing success! It took longer than expected but my team took the time needed to do their good work.  Another piece of big news is the fact that I came home the very next day! Yeah, that wasn’t my doctor’s plan for me, but we know who is in control. Today I went for my first car ride and had my one week checkup. Both were awesome!

I have much more to share but that’s for later. I’ll share with you a quote, a promise from God, that a longtime friend, who just happens to be a guiding light in my life, shared with me many years ago. Just insert your name on that line and peace will be yours too!

“God’s in control. _____ has peace.”

Sabbatical Eve

My plan for my Sabbatical was a really good plan. I thought it was THE plan for my Sabbatical. So, God knew better and tomorrow morning, Friday, August 11, 2017, I embark on His journey.

I look forward to sharing my journey with you as God’s plans, and His works through me, are revealed.