Sabbatical Day One The Challenge

This is the second day of my sabbatical, and I am finding it to be both spiritually and physically healing, not to mention mentally.  Last week I had to have knee surgery, so I am starting out at a turtle’s pace.  I have already started exercises.  Tomorrow I get my stitches out, and hopefully get rid of these crutches.  Although pain medication and I do not get along, I found it to be a necessary component for this part of the process.  So I apologize for not writing this yesterday.  I just needed a little time to clear my head.

Last night I began reading the book “The Greatest Man Who Ever Lived”.  Of course, this book is about the life and trials of the only begotten Son of God, recorded at John 3:16.  For those who do not believe in God, or his inspired word the Bible, it gives historical facts that Jesus existed.  In the book, Napoleon Bonaparte is reported to have said: “Jesus Christ has influenced and commanded His subjects without His visible bodily presence.”  What a powerful statement!

Before I sign off, I wanted to thank all those responsible at FDLIC for making this sabbatical possible.  I can not count the number of people in the Funeral Homes that I represent, that expressed their wish to work for a company that shows their appreciation in such a way.

Jas 2:26  Indeed, just as the body without spirit is dead, so also faith without works is dead.  Through their actions, FDLIC shows how they value their employees.

Thank you so very much!

Debra Self