Giving Thanks

The premise of the One Thousands Gifts Devotional I am currently reading encourages thankfulness and becoming more aware of God’s grace in our everyday lives. With that in mind, the following is a reflection on what I have been grateful for during the first two weeks of my sabbatical experience.

Day 1 – Wednesday, September 13th

I am very thankful to have had the time to devote to my son, Jonas. The first day of my sabbatical was his birthday and Dave and I took him to Cracker Barrel for breakfast. It was wonderful to be able to let him get ready at his own pace, instead of rushing him out the door. Sharing pancakes with him on his birthday was a delight.

I also managed to gather items for Jonas’ birthday party and meet up at Beltway Coffee with Allison. It has been ages since I’ve been to coffee shop, so enjoying her company on the comfy couch was a treat.

Day 2 – Thursday, September 14th

Waking up with a sinus headache that dragged into the afternoon, I was thankful to be able to sleep it off  while Jonas was at His Little Kids MDO, under the watchful eye of my mother. I am ever grateful for her wisdom and insight, especially with the challenge of having her strong-willed grandson in her class this year.

I am also thankful for my book club ladies’ quick action when I showed up and announced I had spilled a whole gallon of sweet tea in the floorboard of my car. Our book club is always a special time for me, and I blessed to have made so many friends because of it.

Day 3 – Friday, September 15th

I was blessed to be able to go to the free Needtobreathe concert at ACU with my husband, sister and cousin Melissa. The weather was great for an evening out and Jonas had a great time at his Nana’s house so we didn’t have to find a babysitter. Always a blessing!

Day 4 – Saturday, September 16th

Saturday was a busy day, starting with the Walk to End Alzheimer’s. My grandfather died from Alzheimer’s, so this organization means a lot to me.

The rest of the day was devoted to celebrations. Our family went to a 1-year-old’s birthday party and then had Jonas’ later that evening. Jonas and his friends had a great time hunting dinosaur eggs, eating cake and other delectables, and getting nice and sweaty playing. I am grateful for the laughs and smiles of children. 

Day 5 – Sunday, September 17th

Jonas got to open his gifts from family after church. Another day appreciating the delight of a child.

Day 6 – Monday, September 18th

I could never say enough how thankful I am for my parents. I told my dad that we wanted to upgrade Jonas from a toddler to a twin bed and several hours later there he was with his trailer loaded up with the bed he had in storage. 

Day 7 – Tuesday, September 19th

I am grateful to have my sister here in Abilene. She moved up here from San Antonio and it is wonderful to have her around. On Tuesday, we went to an Arbonne Holiday Showcase together and had a nice visit with our friend, Laura, and with each other.

Day 8 – Wednesday, September 20th

Jonas had his 4-year-old check-up on Wednesday and did great! I am thankful for a healthy active boy!

Day 9 – Thursday, September 21st

I hadn’t seen by best friend from college since Homecoming last year, but since I have the time off from work, Jonas and I were able to make the trip to College Station to see her and her family. Driving that distance is no joke with a preschooler who doesn’t like to be confined, so I was very grateful for his Kindle and headphones and my audiobooks.

Day 10 – Friday, September 22nd

On Friday, Jonas and I woke to the delicious smells of fresh muffins that Melissa’s husband Francis had baked and then had a great day playing with the kids. I loved having the chance to invest in my relationship with Melissa and her family.

Day 11 – Saturday, September 23rd

We left Melissa’s after another delicious breakfast, this time French toast. It was a wonderful visit, but also wonderful to come home and sleep in my own bed. 

Day 12 – Sunday, September 24th

I am so thankful to the Lord for an amazing church family.

Day 13 – Monday, September 25th

I am grateful for the rain and getting things done.

Day 14 – Tuesday, September 26th

Jonas has a little bit of a cold so we are having a nice quiet day inside. I am very thankful for modern medicine that can help my boy feel better and soft blankets to snuggle under.