Author: lee.carson

Week Four – Winding Down while Learning a Valuable Lesson

Over the weekend, we entertained my father-in-law’s 88th birthday.  His niece, Haydee and her husband, Tomas came from Corpus Christi early Sunday morning to celebrate his birthday.




We had breakfast at Garcia’s restaurant in Kyle and celebrated his birthday by singing Happy Birthday to him and also celebrated Haydee’s & Tomas’ 1st year anniversary.  They left shortly thereafter back to Corpus Christi.






The rest of the family decided we would should take my father-in-law out to eat lunch at Cracker Barrel in Buda.  As we were heading out, we received a call from his niece informing us that they were stranded in San Marcos by the side of the road.  They said not to worry that they would try to contact a mobile mechanic.  It was Sunday and I realized they probably would not reach any one so I offered to help them even though I was not feeling well (small headache and nauseated) from the night before.  I also realized that I would be giving up spending time with the rest of the family in Buda if I decided to help them.  The Holy Spirit prompted me of the Homily message from the week before when I visited the National Shrine in San Juan.




My recollection of the short Homily from a week ago is as follows:

The priest asked the audience the following two questions:  Who are you and Why are you here?  We are from God since He created us in his image and we are here to meet, love, and serve others period!!!




So I went home, picked up my tools, and had Tomas ping me their location on my phone.  On the way to San Marcos, I asked God to help me since I was still feeling kinda weak from the night before.  A few minutes later, I arrived and removed a faulty pulley around the Serpentine belt because it was completely frozen.  I took them to O’Reilly’s Auto Part store and they purchased a replacement pulley.  I had them request a loaner tool (a tensioner bar) from O’Reilly’s to re-position the Serpentine belt.  Fortunately, they had one!  I couldn’t believe how easy everything turned out.  My energy level was high and my nausea had gone away.  The whole process took less than an hour and I was off to Buda to rejoin the rest of the family at Cracker Barrel.  God’s timing is good!!!   I arrived as they were finishing their food but was pleasantly surprised to be served a plate of hot food that had been ordered for me while I was en-route.




We sat outside Cracker Barrel in their rocking chairs and handed my father-in-law his birthday cards and presents!






Earlier in the week, when I was shopping at HEB I felt God prompting me to pick up a crossword puzzle.  I questioned it because I have not worked on a crossword puzzle in more than 20 years but I complied and purchased a 1000 pieced crossword puzzle.  Little did I know it would be difficult and take me more than 4 days to complete it.  God taught me a valuable lesson while completing this puzzle which I would like to share with you.  As human beings, we like to know what our destiny is?  However, God doesn’t think the way we do because he knows the past, present and future of our destiny already.  He may tell you what you are to become in the future but He won’t share with you the details on how you will get there.  As human beings, we like to be in control and know what is coming up.


King David was told by God when he was a young man that one day he was going to become king.  David knew the end result and was elated but he did not know the details.  Little did he imagine that he would be running for his life for several years and live in a cave before he became king.  If God shared with us the details there would be no need for faith.  God already knew what the completed puzzle looked like.  I just had to be patient and faithful in placing one puzzle piece at a time.  God intentionally leaves out the details of our lives so we have to depend on Him every day, not ourselves! 




I took the liberty to read Joel Osteen’s latest book, Blessed in the Darkness which talks about how all things are working for us through God’s grace.  Joel assures us that God will leads us through green pastures as well as guide us though dark valleys.  Joel encourages us to trust that God’s hidden blessings in times of trouble will transform us as we grow closer to him by faith.


It is hard to believe that my 30 day Sabbatical is coming to an end.  All in all,  it was a good experience.   I feel rejuvenated in mind, body and soul.  Thank you Kris for the opportunity to get closer to God!


Week Three – Dad’s Funeral and Pilgrimage to a National Shrine

Left Monday to my mother’s home in College Station, Texas.  Later on in the evening, I had supper with my mother, sister, brother-in-law, nephew, his wife and their two young sons – Thomas & Alexander.  I truly enjoyed spending time with them especially Alexander.











A few days earlier, my Mom asked me if I could drive her to Mission, Texas so she could place my father’s cremated remains at Valley Memorial Gardens.  I found it strange that God had orchestrated this trip during my Sabbatical.

The plan was to get up early on Tuesday and drive the 8 hours to Mission, Texas.  Unfortunately, during the night my mother became ill and could not accompany me on the trip.  My Mom was devastated since hotel reservations and cemetery funeral arrangements were made and could not be refunded within 24 hours.   She attempted to negotiate with the hotel but they flatly refused to refund her money.  Therefore, I offered to make the trip on her behalf so she wouldn’t lose her money.

My Mom mentioned shortly thereafter that she had heard a clear voice calling out her name early that morning around 3:00 AM and thought it was me.  She even walked towards my room but realized that the door was closed and I was sound asleep.  I assured her it wasn’t me because I would have never called her by her first name.  I believe it was my dad trying to communicate with her!

My dad passed away in late August and was cremated thereafter.  My sister took half of my Dad’s cremated remains in early October to Kentucky to be laid next to his parent’s graves as he had requested on his death bed.  My mother insisted on holding my Dad’s remaining ashes at home until she died and was placed to rest.  As several weeks went by, my mother created a small altar at home around his urn which greatly concerned those around her (friends, neighbors and family) because they thought it was sacrilegious.   I elected not to pressure her and to honor her wish sensing she needed some more time to process his death.  To this day, I believe my Dad was trying to let my mom know early that Tuesday morning that it was time for him to be laid to rest?  All I know is that it felt oddly strange?

I left my mother’s home and after traveling for several hours, I checked in to the Embassy Hotel & Suites in Mission, Texas.  I decided that evening to venture out and enjoy an order of Patos (carne guisada tacos with cheese) from one of my childhood favorite eating place-Mrs G’s Tacos N More which was formerly known as El Pato Mexican Food before Mrs. G sold it to a private investor who extended her 6 humble locations to over 14 locations throughout the Rio Grande Valley.  El Pato is recognized as a rite of passage in the Tex-Mex culinary world and has been written several times in Texas Monthly since 1986.




Greasy but, irresistibly tasty!!!!!!!!!






Early Wednesday morning, my Dad’s cremated remains were placed deep inside a single ground space that my parents are expected to share next to other deceased family members.  My mom being a devout Catholic plans to be buried in a traditional casket and placed above his cremated remains.











Their was no one available to officiate the burial so I decided to read the Twenty-Third Psalm out loud, the Lord’s prayer and a Prayer for the Dead that I found online on my I-phone.  It felt strange witnessing the burial of my father on my own.   However, I felt a genuine sense of peace after the funeral.


Afterwards, I decided to go to San Juan, Texas to the National Shrine – Basilica of Our Lady of San Juan Del Valle.










The statue of Our Lady was humbly displayed inside a much smaller church next to the new larger Basilica several years earlier.  It was rescued by Father Patricio who coincidentally married my wife and I thirty three years ago (which also happens to be Christ’s age when He died).

My recollection from talking to Father Patricio was that a small private airplane intentionally plowed into the smaller church as an apparent suicide causing lots of destruction and a blazing fire.  Father Patricio was performing Mass and personally rescued Our Lady from the blazing fire.  He mentioned that no one inside the small church was hurt thanks to Our Lady’s protection!



As word traveled of the miracle that day many devout Catholic’s started pilgrimages to the small church requiring a much larger church as time went by until it became a national shrine.  Father Patricio passed away a few years ago and chose up to his death not to take any credit for saving Our Lady from the blazing fire that proceeded from the airplane crash.   It was truly an honor to know this humble man of God!





While I was at the Basilica, my mom called and asked me to follow up with another family friend, Father Lee Acosta who unbeknownst to me suffers from Parkinson’s.



The Basilica provides for their retired and sickly priest’s and I was allowed to see him for a few minutes.  As I was leaving, I found it strange that God had led me to a Parkinson’s patient since I suspect my mother in law may suffer from Parkinson’s in the near future!  My father in law suffers from Alzheimer’s and both are living with us since Summer.





I found the trip to Mission and my visit to the Basilica in San Juan strangely orchestrated by God.  I prayed for many while I was there and even made a small petition to Our Lady on behalf of my sister who is fearful of becoming a quadriplegic perhaps later on in her life.












Week Two – More Service Projects and Quality Family Time

Started off the week by volunteering with the Central Texas Food Bank Mobile Pantry.  We met the 18 wheeler truck at the First Christian Church in San Marcos.  I was instructed to unload several pallets of cabbage, onions, carrots, sweet potatoes and limes.  Back breaking work!!











As families drove in to pick up fresh produce, we assisted them by bagging and loading their vehicles.  The remainder of the produce was transferred to the Hays County Food Bank vans for distribution the next day at Saint Anthony Marie de Claret Catholic church in Kyle, Texas.  I offered to help since it happens to be the Parish I go to.












Later that evening, our family got together to celebrate my son Chris’ upcoming 22nd birthday at Chili’s Restaurant in San Marcos, Texas.  Enjoyed spending time with my kids!












On Tuesday,  I cooked 2 dozen Spice Toffee cookies from scratch for Santa Claus and helped set up our Xmas Tree in the Family Room.












Around noon, my son, Chris joined me to help the Hays County Food Bank distribute fresh produce, meats and assorted breads to countless families in need.   We distributed over 4,000 lbs of food in two hours.  I was so happy and blessed to have my son with me on his birthday.












I cooked this year’s Thanksgiving dinner from scratch.   I made a 6 lb Sweet Potato Casserole, a 4 lb Russet Potato Casserole, 2 Green Bean with Mushroom Casseroles, a 8 lb Spiral Glazed Ham, 2 Herbed Turkey Breasts (3 lbs each), 5 cups of sweet corn, Turkey dressing, 8 cups of Turkey Gravy and 6 cups of Spiced Cranberry Sauce.  For dessert, we had Walnut Apple pie, Pecan pie and Pumpkin pie with Old Style Vanilla ice cream.  It was a resounding success!













Enjoyed spending quality time on Thanksgiving surrounded by my mom, in-laws, sister, brother-in-laws, sister-in-law, daughters, son-in-laws, son, his girlfriend and our first grand-daughter.













I finished reading my second book, Experiencing the Supernatural:  How to Saturate Your Life with the Power and Presence of God by Messianic Rabbi K.A. Schneider.   According to Schneider, God is supernatural and created us in His image therefore by definition, we are supernatural beings too.   He proposes that we should not be constrained by our own physical, finite limitations and should expect the supernatural in our daily lives.  In other words, it should be a regular way of living and relating to God.  Schneider goes on by demonstrating many facets and ways one can live a supernatural life with God by listening and trusting our intuition, recognizing signs He uses to guide us, hearing God through our dreams and visions, etc.   In summary, it trains our senses to follow the witness of the Holy Spirit!

Week One – Service Projects Galore Part 2

I attended a one day silent retreat at the Diocese of Austin Cedarbrake Retreat Center in Belton, Texas about two hours away.  The retreat center is situated on 67 acres of wooded land with walking trails, a canyon, a small creek, a lodge, a chapel, a hall and many cabins.  Apparently, it is one of the largest catholic retreat centers in Texas.



The theme of the retreat revolved around Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.”






The day began inside the main Lodge by pondering on the following three passages from Matthew.  A common denominator in the word “come” in all three passages brought me joy knowing that God wanted me to come and spend time with Him today.


Matthew 14:28 Peter answered him, ‘Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the water.’ He said, ‘Come.’

Matthew 11:28 ‘Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.

Matthew 28:6 He is not here; for he has been raised, as he said.  Come, see the place where he lay.




I left the Lodge and decided to follow one of the many hiking trails while pondering on why did I come today and did I truly believe I could trust God with all my heart, mind and soul?



Trust is a choice we must all make even though we may not understand or know the way.







As I walked and prayed, I came across a limestone ledge overlooking a small canyon.  I was mesmerized by all the beauty of mother nature around me and I sensed the Holy Spirit telling me to shut up and just pray with Him.  After a few minutes, I started hearing the faint sound of water gurgling from the bottom of the canyon which by the way I was able to videotape on my I-Phone which unfortunately, I was unable to attach to the blog.  



As I questioned the Holy Spirit for the significance of the water gurgling out from the ground, He told me that God was the living water and to trust Him.







After lunch, I attended mass inside the small Chapel where I questioned myself, what fear do I have that I will offer to him today?  After all, one cannot have trust while harboring fear.



I realized right there that I had to make a choice to trust Him.  I had to risk loving Him with all my heart without falling victim to any internal fears I could be harboring.






After mass, I decided to do some more reflection and meditation.  I sat down next to a stone water fountain similar to the one I had heard earlier in the Canyon.




How I wish I had childlike faith.  I figure it is better to be hot or cold than it is to be luke warm in God’s eyes!






I finished my first book, Waiting on God: Strength for Today an Hope for Tomorrow by Dr. Charles Stanley.  God has an awesome plan mapped out for each of us, but He only reveals it one step at a time.  God uses delays to prepare us for His plans.  God uses our hurts, losses and disappointments to produce character qualities we will need to accomplish His plan for our lives.   According to Dr. Stanley, why does God require that we wait?

  1. To receive His clear direction
  2. To keep us in step with His timing
  3. To test our faith
  4. To strengthen our faith
  5. To sift the motives for our desires

By heeding His instruction, we are conformed to the image of Christ and empowered to walk obediently in His will and according to His schedule.  Sometimes He restrains our blessings until we trust him because by waiting it teaches us to walk by faith, trusting God’s timing instead of giving in to immediate self-gratification.   Sometimes we pray selfishly so God delays in answering our prayers in order to give us time to see situations from His viewpoint not ours!

Isaiah 64:4  No matter what we are facing, we can know that God always acts on behalf of those who wait for Him.  Since He’s the omniscient, omnipotent, and sovereign God of the universe, He can do what no one else can, and He always works for our good.

Week One – Service Projects Galore Part 1

Started off my Sabbatical journey with a bang by scheduling all of my service projects during the first week.  I signed up with Habitat for Humanity to build a wooden A-frame house on Saturday in Lockhart,Texas but after an epiphany a few days earlier, I decided I was too out of shape for the job at hand.  It was hard to swallow my pride and I rescinded to the idea of a softer service project.  Thus, I started on Sunday instead with Mobile Loaves & Fishes at St. John Neumann Catholic Church in Austin, Texas.

Mobile Loaves & Fishes feeds countless homeless underneath bridges and street corners.  I felt like the boy used by Jesus to feed the hungry known as the “miracle of the five loaves and two fish.”  I was assigned to the kitchen area where I proceeded to make 75 ham & cheese sandwiches, 60 peanut butter & jelly sandwiches and 120 kosher hotdogs along with loading up several dozen apples, oranges & bananas.  One can imagine how easy it is to make a sandwich but spreading peanut butter and jelly is tiresome and extremely messy!   After this experience, I would be content never to see another peanut butter and jelly sandwich!!!!



Later that evening, we celebrated with the rest of the family my eldest daughter’s 32nd birthday at The Olive Garden Restaurant in San Marcos, Texas.

Spending quality family time is important to me and everyone seemed to get a kick out of my earlier challenges with peanut butter and jelly.  We were blessed by having my in-laws in attendance since they are now permanent residents in our home.  First Timothy 5:8 “But if anyone does not provide for his relatives and especially for members of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.”  I said a blessing and we all proceeded to enjoy a hearty feast with endless salad and bread sticks.      Mangiare!!!




Early Monday morning, I headed to downtown Austin to volunteer at Caritas of Austin, a soup kitchen for the homeless and destitute.   Carita’s feeds in excess of 350 homeless every day and I knew I was in for a arduous day!

After unloading a truckload of food, vegetables and fruit into the kitchen food pantry I was given the task of sorting out the pastry sweets on large cookie sheets.   I guess they figured I couldn’t mess up the ready made sweets versus cooking.  Oh well…, they will never know?  The chef decided to make Shepherd pie, mashed potatoes, toss salad, fruit salad and sweet bread for dessert.   In all, we probably spent about 2 hours doing food prep before serving.





Two off duty policeman handled the homeless crowd outside allowing small groups of forty within a 1 and half hour time span.  I was assigned to be a busser which sounded similar to the word–buzzard and in fact, I found out it resembled the bird’s favorite pastime which was scavenging and eating leftovers.  I was responsible for receiving the dirty trays and leftover food.  I expected most of the food trays to be empty but apparently homeless are picky eaters too!  LOL  (lots of laughs)

In Matthew 25:35 “For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me.”

When we feed the hungry, clothe the poor, Jesus says “Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.”






On Tuesday, I volunteered at the Central Texas Food Bank in their warehouse division.  The facility is 135,000 square feet and has a new 4,000 square feet kitchen with blast chillers that can freeze fresh and prepared foods in under 90 minutes.



1 Corinthians 10:31 says “So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.”







In the course of 3 hours, we sorted 14,753 lbs of food with an estimated meal value of $12,647.  Several families lost everything during Hurricane Harvey.  We must always be thankful for the food that the Lord has provided us with.  No matter what it is!