Author: Cherie Voss


My time has come to an end and I return back to work today.  Im so blessed to work for a company that cares for its employees so much that we are able to take 30 days off. I have appreciated it so much! It came at the perfect time for me. Being a new mom, it was much need. I loved being able to spend more time with my kids and visiting with my mom and of course sleeping! I am looking forward to getting back to work and getting back on a routine!


Be Still

Before I started my Sabbatical, I had all these plans to get things done around the house. I was going to do deep cleaning, things ive have been putting off.  Well a few days into my time off , I felt that’s just not what Im suppose to be doing. So I decided to take each day at a time and do what i felt lead to do.  Being a single working mom, I dont get much “down time”.  Im always busy doing something or taking someone somewhere. So I felt God was leading me to be still and just rest during my time off.  So that’s what I did, rest. I felt a little guilty at first like I really should be doing something, but after a few days, it felt great to just relax, because this sabbatical will come to an end and back to work and my everyday Mom duties and with 4 kids ( 1 being 5 months) that’s a lot!



My Mom’s Visit

So my mom came out to visit while my kids were on spring break ,March 10th through March 19th.  She came briefly when Mollie was born back in Oct. That was the first time in 10 years that me and my kids have seen my Mother. Since the kids were still in school back in Oct, they really didnt get to spend any time with her. So she was able to come back during Spring Break. My kids and I really enjoyed having her here and getting to know her again. Since Jake is 10, this is his first time meeting her.  This was definitely one of the things i wanted to do on my Sabbatical, reconcile with my mother and have her back in my life on a more regular basis. Her visit was good and i think we are heading in the right direction. Im looking forwarded to many more visits and phone calls in the future.

Also during spring break on March 17th my Ethan turned 18! wow! can’t believe I now have 2 adult children! eek! lol


Week 1, Sleep! Oh How I Missed You!

For those of you that may not know, I am a single mother of 5 kids.. yep I said 5. Well only 4 live at home. My oldest (Brandon 21) is away at college. So that leaves Ethan (18 on 3/17) Emma-16 , Jake-10 and Mollie-4months old home with me. Working full time and having a newborn that sleeps during the day and parties all night makes for one tired mommy. Then there is all the things i do for the other 3 kids plus cook and clean and laundry. So being able to take this Sabbatical is a blessing in itself. Mollie has within the last couple weeks started sleeping at night and only waking up once or twice. Thank you Jesus! So this first week of my sabbatical, I have literally slept the entire time. I drop Jake off at school, Mollie off at daycare and go home and sleep. Pick Mollie up at noon and we both come home and nap some After a week of this, I finally feel like I have energy to do things. Today is the first day I didn’t come home and sleep. Hence the reason I’m finally blogging. I really am so thankful for this opportunity to have this time off. Jake has had a hard time with me having to work full time. He was only 7 when I had to start working, so he is really enjoying having me at home when he gets out of school and being able to spend more time with me. I’m loving it too! I miss my “stay at home mom” days!

Well hopefully week 2 will be more productive.. lol
