Author: Carissa Hyde

Change of Plans

I intended to volunteer at Abilene Day Nursery but for one reason or another it just wasn’t a good fit. I thought to my self who needs my help? I remembered I always volunteered at the food bank in college and decided to give them a call. I talked to Chad who was ready to receive my help. He let me know in three days the Abilene Food Bank would have their annual inspection. Most of the food banks employees would be hard at work getting the warehouse in spotless condition leaving them little time for normal daily work. How perfect?! I met several groups of volunteers my two days as the food bank from college students to Nuns. I also got the pleasure of serving with one of the food banks regular volunteers Mrs. Lo. With the sweetest soul and fun spirit I had the best time. In the two days there we cleaned, sorted and boxed 4 pallet boxes of food. It was a great feeling knowing how many kiddos will enjoy the ‘sweet snack’ boxes we packed.

Familiar Faces

I was blessed with two beautiful lunch dates! Their faces may look familiar. Kristy was my first friend at FD, I was sad to see her leave but excited for her new job as a mom. She assured me Sunny is keeping her very busy; still adjusting to her new schedule but never bored. It warms my heart to see Kristy care and love on Sunny, she is a natural. Watching the two of them together gives me hope that I will one day get to experience motherhood.

Small Project for Most

One task I wanted to complete while on sabbatical was a new fence. I now know why the quotes for all the fencing companies were over $2,000. Fence building is hard work! Why would we need a new fence? Our old fence was four foot tall and half torn down with the newest addition to our family, four feet wasn’t going to cut it. With help from Taylor County Sherriff Office’s finest and family we have a new fence! Now my Houdini dog and our new puppy Guss have a safe place to run and play.



I was still and He knew. My meditation was exactly what I needed to get my sabbatical underway. I spent my time reflecting on where I am. Not just in my life but with my relationship with God. I needed this time to listen with no distractions. I can now focus on the areas in my life which need strengthening. My relationship with God needs to come first. Sounds easy enough to say but I need to live it. I need to spend less time worrying about trivial everyday ‘issues’ and focus on if what I am doing right now is what God wants me to do.

Be Still

I have had a plethora of anxiety about my sabbatical.  The number one question I was asked, “Where are you going?” as if I was expected to have a thrilling adventure waiting for me. My answer was always the same, ‘I’m not going anywhere exciting nor doing anything big.’ It was a let down to everyone who asked me. I felt this enormous amount of pressure to come up with an exhilarating plan. As we all know our plan is not always God’s plan. After praying and putting everything into perspective. His plan for me is exciting, thrilling and exhilarating. His plan for me is to be still and listen. My heart is ready for the journey He has planned for me.