Morning Oatmeal

My daughter, Scotty, loves oatmeal. She eats it nearly every morning she’s home with me. We’re each having a bowl as I type this.

The past two weeks off work have been such a treat – an exhausting, much-needed treat.  Connor and Scotty have been with me for almost a month now.  Even though our time has been chock-full of fun activities (we went to a place called Rainbow Vomit, and it’s every bit as cool and weird as the name suggests), my favorite times have been sharing breakfast with the kids.  The quiet moments before the day starts are the ones I treasure most, and the ones I miss the most when the kids aren’t with me.

On Wednesday this week we got to deliver Meals on Wheels to folks who couldn’t otherwise get out and get food. I remember my grandmother delivering MoW through her church when I was a kid, and I always thought it was cool that she gave back in that way.  Now, I get to show Connor and Scotty that same example – how important simply delivering a warm meal can be, and how a smile can brighten someone’s day.  I’ll admit, the recipients are much cheerier when they see two cute kids with their meals than when it’s just Ruben and me who show up (ha!).  Our route wasn’t the usual “FD” route, either – we were in abjectly poor neighborhoods – which was eye-opening for all three of us.  Connor navigated our way, and made observations about the environment and people that were intelligent, compassionate, and telling that he understands how lucky he is to have all that he does in life.  He’s a smart one.

I’m grateful for a company who allows me this time to relax and spend time with my kids. I’m grateful for the opportunity and ability to give back to others who aren’t as fortunate. Mostly, though, I’m grateful to have some amazing people in my life who love and support me.

Today, Emily will join us to deliver MoW again!  We’re sure to start an ongoing game of counting how many cats we encounter on the route, and which ones are cutest.  Scotty and Emily will probably win.
