Two Weeks In

It has been a crazy busy start to my sabbatical so far so I apologize for the late first post. First to recap the first part of my sabbatical.

Week 1

The first week was spent preparing for my wedding. I feel like being off work during that time allowed me a crash course in marriage. As Chelsea took advantage of my free time to run an endless amount of errands and prep work. Now I don’t want to take much credit and seem like a did a lot because, in reality, it was Chelsea that made it run smoothly. My “errands” were more of go pick this up or be at X spot at X time. However, during this time we were able to grow a lot closer together and ensure everything went as smoothly as possible.

Additionally, we got to see a lot of family members and friends that we haven’t seen or talked to in a while. So that was nice to catch up with everyone from high school friends to some of mine and Chelsea’s distant relatives some of which I have never personally met.

Week 2

The second week was a lot more relaxing and stressfree. With the biggest event planned for my sabbatical done and out of the way, we were able to finally relax some. This week we were able to enjoy our honeymoon. We took a cruise out of Galveston and visited both Cozumel and Progresso. It was a lot of fun spending all the time alone together and learning a lot about each other. We each forced the other to try and do thing out of the normal. For example, Chelsea is a picky eater so I forced her to try some different foods while we were on the ship. While she forced me to just relax and sit since when I’m on vacation I like to be doing something the entire time, like going to a show or swimming but always something. However a few times she forced me to just sit with her and we would lay out on the deck of the ship.



For the next few days, I’ll be home relaxing and beginning to read the books I have chosen. I will also be going home to visit my family for my mother’s birthday and to see my sisters and nephew. The only other thing I have planned for this week is I will be up in Dallas to volunteer at the MS Muckfest. I will be sure to write about everything that goes on as they happen.