A Continual Thanksgiving

Day 19 – Sunday, October 1st

My aunt invited us over to eat lunch after church. It was great to spend some time with family and not have to cook.

Day 20 – Monday, October 2nd

I organized our once-chaotic bathroom cabinet while listening to an audiobook. It is so nice to have functional space!

Day 21 – Tuesday, October 3rd

I spent most of Tuesday getting ready for our trip to Florida, but in the evening, my sister and I went to the Dittos for Kiddos consignment sale. I consigned some items this year and we got to go early. I bought Jonas a shopping cart, which he absolutely loves! It was great spending time with Rachael too.

Day 22 – Wednesday, October 4th

Haley and I went to lunch and then later Allison came over and showed my pictures from her trip. It was so nice to catch up with friends. That evening, Dave and I went out to our friend Kyle’s house and I captured this beautiful sunset. What a gift!