Author: Karen Toms

Things so far….

Good day to you! So far I’ve spent almost a week with my mom who is doing pretty good considering. Brother John and sister Lyla loved giving me extra chores to do for them. Mom just enjoyed having me there and wanted it to last a lot longer. So did I.

On return from Round Rock, spent Thursday mowing some grass. My fancy new mower had a flat so I used the push mower. Didn’t get nearly as much mowed before it rained again, but did get in some exercise. Didn’t see any snakes. That made me real happy.

Friday was the longest day for Alzheimer’s. I was there helping make breakfast at 7am and lunch until dinner around 5pm. I took home the best steak dinner.yum yum.

Saturday and Sunday we’re days off home chores and meditating on God’s many blessing for the past week and prayers for the upcoming week with meals on wheels.

Monday MOW was time spent with Frank and learning middle Abilene. Last stop was a sweet lady who has an antique shop in Baird. She loved chatting all about her life.  Today, I was solo as Frank had a migraine. It was a different route and still pretty warm out.

When I got to MOW, it was really packed and deliveries were delayed because of machinery issues. I made all my stops without to many route changes. I had to circle the block a few times. There were several nice people to meet me when I got to the houses with the mean dogs. It was a blessing to feel watch over and protected by God during those times and the assistance He provided through different people in the neighborhood.

What a great day!