Author: debra.self

The Surprise

I just wanted to start by sharing some recent news with everyone.  Our daughter Keri has just told us that she is expecting our next grandchild.  Upon hearing this news, our soon to be four year old grandson Jackson, informed his parents that he knew he was getting a baby sister, not a baby brother.  Since the girls out number the boys in our family, and we have been told that this will be our last grandchild, we are secretly hoping that Jackson does not get his wish.  Either way, we are very excited.

My knee is mending nicely.  Although I’m still doing therapy daily, I have now been able to incorporate some Pilates in my daily routine.  My husband made a book holder for my stationary bike, so now I can do my daily Bible reading during part of my exercise routine.  Time management, I love it.  So that is how my day begins, Bible reading and exercise, followed by meditation.  After breakfast, its time to get ready to go out in the ministry.  Just as my job as a Planning Specialist requires preparation, the same is true for my ministry.  So I gather my sword “Bible”, my tablet, and other literature that will help me to be prepared.

The last couple of weeks have been so amazing.  Working side by side with our Pioneer Ministers has been a time of spiritual growth.  I have learned how to navigate the website more efficiently.  So now, when ask a question that relates to God’s Word, and my memory fails me, I can show them how to find the answer in their Bible in just seconds.  God’s word exerts power “Hebrews 4:12”.  No one out there has ever had memory failure, right.

I have had the privilege of setting in on numerous Bible Studies with the Pioneers.  And just as in my secular job, observing the way that others do things is beneficial to improve the quality of how I help families, the same is true for my ministry.  I feel this experience has really improved my teaching skills.  And I pray that my own Bible students will benefit from these experiences.

Yesterday I came across a young woman with two small children living out in the country.  I was  astonished to hear that her family did not own a television.  When I ask her what Church she attended, she said that they quit going to Church because they found them to be too judgemental.  I ask her if she still believed in God.  And she said, “yes of course.”  I then ask if she thought it mattered what name we used for God.  She said she wasn’t sure what I meant.  So, I read Psalms 83:18 to her from my Bible.  The New World Translation.  I then ask her who the most high’s name was according to this scripture.  She said “Jehovah”.  Then she said, “I don’t think that is in my Bible”.  I explained that God’s name had been taken out of many translations of the Holy Scriptures.  She then went to get her Bible, which was the King James Version.  In that translation, Psalms 83:18 reads:  That men may know that thou, whose name alone is Jehovah, art the most high over all the earth.  She said that she had never read that before.  I ask her if I could come back next week to show her in her Bible what God’s name means.  And she agreed.

What a privilege it is, to share God’s written word with others!!!!!!

A Time For Rest And Family

Our trip to the lake house in Breckenridge was both restful and healing.  We were there five days and by the last day I abandoned my crutches.  I am still having to do therapy to get complete range of motion back in my knee, but my family has quit calling me hop-along.  We had four great weather days while at the lake, and took advantage by spending them on the pontoon boat. The fishing was better than we had anticipated.  We caught so many Crappie fish, that my husband Rusty was tired of cleaning them each day.  I’m looking forward to our first fish fry!

The peace and tranquility of the lake was a perfect place for meditation.  A time of reflection.  We talked about our short and long term plans for the future, and our spiritual goals.

Our youngest daughter Keri, her husband Travis and our only grandson Jackson who is now tree years old, joined us the last two days.  They live in Fort Worth, and we haven’t seen them in six months due to each of our hectic schedules.  Children grow so fast at that age, I still can’t believe how he has changed.  He has his Grammie & Pop wrapped around his finger.  But doesn’t most grandchildren?

On arriving home, it was time for me to make plans for the following week for my ministry.  So I called a few of my spiritual sisters and scheduled time to go out with them in the field ministry.  Because I work full time, Saturday has always been the day I set aside to go out and talk to people about God’s Kingdom.  Which means going door to door in my community.  So, what I have been doing this week is a new experience for me.  I have been joining our Pioneers in taking Bible literature to the businesses in Andrews.  And because the majority of those businesses are oilfield, we start our day at 7:00 am.  By that time, they have usually dispatched their crews, but if they are still in meetings we do not interrupt, we return at a more appropriate time.

I wanted to share an experience I had with one business owner.  His name was Steve.  When I gave him the Awake Bible Journal, he told me that he had heard that Jehovah’s Witnesses did not believe in Jesus Christ.  I ask if he would allow me to share a couple of Bible scriptures with him?   He agreed.  I opened my Bible to John 17:3 which reads: This means everlasting life, their coming to know you, the only true God, and the one whom you sent, Jesus Christ.  Then we looked up Matthew 20:28 which reads: Just as the Son of man came, not to be ministered to, but to minister and to give his life as a ransom in exchange for many.  So I told Steve, of course we believe in God’s only begotten son.  That without Jesus there would be no hope of everlasting life.

Wanting to keep this short and not interfere with his business, I gave him this website:  I told him just go to the three dots with the bars beside them at the top right and click, then click About Us.  I thanked him for his time, and ask if I could return next week and answer any more questions that he may have about us, or God’s Word the Bible.  He told me that I could count on him having more questions.

What a wonderful way to start my day!

Spiritual Feast

I started my sabbatical on Tuesday Oct. 24th, and by Saturday my prayers were answered.  My Surgeon said that I needed to skip my Circuit Assembly which was scheduled for Oct. 28th in Abilene.  I had been looking forward to this Bible discourse entitled “Don’t Give Up In Doing What Is Fine!”.   Starting at 9:30 am and ending at 4:15 pm.. Determined to follow his instructions, but at the same time not miss this spiritual feast, I checked with Academy Sports to see if they carried a reclining fold up chair.  They did.  This allowed me to keep my leg elevated, and disposable ice packs provided the second part of his instructions, to keep the swelling down.

I am so thankful for my sister who was my chauffeur.  This allowed me to keep my leg propped up during the four hours it took to get there and back.  Also for the good friends who carried my chair and bag.

The following is some of the subjects that was discussed:

* Why Is It Difficult To Do What Is Fine?
* Avoid Sowing To The Flesh
* Use Social Media Wisely
* Choose Wholesome Entertainment
* Fight The Spirit Of Envy
* Invest In A Secure Future
* Keep Working Good Toward All
* Avoid Mocking God-In What Sense?
* Keep Sowing To The Spirit
* Develop Good Study Habits
* Use Bible Principles To Guide Your Life
* Do Not Let Your Hand Rest
* What We Will Reap If We Do Not Tire Out

For me, meditating on this spiritual food will take days.  My husband has a few days off, so the next part of my sabbatical will take place in Breckenridge on our Pontoon Boat, spending some quality time with my better half. Hopefully, with the sun on our face!

Sabbatical Day One The Challenge

This is the second day of my sabbatical, and I am finding it to be both spiritually and physically healing, not to mention mentally.  Last week I had to have knee surgery, so I am starting out at a turtle’s pace.  I have already started exercises.  Tomorrow I get my stitches out, and hopefully get rid of these crutches.  Although pain medication and I do not get along, I found it to be a necessary component for this part of the process.  So I apologize for not writing this yesterday.  I just needed a little time to clear my head.

Last night I began reading the book “The Greatest Man Who Ever Lived”.  Of course, this book is about the life and trials of the only begotten Son of God, recorded at John 3:16.  For those who do not believe in God, or his inspired word the Bible, it gives historical facts that Jesus existed.  In the book, Napoleon Bonaparte is reported to have said: “Jesus Christ has influenced and commanded His subjects without His visible bodily presence.”  What a powerful statement!

Before I sign off, I wanted to thank all those responsible at FDLIC for making this sabbatical possible.  I can not count the number of people in the Funeral Homes that I represent, that expressed their wish to work for a company that shows their appreciation in such a way.

Jas 2:26  Indeed, just as the body without spirit is dead, so also faith without works is dead.  Through their actions, FDLIC shows how they value their employees.

Thank you so very much!

Debra Self