Be Still and Serve

I had a backup plan for my service project and it was a really good one, too! I was going to physically work side-by-side with the inspiring team heading up our Yankton Food For Thought program (details later in this post). And we all know by now that my plans keep flying out the window while I learn to be still and follow His plan.

Since I was placed on the injured reserve list of sorts, I did indeed have to be still. That was for medical reasons, too; however, I soon learned, it was most importantly for spiritual reasons. I learned that I could have limited physical activity during my day as my body heals yet my mind would be running a marathon of thoughts and flooding my heart with turmoil. You know, those kinds of thoughts: “What if I had…”; “Maybe I could just…”; “I should have never…”, and on and on. I had a list of thoughts and emotions longer than I care to admit. But God’s own words tell us to be still, to not flinch in our faith no matter what disruption or trouble this world may bring.  I was reminded of this in my reading, and that’s when I was still and waited with a quiet mind and an open heart for His direction. His direction came and it was perfect!

I began to use the blessings God has gifted me in the areas of Marketing and Learning and Development to serve Yankton Food For Thought which supports two programs for students and families in need.

  1. Sack Pack Program – Serves over 400 students weekly to provide weekend meals that are nutritious, shelf-stable, and child-friendly so every child has a better chance of being successful in the classroom.
  2. School Food Pantry – Students and their families, who are in need, receive the opportunity, twice each month, to “shop” for food items at the School Food Pantry.

Here’s what we know: If kids are hungry they cannot learn at their full potential. That’s why the program is aptly named Food For Thought. A hungry child cannot learn and education is key to breaking the cycle of poverty. If this program can provide the most basic need, which is food, to children and their families, hopefully we can start stabilizing lives.

This is where my servant heart led me, and my work with Yankton Food For Thought will continue well beyond my sabbatical. The new branding umbrella for these programs is just launching and my opportunities to make a difference are limitless. Education about this program is vital and making this program a part of our city’s culture moving forward is critical. I am blessed to serve in this way as God planned. I know that, soon, I’ll be amid the physical work as well to help make this program a success – but in His time, not mine.