Author: Rebecca Browne

Rebecca’s Mini-Sabbatical – February 2023

I am very grateful to have had the opportunity to take a sabbatical following my vacation to be my sister’s matron-of-honor in her wedding. Being introverted, the wedding and events surrounding it were very draining and it was nice to take some time to rest and replenish. Also, during my time away, I was able to work with some other leaders at my church to improve our children’s ministry. I have been a leader in our children’s ministry for many years, and have worked with 3 directors, but our last director stepped down unexpectedly, leaving a gap in processes and knowledge of our curriculum. We were able to go through all of the material and organize it on a Google Drive to give teachers and parents access to what will be presented to their kids on Sundays. This vast improvement will allow parents to engage more with what their children are learning about Jesus. We were also able to update the onboarding process for new volunteers. We created a workflow that will automate part of the process so that we can get them trained and confidently teaching kids about God’s love. It doesn’t sound like much when it’s boiled down to a few sentences, but I know these enhancements will benefit the Kingdom in ways that we can never fully understand. I am so thankful to work at a company that values the Kingdom and the efforts that can advance His purpose.

P.S. I don’t have any pictures of my work for the children’s ministry, since it was mostly on the computer, but Leland’s wife Janie (pictured below in the floral dress at the EOY Party) was a huge help in talking through changes.

Also, here are a few photos from my sister’s wedding day!

Of Camels and Needles

When most people think of mission trips, they generally think of labor under the hot sun in developing countries with difficult living conditions, questionable drinking water, and ramshackle structures. The mission trip of which I was a part was nothing like that. I was part of a team that spent a comfortable week in Belfast, Northern Ireland. Even though it may not seem like a “traditional” short-term mission experience, I believe that it has just as much impact on the Kingdom of God.

In Matthew 19, there is a story of a rich young man who approaches Jesus with a question:

16 Just then a man came up to Jesus and asked, “Teacher, what good thing must I do to get eternal life?”

17 “Why do you ask me about what is good?” Jesus replied. “There is only One who is good. If you want to enter life, keep the commandments.”

18 “Which ones?” he inquired.

Jesus replied, “‘You shall not murder, you shall not commit adultery, you shall not steal, you shall not give false testimony, 19 honor your father and mother,’[c] and ‘love your neighbor as yourself.’[d]

20 “All these I have kept,” the young man said. “What do I still lack?”

21 Jesus answered, “If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.”

22 When the young man heard this, he went away sad, because he had great wealth.

23 Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Truly I tell you, it is hard for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of heaven. 24 Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.”

25 When the disciples heard this, they were greatly astonished and asked, “Who then can be saved?”

26 Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

The people of Belfast are rich by the world’s standards. Their daily needs are met. They have clean water, food to eat, access to healthcare. But spiritually, it’s a wasteland. There were years of unrest and violence. The battle lines were drawn on religious dissention. We spent most of our time on the campus of Queen’s University. Students have turned to relying on themselves and science instead of God. Just like the rich man in Matthew, it is difficult for them to enter the Kingdom. Difficult, but not impossible. Our team prayed (and we continue to pray) earnestly for reconciliation to take place in Belfast. When people are reconciled with God, reconciliation with others will follow.

The work of reconciliation began before our trip, and continues after we’ve come home, but I am so thankful that we got to be a part of it for a brief time. Our actions during the week were simple. We invited students to participate in a survey called the God Test to understand what they believe, and that sometimes opened the door to conversations about the Grace and Love of Jesus. Several students gave their life to Christ and we’ve connected them to our sister church there in Belfast. I haven’t seen a tangible result of most of the conversations I had, but seeds were planted and may someday come to fruition.

Lord, continue the good work in Belfast, in your Kingdom, and in me. Thank you for the opportunity to go and to work for a company that supports Your ministry. Thank you for my friends within this company who came to my sendoff and who consistently add value to my life. May I grow in adding value to their lives every day.

Grateful in Florida

Day 23 – Thursday, October 5th

Jonas did great on our two flights to Tampa to visit my brother and sister-in-law. Jordan, my brother, was still on a business trip to Finland, so we drove to Daytona Beach to enjoy the Atlantic coast for a few days. 

Day 24 – Friday, October 4th

We planned to go to the beach on Thursday, but a recent storm (just a storm, not Hurricane Irma) created rough waters and washed up lots of debris. Our AirBNB host recommended the Ponce de Leon Inlet Lighthouse, which is the tallest lighthouse in Florida, and we had a great day adventuring. Visiting the Lighthouse Museum definitely made me appreciate the hard work of past generations.

Day 25 – Saturday, October 7th

Thankfully, the beach was open on Saturday or I would have had an upset little boy and an unhappy husband on my hands. We all had a great time playing in the sand, swimming, and surfing. It was wonderful to enjoy the day together.

Day 26 – Sunday, October 8th

On Sunday, we drove up the coast to St. Augustine and visited the St. Augustine Alligator Farm Zoo, which has an exhibit that contains every species of crocodilian in the whole world. AND since we’re members of the Abilene Zoo, our admission was half off!

After we enjoyed the zoo, we got some ice cream and drove back across the state to meet Jordan and Kim for dinner. We hadn’t seen them since last Christmas so it was fantastic to spend a few days with them.

Day 27 – Monday, October 9th

Kim had to work, but Jordan was able to take off to hang out with us for a couple of days. We met Kim for lunch and then went to the Florida Aquarium, also half-off with our Abilene Zoo membership. We also took the Wild Dolphin Cruise into Tampa Bay and a young male dolphin swam right up to the boat! My phone went dead, so Jordan let me use his to take pictures, but I only have a few of the files. 

Day 28 – Tuesday, October 9th

On Tuesday, we just hung out at Jordan and Kim’s house. Kim cooked a delicious dinner and then we watched some Netflix after Dave and I packed up to head home. It was nice to just spend time with them and talk.

Day 29 – Wednesday, October 10th

We flew safely back to Abilene and my parents picked us up and took us to dinner. It was nice to sleep in my own bed after a lovely vacation. 

Day 30– Thursday, October 11th

My sister was very kind to house-sit for us while we were away and I am very thankful that our toilet didn’t break on her. It waited until the night we got back! It’s an old model from the 50s and a metal piece rusted through. I am so so blessed to have my dad in town! He fixed the toilet for us while I had a relaxing last day on the couch. This sabbatical was such an rewarding experience! Thank you, Kris, and FD for being such a blessing!

A Continual Thanksgiving

Day 19 – Sunday, October 1st

My aunt invited us over to eat lunch after church. It was great to spend some time with family and not have to cook.

Day 20 – Monday, October 2nd

I organized our once-chaotic bathroom cabinet while listening to an audiobook. It is so nice to have functional space!

Day 21 – Tuesday, October 3rd

I spent most of Tuesday getting ready for our trip to Florida, but in the evening, my sister and I went to the Dittos for Kiddos consignment sale. I consigned some items this year and we got to go early. I bought Jonas a shopping cart, which he absolutely loves! It was great spending time with Rachael too.

Day 22 – Wednesday, October 4th

Haley and I went to lunch and then later Allison came over and showed my pictures from her trip. It was so nice to catch up with friends. That evening, Dave and I went out to our friend Kyle’s house and I captured this beautiful sunset. What a gift!

More Everyday Grace

I am continuing my mission of being mindful of all the blessings God has given to me. It has definitely been an eye-opening experience and one I plan to continue after my Sabbatical.

Day 15 – Wednesday, September 27th

I had the change to consign a lot of Jonas’ baby stuff we don’t need anymore in the Dittos for Kiddos sale. I spent Wednesday adding tags to my items and then got to spend a little time shopping at the mall. I do most of my shopping online so it was quite refreshing to walk around a bit and try on shoes.

Day 16 – Thursday, September 28th

 I am very thankful that Jonas had a good day at school. He is still adjusting to being in my mom’s class and sometimes gets a little overwhelmed with emotion, so a good day is a huge success.

I also worked with my assistant director for the Christmas musical I am directing at church and we now have an outline of the acts. I can’t wait to see the kids share the love of Jesus in our 3rd annual Christmas Variety show!

Day 17 – Friday, September 29th

Dave and I went to a wedding and my sister babysat for us. I love having my family close by so Jonas gets to spend time with them and Dave and I get to out alone now and then.

Day 18 – Saturday, September 30th

I tried my new pressure cooker to make dinner tonight. It cooked a chicken from frozen in an hour and a half and it was so tender and juicy! I am definitely a fan!

Giving Thanks

The premise of the One Thousands Gifts Devotional I am currently reading encourages thankfulness and becoming more aware of God’s grace in our everyday lives. With that in mind, the following is a reflection on what I have been grateful for during the first two weeks of my sabbatical experience.

Day 1 – Wednesday, September 13th

I am very thankful to have had the time to devote to my son, Jonas. The first day of my sabbatical was his birthday and Dave and I took him to Cracker Barrel for breakfast. It was wonderful to be able to let him get ready at his own pace, instead of rushing him out the door. Sharing pancakes with him on his birthday was a delight.

I also managed to gather items for Jonas’ birthday party and meet up at Beltway Coffee with Allison. It has been ages since I’ve been to coffee shop, so enjoying her company on the comfy couch was a treat.

Day 2 – Thursday, September 14th

Waking up with a sinus headache that dragged into the afternoon, I was thankful to be able to sleep it off  while Jonas was at His Little Kids MDO, under the watchful eye of my mother. I am ever grateful for her wisdom and insight, especially with the challenge of having her strong-willed grandson in her class this year.

I am also thankful for my book club ladies’ quick action when I showed up and announced I had spilled a whole gallon of sweet tea in the floorboard of my car. Our book club is always a special time for me, and I blessed to have made so many friends because of it.

Day 3 – Friday, September 15th

I was blessed to be able to go to the free Needtobreathe concert at ACU with my husband, sister and cousin Melissa. The weather was great for an evening out and Jonas had a great time at his Nana’s house so we didn’t have to find a babysitter. Always a blessing!

Day 4 – Saturday, September 16th

Saturday was a busy day, starting with the Walk to End Alzheimer’s. My grandfather died from Alzheimer’s, so this organization means a lot to me.

The rest of the day was devoted to celebrations. Our family went to a 1-year-old’s birthday party and then had Jonas’ later that evening. Jonas and his friends had a great time hunting dinosaur eggs, eating cake and other delectables, and getting nice and sweaty playing. I am grateful for the laughs and smiles of children. 

Day 5 – Sunday, September 17th

Jonas got to open his gifts from family after church. Another day appreciating the delight of a child.

Day 6 – Monday, September 18th

I could never say enough how thankful I am for my parents. I told my dad that we wanted to upgrade Jonas from a toddler to a twin bed and several hours later there he was with his trailer loaded up with the bed he had in storage. 

Day 7 – Tuesday, September 19th

I am grateful to have my sister here in Abilene. She moved up here from San Antonio and it is wonderful to have her around. On Tuesday, we went to an Arbonne Holiday Showcase together and had a nice visit with our friend, Laura, and with each other.

Day 8 – Wednesday, September 20th

Jonas had his 4-year-old check-up on Wednesday and did great! I am thankful for a healthy active boy!

Day 9 – Thursday, September 21st

I hadn’t seen by best friend from college since Homecoming last year, but since I have the time off from work, Jonas and I were able to make the trip to College Station to see her and her family. Driving that distance is no joke with a preschooler who doesn’t like to be confined, so I was very grateful for his Kindle and headphones and my audiobooks.

Day 10 – Friday, September 22nd

On Friday, Jonas and I woke to the delicious smells of fresh muffins that Melissa’s husband Francis had baked and then had a great day playing with the kids. I loved having the chance to invest in my relationship with Melissa and her family.

Day 11 – Saturday, September 23rd

We left Melissa’s after another delicious breakfast, this time French toast. It was a wonderful visit, but also wonderful to come home and sleep in my own bed. 

Day 12 – Sunday, September 24th

I am so thankful to the Lord for an amazing church family.

Day 13 – Monday, September 25th

I am grateful for the rain and getting things done.

Day 14 – Tuesday, September 26th

Jonas has a little bit of a cold so we are having a nice quiet day inside. I am very thankful for modern medicine that can help my boy feel better and soft blankets to snuggle under.