Category: Uncategorized

Already Different Than What I Expected!

First of All, I was completely humbled at the possibility of a sabbatical, and then the process! To think that so many saints are lifting you up in prayer while on sabbatical! Amazing!

I had a private send-off and prayer from Ray Thompson, thank you Ray! His prayer was powerful and humbling and really set the tone for my start. He prayed that Jesus would become greater and that Steve would become less. That is my heart’s desire as a Christian…………now live up to it Steve and get out of God’s way!

So, God has told me to just serve. Serve like crazy for the next 30 days. Serve my wife, serve my family, serve my church, serve my community. 1) My wife, we sat down and made a wish list of things she would like done around the house. Her list, not mine. 2) my family, my parents need a portion of their fence replaced. What man doesn’t love to swing a hammer! 3) my church, we have some needs at my local church campus and I will be able to help out with those where i usually cannot. 4) my community, the day before sabbatical start I met with a couple who does ministry at local retirement homes. They visit with residents and help the staff with any tasks or chores needed. They mentioned that more men are needed as most of the male residents do no open up to female guests. What an amazing thing to be able to show this generation they are valued, not forgotten, and serve them with whatever need they may have. OK,, who is really getting blessed here?

Finally, thanks to the Armor of God coin (Ephesians 6) I was given by Funeral Directors Life entering into sabbatical, it is a tangible reminder to “put on the WHOLE armor of God.” I am focusing on a different part of this verse every few days. This week was the Helmet of Salvation. What a great opportunity to renew my walk with Jesus, focus on the fact that salvation is secured not by anything I can do, but what Jesus has already done! Thank you Lord and guard my mind against the enemy trying to weaken that assurance.

Thank you again to my awesome company and extraordinary leadership for allowing yourselves to be counter-cultural and having sabbaticals! Can’t wait until my next post.

Week 1: Hedges and Healing

The first week of my sabbatical seems like it just flew by! I felt like I had accomplished little, until I sat down to write this blog. I thought I could include everything I had done in this, but I think I’ll just stick to the highlights!

The first day of my sabbatical was spent at the Winters Dove Fest. This is a nonprofit organization that brings the hunters and community together for a meal, music, and raffles. Unfortunately, no one I sold tickets to won any of the guns (sorry!), but we did have a good time! I got to see a lot of people in the Winters community, and even some family members I don’t get to see often.

I have always heard that I am a lot like my paternal grandfather, and never having the opportunity to get to know him, I’m not real sure whether this is intended to be a compliment or not. Much like him, I do not believe in yard work. While I have not taken things to his extreme as of yet, and cemented my whole front yard to avoid mowing, our hedges are a little out of hand. I have now trimmed all the hedges in the front of our house and feel so accomplished when I can look out our dining room window without seeing our hedges out of hand. The girls also enjoyed it, because they got to play outside the entire time I worked on them. The mayor even gave me a shout out on Facebook! (Life in a small town 😊)

Probably the most important thing I’ve done, and the hardest for me, is rest. I am a list maker and a planner, and I like to mark items off that list. It makes me feel accomplished and successful. However, I’ve had mono for the past 6 weeks or so and had strict orders to rest, and that’s hard to do with two girls, a full-time job, and City Council. This has been the perfect opportunity to just relax and rest when I get tired.

This week has also given me time to spend with some friends, one in particular who is about to move to Indianapolis. Paige and Leslye lost their mom last year, and have had a rough year. Leslye and her four-year-old are now moving for her husband’s job. I am happy to be here for them once again, and love getting to see the circle of friends, old and new, come together to support these girls who have been through so much.

This coming week will be a busy week. I will be helping with Meals on Wheels. Our meals come from Abilene, so we have a van that one person takes to Abilene in the morning to pick up the meals, then several people run the routes once they get back to town. The churches rotate by week, and St. John’s Lutheran has this week. We have a City Council meeting on Monday to set the budget and the tax rate. Exciting stuff, I know. It is also my youngest daughter, Sarah’s third birthday on Thursday.

No Plan

My sabbatical began so abruptly I didn’t even arrange for a send off.  While I had some ideas as to what I would do nothing was really set in stone except a weekend getaway with Jeff.  The last day of our annual Management Conference, in my mind and my heart, everything came together – I’m to be still and listen.  So I’ve been very intent on slowing down and listening.  I haven’t been in a hurry to go anywhere or do anything and I’ve been focusing on counting my blessings and boy do I have a lot of them to count!

One of my many blessings is my husband Jeff.  I realized that I’ve really neglected our relationship so first on the agenda was spending quality time with no distractions.  We took a few days away from the real world and went to Las Vegas!  We slept late – no alarms to set and we just enjoyed each other’s company.  My favorite thing in Vegas is the shows so we went to see Bruno Mars and Michael Jackson One By Cirque Du Soleil.   My favorite was Bruno Mars.  What a fantastic performance – we were on our feet the whole time.  We ate some great food, shopped (okay my second favorite thing in Vegas is the shows) and laid by the pool.   Jeff is always so supportive of me and telling be how proud he is of me and I realized that I don’t tell him often enough how proud I am of him.  He has really done a remarkable job with the Skatin Place – he loves the kids and the fact that we can provide a safe environment for them on the weekends.  He is loving and kind and would do anything for a friend.

It’s hard to be away from FD – not just because I love my job but I love what we stand for and I love the people.  That’s why I had to come to the warehouse to help pack the backpacks going to Houston.  I realized how much I already missed everyone.  I watched the others at work and I got really emotional – we have such wonderful people at FD!  Another huge blessing in my life!

Today I’m going to meet Pat Baxter for lunch.  I’m anxious to hear all about retired life.  I know Pat realizes how hard it is to be away for our company – she was in the warehouse yesterday too!  Sunday I leave for Wichita, KS to spend a week with my mother.  She is going through her 3rd bought of cancer and I’ve really been concerned for her.  My sister will join me for a few days so it will be really great to spend time with both of them.

Meals on Wheels and Rest

I have recently returned from a relaxing mini Sabbatical.

The first week, I was able to volunteer with Meals on Wheels.  I have always enjoyed helping out with such a great organization.  The people I visited with were so nice and appreciative of the meal.

My first day, I thought I needed to make a dent with some much-needed cleaning.  I took all my treasures (junk) out of my closet to go through.  I quickly convinced myself to rethink that decision.  My precious junk could wait.  I put it all back to save for another day.  That day still hasn’t come yet.

My second week, I was able to deliver Meals on Wheels on Tuesday with my daughter, Robin.  And on a few trips to Meals on Wheels, I got to visit with my coworker, Erica, when she was waiting to pick up meals to deliver.

I completely appreciate my time off.  During the two weeks, I took advantage of nap time, which happened on days ending in “y”.  I was able to take several bike rides after lunch during the week.  And as a special bonus, I had frozen yogurt for lunch one day.  Okay…two days.  Don’t judge me.

My heart for all touched by Harvey

Heavenly Father,

Please put an end to flood waters for all suffering in Hurricane Harvey’s aftermath. Bring about dryness and low humidity as only You can. I pray for Your Peace to bless each soul with restful, restorative sleep. Jesus please melt their stress and mold it instead into a vessel of honor that holds their faith. May You bless them with moments of laughter despite the devastation. And may they see a tangible token today, a special gift, that reinforces in them the promise that You are the God Who Sees and Cares for all.

In Jesus’s precious name I pray, amen.

More Serving

Last week, I was quite busy serving friends and family.

On the last day I volunteered at the church building, one of my best friends asked me if I wanted to go to Dallas on Tuesday, the 29th to help his mother-in-law move some furniture.   She had hired movers for most of the furniture, but some pieces were going to my friend’s house, so I helped him hook up and clean off his trailer and headed to Southlake.  Her house is big and she has really nice furniture, so it was crucial we had to pack the furniture well and be sure it did not break.  Luckily when we got there another friend of ours from the Metroplex was there and did a majority of the work.  The movers were also there still and had some helpful tools that we borrowed to move a bookshelf, a glass buffet, a couch, and a coffee table with chairs.  My friend bought me lunch at Mary’s in Strawn and dinner at Chuy’s.  We got back around 10pm, and after unloading I got home at almost midnight.  This will be a theme for the week.  While we were traveling, he asked if I would help him drive a moving truck to Austin on Friday and back on Saturday because his brother is moving.  His brother is also a close friend.

On Wednesday, I went to lunch with a Pastor from Beltway and accepted a new volunteer opportunity for the foreseeable future.

On Thursday I went to  my parents’ house to help them with whatever they needed.  They were cleaning their garage when I got there, but that was a quick job.  I started looking for things to do when I noticed that the grass around the house and shop was tall. I grabbed the weed-eater and started trimming.   It took me about an hour to finish around the main part of their property.   I then went to the entrance to the driveway.  While I was out there I scared a snake out of its hiding.  That got my heart rate up.  When I finished, I came back to Abilene with my Dad to pick up some oil for his old truck and went to Lowe’s for some tools.   I wanted to help him change the oil in his truck that day, but had to postpone that to later in the week.

On Friday morning I left for the Austin area with my friends.   It was a bittersweet weekend.  It was fun to hang out with them, but saying goodbye to one of them was hard.   I am sad because for a while he and his wife have been probably our closest friends.  He and I have similar interests and jobs, we also have similar senses of humors.   It will be hard with him not close.  I am, on the other hand, excited for him because he is now in a city where he can live up to his potential and earn fair wages for his talent level and his education.  After waiting for the movers and unloading more things at the storage unit, we did not leave the Austin area until 3 hours after we planned and had to drive the truck back through Austin traffic, on one-lane highways, and trough a rainstorm.   We got back to Abilene about 10:30, then unloaded some trash, filled the truck up with diesel, dropped it off, and after driving my friend and his son home, I got home at midnight on Saturday.

On Sunday, my Sister and Brother-in-Law came down to visit my parents with their two kids.  We hung out with them after Church that day until late evening and went back out there on Monday (Labor Day).  I changed the oil in my Dad’s truck, which was about 20 minutes of work that turned into 6 hours.   We first realized that the salesman at the auto parts store gave us the wrong filter, and then realized we did not buy enough oil.  In the meantime, we went to lunch and I went with my Dad to meet a contractor at a property close to my parents’ that my Realtor friend is trying to sell.  The contractor was supposed to meet us around 2:30, we waited until 3:30 and she did not show up.   We came to Abilene to buy more oil and made what we thought was a quick trip to Harbor Freight.  While we were in Abilene, the contractor texted and said she was at the property at 4:30.  She probably won’t get that job.   I finished changing the oil in a matter of minutes.   Laura and I came back home early in the evening.

I spent the last day of my Sabbatical resting.  I’ll see y’all tomorrow.


Who knew?

It has been a big ol’ roller coaster ride since my last post. When last I posted, I was anticipating my 2-week follow-up appointment on Friday, August 25. And that’s right where we got in line for that roller coaster ride.

Who knew that even if you THINK you feel okay that you’re really NOT okay if your blood pressure is 98/62 (normal is 120/80) and your hemoglobin level is 5.2 (normal is 12)?? Well I didn’t so I couldn’t have been more surprised by all the extra fuss that ensued. My temperature was well below 97 degrees Fahrenheit too which added to the ups and downs of this ride. While our wonderful medical team prepared for everything they would do to “make me better”, Galen and I did what we knew would make me better. We began praying and reaching out to our prayer warriors (Notice our pattern since this journey began?). We were pretty quickly surprised by my friend, my nurse from Mississippi, coming to be with us. What a great blessing!

“You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance.” Psalm 32:7

That scary roller coaster ride then became much calmer and even our medical team relaxed and had visible peace. I had my sabbatical coin tucked in my left hand. Yes, I had a great day (Saturday, August 26) after all of this “fuss” which was a super gift. Then, yes, I did have not-so-good days to follow beginning on that Sunday (August 27). But it was all part of the process that was necessary to get me to Wednesday, August 30…the day I began to feel kind of like me again!! Throughout the downs and ups of our wild ride we focused on our blessings, love, and even laughter. It turns out that you can laugh when you feel seriously yucky! We laughed at my inability to do simple things like drink water without a big red straw (a.k.a. I could not do it alone), at Galen trying to be superhuman (do everything by himself) only to find that he does not possess super powers (a.k.a. he needed help too), and with our family and friends who witnessed these moments, belly laughed, and still loved us.

Remember, I said that on Wednesday, August 30, I started to feel better. The next morning, August 31, I read my devotional, Jesus Calling, which spoke to me about my fragility, my weakness and He told me that this was not a punishment nor an indication of my lack of faith. Amazingly, He was developing my ability to trust Him, to lean on Him rather than on my own understanding (or strength). Did you know that Jesus prefers us to depend on Him continually, trusting Him to guide us and strengthen us as needed? I had not focused on the very important fact that I grow strong in my weakness; actually hadn’t even thought of it. He spoke directly to me through this message giving me exactly what I needed. I had turned to Him in prayer and trusted in Him yet I hadn’t realized, in the moment, that my weakness was going to make me stronger through Him. So completely awesome!

The End. of that roller coaster ride and the beginning of getting stronger and fulfilling God’s purpose for my life and our life, Galen and me, together. I read in my sabbatical book, Captivating, about the radiance hidden in a woman’s heart, my heart, that the world desperately needs. There’s so much more to this book but this statement was profound and kept my mind and my heart returning to it repeatedly. I can relate it to my here and now in that the light of my candle has never dimmed even during this time. I’m sharing my blessings, my heart, and perhaps others will light their candles from my flame and my light will shine brighter because of them. This is the stuff His love is made of.

Serving During the Right Week

When I first planned my service week for my Sabbatical, I thought it was a chance for me to help out and do something I have some experience with that was also a former job.  Before I worked for DIG, I worked at Beltway Park Church cleaning the building late at nights.  My time there was beneficial for my faith.  It stretched me and I became friends with some incredible men.  One of those men still works there, but in a different capacity.

Several months ago two things happened that made me realize that this was a good time and opportunity for me to serve.  The first thing that happened was that the dates of my Sabbatical changed.  Later on, Beltway Park’s North Campus decided to start a Thursday night service, which started on August 24th.  That week was also the week we were back from vacation.

The first day of my Sabbatical, I went over to the church building to discuss what I would do and a time rage of the days I would work.  My friend told me that he was moving from the evening shift to the day shift and would be doing landscaping for the Church.   I was a little disappointed because I was looking forward to hanging out with him.   On the other hand, I was excited for his new opportunity. (This will also be a theme later in my Sabbatical.)   He introduced me to the man I would work with two weeks later, which was a Divine Intervention type appointment.

For the first day, I set up a couple of rooms for a conference the Church was hosting for a local organization.  I also organized part of the Sanctuary/Worship Center/Auditorium after the previous day’s services.  I also knew that the next day would be putting up all of the tables and chairs I set up on Monday.   Tuesday was an interesting day.  The head of the maintenance team was taking the day off because his wife was having surgery, and the man I was working with had an appointment 100 miles away and couldn’t work.  I got the opportunity to work with my friend for a few hours clearing out and storing chairs and tables.

On Tuesday night, Laura heard a noise that sounded like rain.  I told her I thought it was rain, until she went into the garage.  Our water heater was spraying water at the ceiling.  I was worried we had a $500 problem on our hands and it stressed me out.  I unplugged the water heater with a towel so I would not get shocked.  I turned the valve off to the water heater.  I thought that would solve the problem, but water just kept spraying.  I then released the pressure valve on the water heater, which took some of the pressure off of the geyser that was washing the paint off of the ceiling.  I then shut off the water to the entire house, and the water slowly stopped spraying.  Laura called her dad, and he and his friend (who can fix anything) came over.  We made a quick trip to Lowe’s and bought a hose for $11, put it on the water heater, and that was the fix.

Wednesday Laura came home at lunch time and I was to take our car to the church building to start working.  Fifteen minutes after she got home, I went to start the car and it would not start.  I thought the water heater would be the only stress of the week.  Because we only have one car, it is an inconvenience to have jumper cables, but no other car to jump it with.   Again we called Laura’s dad because everyone else we tried was not available.  Luckily he was close by running errands.

I got to the church building later then I had planned.   I helped set up a room and clean others.  Thursday was coming with its new church service.   I mentioned to the man I was helping how stressful the past 18 hours had been for me.   Later I would find out that was poor judgement on my part.  This man later told me that he had to rush his wife to the ER the night before and found out she had 67% of her lung function.   He never told me that I should have refrained from complaining about a water heater and a car battery, he was so gracious towards me.  A couple of pastors prayed for him that day and I encouraged him.

On Thursday I helped before the service for a few hours and picked up Laura from work and we went to the new service.  I mentioned to her about the man’s situation regarding his wife’s health.  After service, I stayed until 10 pm and he said he had met Laura and said how great of a woman she is because she told him we were praying for him.   I was encouraged by that.

Friday I helped him and his co-worker begin to prepare for Sunday.  His co-worker had only worked there for less than two weeks.   I was able to teach the new guy some things and get to know him a little bit.  The man whose wife had been in the hospital was getting released to go home on Saturday, but the diagnosis was bad.  The doctor said her condition was terminal and she had just a few years at most.   Hearing that broke my heart.

On Saturday we started earlier because most of the building was not being used.   Before I left, my friend, my new friends, and I got to pray for each other.   It was a growing experience.   The timing of it all fit perfectly with the things God had for me, and also for my new friend.

Mountain High Camp

Wow!  There are no words to describe what I experienced last week at The Mountain High Camp in Red River, NM. I went to help with the “campers”, adults who have experienced traumatic brain injuries, and I’m the one who was blessed. I know now why they refer to this camp as “God’s Camp”. God’s presence was there always no matter what we were doing or where we were at. We started off the camp with a Hoe Down hosted by the members of the Faith Mountain Fellowship Church in Red River. On Monday we went out to Bobcat Pass just outside of Red River and played games. On Tuesday night we had a “Barn Dance” at the Red River Convention Center. Everyone had great time. On Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons we went fishing or shopping or both. It was more than I could ever have imagined.

My campers – Randy, Robert and Kelvin

I made so many friends, including campers, counselors, volunteers and families. I’m looking forward to going back next year. I’m so grateful  that God led me to this camp.

Two of my new friends and co-counselors- Melissa Hartley and Carol Pritchard

This week I’m going to concentrate on resting and reflection and I’ll be spending more time with my grandbaby.

Until next time…

Sabbatical Wrap

Wow! What a glorious 30 days it has been. I was concerned going into this time off work, that I wouldn’t take full advantage of everything offered. I was also afraid I would learn some things about myself that I wasn’t ready to face. What I found out is that I did everything I needed to do. Somehow, even being sick for the first 8-10 days was part of the plan. It forced me to be still and reflect and take a hard look at my life and the things I’ve been avoiding.

Looking at Scripture in a new light has been amazing. I’m still reading a book by Rob Bell called “What is the Bible? How an Ancient Library of Poems, Letters, and Stories Can Transform the Way You Think and Feel About Everything.” It is fascinating, and giving me  good reason to revisit stories I’d glossed over in the past. It’s filled with history lessons about the culture and customs of those days, and who doesn’t love a good history lesson?

Leading worship in church was fun. I only served once during my Sabbatical, but it was life altering. I was able to listen to the sermon without getting angry – at anybody!! I was able to reflect on my own heart and soul with passing judgment on myself and letting guilt rush over me.

Attending church alone was the best. I honestly thought I’d never go back unless I was working during a service by singing or playing piano. I survived, and really feel compelled to find a church family. I’ve missed the sense of community I had being part of a local church.

So, I feel that spiritually I’ve been revived and renewed. I don’t know what the future will hold, but I need to have some hard conversations with friends and family members that have turned from the faith. I will probably never be the person who posts scripture on Facebook or puts like and share if you love Jesus on a post, but I hope I will once again be bold in sharing my beliefs and faith.

Something that hit me like a ton of bricks is the fact that I’ve been mean to myself and that I’ve been bitter and angry. I watched my personality transform over the last few years from one who loved and cared for people, to one who had no patience and little compassion. I used to be the life of the party type person, and I lost that part of me. I found myself becoming a grace-less person with little tolerance for anything or anyone. I had lost the joy of living. It dawned on me that I used to smile at people as I passed them in the mall or the grocery store, and I realized that I didn’t do that anymore. Since I moved to Lubbock in 2015, I have wondered why I haven’t made new friends. Well, I think we all know why. I wasn’t putting friendly vibes out there. I had become a loner, and I didn’t put myself in places where people gathered. It occurred to me that most of the friends I still have, I met at church or work, and I not only left my church, but my hometown and a job I loved. I’d become isolated. So, that is my post Sabbatical challenge, to make new friends in my not so new town. It’s cliche, but I want to find myself again.

Spending time with family was priceless. I also got to spend time with two of my Amarillo besties. Setting aside time for just me was something I will continue to do in the days and weeks to come. Spending time with my wonderful husband, Toney, has been a gift. We discovered that we weren’t laughing together as much because we were always stressed out. We found ourselves laughing together during my time away, and it felt like a much needed medicine. My second post Sabbatical challenge is the find and keep the fun in our marriage. We will carve out time for just us – no work talk – no kid talk.

I can honestly say, on this last evening of Sabbatical, that I am ready to go back to work. I have a renewed sense of purpose. I feel refreshed. I feel different. I am looking forward to serving families in my community with true compassion and care and to not put the almighty commission or leaderboards before their needs. I’m usually a person that dips her foot in ten different pools without completely getting wet. I’m scattered and out of balance, but now I’m ready to jump in – all the way – in this thing called life. I finally feel that I have forgiven myself and let the past be the past. It’s a new season!

Thank you, Kris,  for affording this 30 day opportunity to begin again. I’ll never forget your generosity and your care for your employees.


And now, for something totally different!

I realize my last two blogs were a little heavy, so I want to write about the fun and games of Sabbatical! I also want to mention my service project, so I’ll start there.

Originally, I was supposed to work at my daughter in law’s school. It’s a low income school with kids who are mostly raised by grandparents, so there is little parental support and very few of them volunteer. I thought it would be right up my alley, so I offered to volunteer in her classroom. These plans were made in early 2016, but they changed because our grandson was born in June, and she is still on maternity leave. So, I was talking to a social worker that is heavily involved in the community, and I mentioned that I needed a service project. Her eyes lit up, and she said she had just the opportunity for me. I had the privilege of working with Comfort Keepers and Meals on Wheels to call churches and private schools and encourage them to hold food drives or donate money to feed seniors on the weekends. I found out that 1 in 3 seniors in Lubbock doesn’t have enough to eat on the weekend because Meals on Wheels only delivers during the week. I plan to continue working with Meals on Wheels after Sabbatical is over. Nothing truly enlightening happened during that experience, but it reminded me that I need to serve others. I’ve been out of practice.

Grandkid paradise is the only way I know how to describe the rest of Sabbatical! This summer, 3 of my grandkids moved to Ft Worth from Amarillo. I saw them on a regular basis when they were only 2 hours away, but 4 1/2 hours is another story! An entire month passed without a visit, so, needless to say, when they came for a weekend, I was beside myself. We hung out and ate and laughed and hugged and did what we always do. There is never a dull moment with the Bowyer bunch.

After they went home, I flew to North Carolina to see the other 3 grands. They left Amarillo in 2015, and I have only gotten to visit them one time in the last two years!! So, I planned a long trip to go catch up on hugs and kisses! My oldest daughter also flew out so we could have a little mom-daughters time. Sometimes, I just miss hanging with my girls. When you add husbands and kids to the mix, it changes everything, and I was nostalgic for days gone by.

We helped Melissa, my oldest, live out a bucket list item – visiting Duke University. My son in law, Shane, and my grandson Brennan are crazy Duke basketball fans, so, we went to take pictures and buy souvenirs. We arrived at Cameron Indoor Stadium on a cool Wednesday morning with hopes of catching a glimpse of the iconic gym, but it was locked. We were so sad, but had the privilege of looking at memorabilia from teams past, and soaking up the atmosphere in the foyer. We weren’t there ten minutes when a gentleman walked up to us and asked, “Would you like to go inside?” After we picked ourselves off of the floor, we went in with eyes and mouths wide open. I’m not a Duke fan, but I can appreciate any place where athletic history is made and great athletes are molded. We took dozens of pictures, and admired the beautiful Blue Devil blue color that was found on everything. Another few minutes passed and another gentleman addressed us with, “Hello there. How would you like to know how to get on the floor?”It was too much. Standing on Coach K Court was overwhelming.  It was an amazing experience, and I could go on and on. Needless to say, it is a memory I won’t soon forget.

Hanging out in North Carolina gave me a much needed respite from regular life. I had no responsibility. I got to nap, sleep in, and just “be.” My son in law spoiled me with good meals. My daughter, Christi, and I had some great conversation. I got to watch my granddaughter, Aubrey’s softball team play twice. Catching up with my youngest grandson, Jamison was incredible. He is 5, and taught me about binary math. What??? He knows his times tables and can add large numbers. What a smarty pants. He is a joy, and smiles all the time. I was worried that he wouldn’t remember me, but he did! Barrett, my 9 year old grandson, is into video games and penguins, so, I spent a lot of time watching him play. I could write pages on all my experiences, but I won’t .Suffice it to say, it was a relaxing and refreshing trip. I am a happy Nana.

The icing on the cake of this visit was bringing Aubrey home to Lubbock for a few days. We got up early and stayed up late, and had more fun than I have room to write about. Before she flew home, I drove her to Ft Worth to see the cousins she hasn’t seen in two years. They face time everyday, but it’s not the same as face to face visiting. I cried when I sent her home. She is 11, and she is my girl. I will miss her greatly.

So, today, there is no company, and I am not traveling. I am home on my last day of Sabbatical. I am alone with my thoughts and a weird one crossed my mind. This morning, I did something I haven’t done in 8 years. I went to church alone. I’ve been on church staff or a church music team since I was 8 years old, and sitting in the pew alone is something I don’t know how to do. I’ve always had a job and a place to be. Toney works on Sundays, so he couldn’t go with me. I told God I would step out of my comfort zone and walk in like a big girl, and I wasn’t alone 5 minutes before I noticed two familiar faces that I had not seen in 10 years. It was a couple I was on staff with at a church in Dalhart, Texas. They asked if I was alone, and if so, would I like to sit with them. The moral of that story is that the Lord provides!  It was a wonderful experience, and I’m actually thinking I’m ready to start attending somewhere on a regular basis. It’s time.





Week 4 Bitter Sweet

Others who did their Sabbatical before me said that 30 days goes by fast and I thought nah but it sure did! It is hard to believe that tomorrow September 3rd is my last Sabbatical day off. As I look back on everything I have done during my time off I would not have changed a thing. I found a new organization that I can volunteer for, I would not have thought about trying to have my parents go back to church and the Bible study my wife and I are doing.

Those who have read the first week of my blog may be wondering about my parents since it was the main mission of my Sabbatical. Well, that is the bitter sweet of this all. Following up with my parents, my dad went to church last Sunday for the first time in over 30 years! My mom stayed home and watched one of those televangelist shows. Now, not the greatest for my mom, but it’s a start. My dad said he is going to try a different Baptist Church tomorrow and compare to the one he went to last week. I will continue to call them each week and see what I can do to keep this momentum going.

My family and I took a mini vacation down to Canyon Lake Texas. It has been beautiful weather down here so far and everything worked out as for hurricane Harvey. Having said this, down here the gas prices have sky rocketed and they are running out of gas since people decided to panic over gas shortages. That has made me upset since I had to go and wait inline for over 30 minutes and pay an outrages price for no reason! The only reason I went and did this is to make sure we will have gas to make our trip back to Abilene since some gas stations we went to were already out of gas.

Here are some of the pictures that we have done so far on our vacation:

We stayed at Yogi Bear’s Water Park

Brooke and Hunter jumping on the “jumping pillow” at Yogi Bear’s

Digging for fossils at Heritage Museum

Dinosaur tracks at Heritage Museum

Checking out Canyon Lake. Beautiful crystal clear lake!

Lindsey and I at Canyon Lake

Final Blog

This sabbatical has been an amazing historical event.  Too many things to cover and do justice.

I did read the book “God’s Kingdom Rules”.  It really helped me to see the theme of the Bible.  Jesus’ teachings focused on that theme starting with the model prayer at Matthew 6:9, 10.  For the sake of time I am going to list the scriptures that help us see “What is  the Bible’s message?”

Genesis 3:15; 22:18   Daniel 2:44; 12:1    Matthew 6:9, 10  Romans 16:20  1 Corinthians 15:22-28

Galatians 3:16, 29  Revelation 11:15; 12:9; 20:2; 21:3-5

Amazing how important the Kingdom that Jesus taught about is to vindicate his Father against the Lies that Satan charged  and to benefit mankind.

Last Day

Last day of my sabbatical, others told me that the time will fly by but I honestly feel like time didn’t fly by. Looking back on my sabbatical I accomplished a lot of goals I had set for myself and even accomplished a few I had no clue were coming. Since my last blog a lot has changed in regards to our living situation but lets start off by talking about the weekend.

Stephanie & I as well as our dog Ellie traveled 3 hours south back to my hometown of Durand, IL. Saturday was all about Stephanie, my mother threw her a lovely bridal shower in the afternoon and Stephanie got to meet a lot of extended family members for the first time. While the girls were having their fun my dad and I vacuum sealed the cheese that we smoked a few weeks back. Upon multiple quality control tests I can officially say the cheese turned out amazing! That night we were invited to have dinner at my uncles house and I got to catch up with a few family members that I haven’t seen in ages.

Sunday We had a huge family reunion on my mothers side out at my uncle’s pond. We had around 50 family members attend and some drove from as far away as Alabama! We grilled out and shared stories about the past as well as what’s currently going on in our lives. I even met some 3rd cousins of mine that live a few towns over from me who own and operate a honey bee farm.

Monday through today have honestly been kinda stressful. This new living situation has had me running all over town. Long story short after dozens of emails, phone calls and meetings I received an email today that the sellers of a house I was looking at accepted my offer and we will close on December 15th, which is a long closing date but that’s probably a good thing  because now we can focus our attention on the wedding and worry about moving once the wedding is done. My landlord told me last night that he accepted an offer for the house we are currently living in and that the buyer doesn’t want to move in until the spring of 2018, so hopefully the buyer will let us stay here until December. I was hoping to spend a few more days at the Hunger Task Force but this whole housing situation made it impossible to donate more time. I would like to spend more time with the Hunger Task Force in the future though, they are awesome people helping out so many families in the community.

Overall my sabbatical was a success, It had its ups and downs but God works in mysterious ways and it appears everything is going to work out. I am blessed to work for an amazing company and want to say thank you for allowing us to participate in this event. I will be honest though, I think I enjoyed my time away from work just a little too much. I had no problems letting go of work duties and could easily get into a groove of not having to go to work everyday :+) However I’m ready to go back to the funeral home and start helping out families again, I assume the first few days are going to be crazy but I will take it one day at a time and try not to get too overwhelmed.

Thanks again to everyone at FDLIC. This will be a month that I will never forget.




More Family Time

As my Sabbatical continues, I have remained focused on spending time with my children.  We have experienced some nice weather during the month of August and this allowed us to enjoy some time in our pond with friends and neighbors.

We have also had time to take a hike and enjoy more of the natural beauty of God’s creation.

My youngest son, Davis, completed his firearm safety requirement two weeks prior to the beginning of my Sabbatical.  During my Sabbatical, we competed in our first “hunt and cover” tournament and we missed only one target.  My son thought we won the tournament but I encouraged him to be cautiously optimistic.  We didn’t win the tournament since another team hit all the targets.  It was a great lesson for my son.  My son enjoys winning, but he despises losing even more.  We must be humble in our success, and gracious when we fall short of our goal.  Since the tournament, we have been practicing a lot.  My son is determined that we will not lose again.

Finally, we had some time for a history lesson.  Wisconsin has a proud history of logging.  As a result, we took some time to visit the “Big One”.  It is a cross-cut section of a Douglas Fir tree that is 586 years old and was 238 feet tall.  It was 98 feet tall and 133 years old before Columbus discovered America.

My time for my Sabbatical has come to an end.  It was nothing that I thought it would be, but everything it needed to be.  I have a stronger relationship with all three of my children.  Blessings.

The Giver’s High

After some time, thought and prayer I decided to move my charitable time to Mathew 25 Ministries today.  The Talbert House “Fatherhood Project” was still not moving forward and although I know it will be a tremendous program I felt the need to contribute to the hurricane Harvey relief efforts at M25M.  I will plan to stay in touch with Talbert House and give time as I can.

As I approached M25M today I could see cars backing up onto the road due to the tremendous outpouring of support from the community.  It was even hard to find a spot in the volunteer parking lot, but I parked and within minutes was working and contributing.  A typical day will see 30-40 volunteers but today there were well over 100.  Every age group and ethnicity seemed to be present and focused on the chance to help those in need.

I have volunteered here in the past but I must say that I have never seen the building and the parking lot so energized and moving at a pace that was incredible.  Pallets of clothing, water, medical supplies and cleaning products were filling up, getting shrink wrapped and moved in record time.  And the tractor trailers were filling up within a couple of hours as opposed to maybe one per day.  The time goes by so quickly and you meet some fantastic people in this environment, but the moment that I knew I had made the right choice was as I was leaving I drove along side one of the M25M trucks as it got onto I-71 South headed for Texas!

With gratitude,




Week 3 Service Project

This past week I focused on my service project which was volunteering at Loaves & Fishes. This place is located behind Sacred Heart Catholic Church in an old house. This is open for those who are low income families only and are allowed to come here once per month. In addition, everyone is a volunteer; all food is donated from food bank or grocery stores, and any supplies or items needed are purchased out of own pocket.

Staging the crates to put food in for famlies

Storing some of the food inside the house

I worked outside loading the crates with food and resupplying the shelves with more food. We would have six families at a time in the back with the food. After they had the opportunity to go through the items they could leave items behind or give to their neighbor. I would help load the food into their car and then I would take the shopping cart to the back and reload cart with food and get everything ready for the next six families.


The Finally

The last few days of my sabbatical have been interesting. Our trip to Houston ended earlier than expected due to Hurricane Harvey, the wedding was moved to Friday and plans quickly changed to accommodate the day early wedding. Even though it was rushed and there weren’t as many guests as originally expected, you would hardly notice as the ceremony was beautiful and captured their love greatly. The rehearsal dinner served as the reception to the wedding, which worked out great. A few friends left that night, but we decided to stay and get some rest to leave in the morning, that didn’t work out as well as planned; turns out its a bit difficult to get good sleep when you’re worried about getting stuck. So we ended up leaving about 5:30 in the morning to make it home in time for my nephews first birthday party. After the party I tackled the task of getting my house put back together since we got the new carpet in. With the house all back together I was able to relax again.

I am very thankful for this experience, it really helps put things into perspective allowing me to focus on parts of my life that I may neglect while working. I really enjoyed being able to spend all this time with my family and grow relationships with them. I go back to work tomorrow refreshed and ready to start again.

“The Babe” heads for home…

No, not that Babe….besides, he’s been long gone.  No more plate appearances for him.

Before we go any further, allow me to explain that “The Babe”  is a term of endearment (never before aired to the public) that some years back Debbi approved of allowing me to use.  No, not in the sense of …”Babe, while you’re up would you get me a beer?”..

No, it was born out of watching the occasional round of the PGA on the tube and someone would yell out (as soon as the metal face of the club made it’s resounding thwack upon contact with the ball)…”You Da Maaaaan!   So, what started out as somewhat of a joke, turned into one of those ongoing, although in our case not overused,  pet names couples sometimes have for one another.  Debbi was certainly not “Da Man”,  she was and is quite simply “The Babe”.  In our household, it is considered an honorific.  She has one for me as well. But, perhaps that might come later.

The title was certainly earned after almost 42 years of marriage.  She is one of the sweetest, kindest, toughest, grittiest people I know all wrapped up in  4 foot 10 inch bundle of energy that up until last Monday was operating on two knees that were long overdue as to being replaced.  She refused to do it before now because of her commitment to watching the Grandkids three  days a week.  She did  not want to see them have to go into daycare as good as some of them are.  But, like much of what people endure,  other things started going awry due to compensating for the manner in which she had to walk and move about.

Moving forward, we are now 8 days this side of what is considered a “Simultaneous”  Bi-Lateral Total Knee Replacement or BTKR, and it looks as if Debbi will be heading home from re-hab tomorrow.   She was ready for this in so many ways.  We were advised that the surgery would take upwards of 4 hours to complete.  And when Dr. Welker shared with me 2 hours and 15 minutes later that all went very well, it was clear he was very happy with the results.  He also mentioned that she would probably add back at least a couple inches of height due to the success of what was accomplished.

Just a side note to all of what has happened.  We chose her surgeon because of two good friends who previously needed his orthopedic surgical skills.  Neither of which would be as mobile as they are today had it not been for those skills and gifts.  Tell me referrals don’t mean anything.

Lastly, the Kettering Health System here in SW Ohio is topnotch.  They are aligned with the Seventh Day Adventist Church.  And, in all that they do, they honor God.

Enough for now, “The Babe” will be home tomorrow…I need to fold the laundry.



Family Time

During my Sabbatical, I have been focusing on relationships, specifically with my kids.  Since I spend a lot of time traveling and working away from home, the one thing my family misses the most from me is time.  During my Sabbatical, I have spent the majority of my time with my family.  We haven’t done anything extravagant, we have simply been together enjoying the simple things in life.  As we reconnect, we spent one day enjoying God’s beauty in a sunflower field.On a different day, I focused on spending some quality time with my wife on the golf course as we played in a golf outing to benefit our local school district.  I played the best golf of my life and I won a prize for the longest putt.  However, the biggest prize I won that day was spending time with my wife.

Time with Family Part 2

On Friday the 8th, we left for vacation with Laura’s Dad to meet the rest of her family on the beach at Dauphin Island, Alabama.  It has become a family tradition and this was the 5th year we have gone.  Laura’s brother rents a house on the beach on the Gulf of Mexico on a small island about 40 miles south of Mobile.

We usually take two days to get down there because it is a 12 hour drive with no stops.  When I was younger, driving 12 hours was easy, but not now.

Our first stop was in Weatherford.  Laura’s Dad has talked about a Car Museum/Restaurant for years and has wanted to go for a long time.  The place is called Vintage Grill and Car Museum.  We saw some old cars and some historically unique ones.  I highly recommend going and the food is good also.

Our overnight stop was in Minden, Louisiana.  It is just East of Shreveport, and close to the halfway point of our journey.  The hotel we stay at treats us well and the breakfast is good too.  The reason I like it is the cost.   While we were there, we met some nice people that were having a school reunion for Minden Webster High School, which from my understanding closed in the 70’s.  I was really impressed with the community the alumni of Webster High have and the love they showed each other.

On Saturday, we ventured on to Dauphin Island.  We got there in the evening so we didn’t do much that day.  On Sunday we played in the ocean some and saw a small shark.  Laura’s Dad said that is was only about 18 inches long.   I didn’t see any more the rest of the week, but we did see plenty of Dolphins.  We went to Mobile to go to shopping for food on Monday.  One of the traditions we have developed is each family unit picking a night of the week to cook for the rest and the last night having leftovers.  Our night was Monday, which was a good decision, we got that “responsibility” out of the way and enjoy the rest of the week.  On another note, Mobile has more traffic than I prefer, and someone thought I should drive.  The only stress of the week was getting around a large city and not knowing any streets.

On Wednesday, Laura’s brother and sister-in-law rented two jet-skis (sea doos).  We rode these out for a few hours.  On one of the trips I took one, my goal was to ride it as far out as I could.  I think I got 3 miles out.  The water was calm further out, and I wanted to go further, but I did not know what time it was, and wanted others to get a chance to ride.   Riding out to the horizon with nobody around was calming.  I saw some dolphins and crabs floating at the surface, but no sharks.

Thursday morning some of us got up early to go to Fort Morgan, which has a significant history.  There have been battles at Fort Morgan dating back to the War of 1812.  The Fort was constructed between 1833 and 1834.  To get to Fort Morgan from Dauphin Island, we have to take a ferry.  It got pretty hot that day.  Laura’s niece has two kids, a daughter that is almost 4 and a son that is almost 2.  While we were walking to the fort, we had to walk down a street, through tall grass, and on uneven sidewalks for probably half a mile.  To healthy adults, it is easy, but for toddlers, it can be arduous.   When we started the trek, Laura asked the 4 year old if she wanted to hold her hand.  Her response to Laura was, “I want to hold Uncle Jamin’s hand.”  I think my wife is jealous because of the attention I get from children.  Several mornings when she would walk downstairs, Laura would be asked by a 4 year old, “Where’s your friend?”  Not “Good morning Laura,” or an invitation to play.  Somebody wanted my attention and my time.  There have been several times on my Sabbatical that I have been reminded of the analogies in the Bible, especially in the Gospels of “little children.”  Uncle Jamin may be a mythical legend, and when the nieces and nephews get older, I may be boring and lame, but now I will give kids the attention they ask for and spoil them.   That was the main factor in buying a 2 pound jug of Utz Cheese puffs that I am still trying to finish 2 weeks later as I type this.

Thursday evening, we went back to Mobile.  Again I was chosen to drive.  Mobile has a minor league baseball team, the Bay Bears, which is the Double A affiliate for the Angels.  I bought tickets for 4 of us, Laura, her Dad, our Brother-in Law, and me.  The parking lot was fairly sparse.  The tickets I bought were good seats and only $9 a piece.  After the first out of the top of the first inning, two of the interns/hostesses came over to us and told us we were chosen for the “best seats in the house” promotion.  My first thought was “we have good seats, and there aren’t alot of people here, so we could move down a section and be on the first row.”  They moved us to Suite 2, which is Directly behind the visitors dugout.   We had an air-conditioned room with a tv and a couch and a bar to eat at.   I spent the whole game outside in the box seats in front of the suite because I love baseball more than comfort.  We had a hostess take our orders so we would not have to go to the concession stand.  We were treated really well that night.   If you ever go to Mobile during baseball season, check out the Bay Bears.

On Friday we rested more and ate leftovers as some of the family left, including the kids.  The last 24 hours or so at the beach were quiet.  We cleaned up Saturday and stopped to eat breakfast together and headed home.   The 3 of us, Laura, her Dad, and I decided to come back in one day, and got back at about 2 in the morning.   I drove all but 100 miles, which wore me out and I skipped a nap for the first time on Sabbatical.

Love and Care

Love and Care!

Wow what a week. I served at Love and Care Ministries on this last week of my sabbatical and man has it been an experience. I admire all the people that work and volunteer for this amazing organization.

My first day, on Monday was a little crazy! The leader of the kitchen (Janet) was on conference Monday and Tuesday but, the awesome volunteers and employees helped me get started and every person got their meals and everything turned out great.

Those of you that know me even a little a bit know that I am a little inquisitive. So, I think to shut me up one awesome lady (Lacey) said hey “Let me just show you around and show you all that goes on here” and so she did. It is an amazing place that helps cloth the homeless, gives them a place to shower, a meal, and prayers. They also give meals and clothes to poor families in this area.


They also have a chaplain that is an awesome sweet man (Sammy).

It has been such a blessing. The people that went through the food line or the people on street feeds were so appreciative and most of them had such a great attitude and so many had a great sense of humor which I love:) What a blessing to meet these people.

Friday was my last day and it was a lunch/street feed. We were preparing to leave when the Director (Mark Hewitt) came over and he went through the history of what was 23 years ago and where it is now and how God has led this ministry. His testimony was awesome! He then gathered everybody together and prayed for us.

And then the best thing happened on this street feed today when we stopped at a house and Janet went and sat with this lady and gentleman that were sitting on the porch. After a while, I was wondering if we were ever going to leave:) A little bit later Janet called us all over and we held hands as Sammy lead the prayer and both of these wonderful people accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior! It was awesome!

There is so much I will remember and cherish about this experience. Every person that I came in contact with during this time was such a huge blessing to me.

I would like to say Thank you to Val, Larry, Lacey, Sammy, Joe, and Paul. A special thank you to Janet for letting me be a small part of your team for a short time and experience a fraction of what ya’ll do and with the people you serve daily! I am blessed to have met all of you.

I have a couple of days to rest my feet (my friends at Love and Care wore me out for real:) . I am thankful!

Prayers for all of the Houston area!

Red River, NM

My first week of sabbatical was busy, but fun. I took my Mom to the zoo on Monday for Senior Citizens Day. She really enjoyed it. On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoons I kept my 2 month old granddaughter, Kleasy. I really enjoyed that. Just can’t get enough of her. I also got my hair done and oil changed in preparation for my trip to Red River for my service project.

I drove to Red River, NM on Saturday. It’s about a 9 hour trip. I’ll be volunteering at a camp for adults with traumatic brain injuries. It’s called Mountain High Camp or “God’s Camp”. The camper I was supposed to oversee was not able to make it because of hurricane Harvey. There were 20 campers and counselors from the Houston area that couldn’t get out. So I’m taking one of the Houston counselors place and overseeing 3 campers- Robert, Randy and Kelvin. They are all from the Ft. Worth area. They all got here a couple of hours ago and we’re all about to load up the buses and head to the church to get the camp officially started.

I’m really excited for the opportunity to help at this camp.

I’ll let you know how things go.


Tragedy, Trial and Triumph

Due to infrequent and unreliable internet (and travel), I have not been able to post for a while. This post will catch us up to today – my last official day of sabbatical – but it will not be my last post. I am still elaborating some of my thoughts and emotions, so I will share them post-sabbatical.


In the not quite 3 weeks that we were in Italy, tragedy almost struck 3 times.

The first near miss was when our beloved dog somehow got out (the how is still a mistery) and ran off. It was late and we had people form all over the beach village looking for him. This is the dog that twice now we have not been able to bring with us because of the time of year we travelled. He has been keeping my mother-in-law company for the last 2 years and we still hope to get him here eventually. To lose him to a freak escape would have been quite a blow to all of us. Thankfully, we found him and he was unharmed. No doubt he was chasing some girlie dog.

The second almost tragedy was quite a bit more serious. The family beach house is over 30 years old and has sadly not always received sufficient maintenance since my husband’s father died. The electrical is dodgy and since we are dealing with 220 instead of 110, much more dangerous. My husband and I did some upgrades a few years ago and increased the general safety, but if you put a washing machine and a water heater (on an extension cord) together on a splitter on the same outlet, you might have problems. One day, I started smelling a funny burning plastic smell in the kitchen and I couldn’t figure out where it was coming from for the longest time. it got stronger, so I kept following my nose until I found smoke. The extension cord plug was melting itself and the splitter. I immediately shut the electricy off and detached the plugs. On of our neighbors had experience, so he came over and changed out the plugs and we found separate outlets for the two machines. What was the scariest about the plug melting was not the possibility of a fire – the houses are not wood, so you have more time to put out a fire – but that the gas tank for the stove was right there by the outlet. I doubt there was a leak, but had there been one, and a fire had started, it would have been a bomb.

The third event is kind of funny. We were at the beach relaxing one day, but there was what was called “land wind.” I don’t really know what it is called in English, so translated it literally. It creates a dangerous sea and funny air currents on land. There we were minding our own business – Ilaria running around playing, Massi and his cousins standing around chatting, and me lounging on the beach bed thingy (under the nted beach umbrella). Suddenly a gust of wind (that I didn’t even feel) pulled our umbrella off its base, twirled it around like in a tornado, and dropped it on my head. It had whacked Luisa, my husband’s cousin, but she got the broad side of the pole. I got the end of it straight down on my noggin. It hurt like crazy and I iced it, but it didn’t break the skin or knock me out or anything. It was a bizzarre event for sure and I’m glad it hit me and not Ilaria.


While we definitely rested and enjoyed our time in Italy, I personally felt attacked quite a few times. I mentioned in an earlier post that I suffered anxiety attacks the first few nights. That was only one of the types of attacks I felt. As I studied and read, I begin to focus and make decisions. As we went through our time there at the beach, my husband I solidified communication and proactively discussed our future. We tried to mend strained relationships and build new ones. I don’t believe the enemy liked our attitudes and progress, so we got to ride a roller coaster of trials, gossip, negativity and frustration. That is one of the reasons I am still elaborating some of my emotions. Now that we are back in the States and removed from certain behavioral patterns, I hope to be able to make sense out of “the ride” – if you will.


Despite all the drama and emotion, Ilaria thrived and grew. She absolutely blossomed. She began to speak more Italian, she grew in confidence with the water and on the beach. She developed another level of independence. It was a joy and such an encouragement to watch her thrive. She came up against some not nice kids who tried to keep her from playing, and who didn’t know how to share, causing a couple of melt-downs, but we worked throught them and she grew in her social skills. She made friends and had other kids coming to find her to invite her to play. We joked that in another couple of weeks she would have been commanding the kids on the beach.

My pasta-loving little girl also expanded her culinary repitoire. She now eats what she calls rainbow plate: ham, cheese, carrot sticks, tomato wedges and green olives. She shies away from meat, so she has to eat 3 bites of ham to each bite of the other stuff. She loves the idea of the rainbow plate, so she eats it. I’ll take victories where I can find them. Ilaria starts a new school tomorrow, and I hope her food horizons will continue to expand.

There were other triumphs as well, but I am still sorting them out. For now, I will sign off. There is still a lot to do to get ready to jump back into the normal stream of life tomorrow.


P.S. Ladies, if you are married, I highly recommend The Power of a Praying Wife.


Last week of Sabbatical

This week has been very productive. The kids and I were able to feed a few more in need in the Houston area.  It wasn’t planned in advance but we enjoyed it so much last week we decided to do more.  In fact, this will become a regular event for my family.  It just seems logical to me that the human race should take care of each other.  One thing my kids have learned from this is that there is always someone who has more.  There is always someone who has less.  I am grateful for what I have and try not to ponder about what I don’t.  And this was prevalent during our time to be of service to others.

Additionally, this week we continued to prepare for the start of school.  This seems like an ongoing task from last week.  My little guy is going into 5th grade and my daughter starts her freshman year in college.  I did not realize how much work goes into moving a kid into a dorm.  Let me just tell you that I have ‘donated’ a significant amount of cash to Target.

I have mentally prepared for her departure all summer.  And yesterday it was surprisingly easy to move her into her dorm.  Because she came right back home as we now prepare for a hurricane to hit the Texas coastline over the weekend.  All schools here in the Houston area and most along the TX coastline, including her University, have cancelled the first two days of school.  I had ‘planned’ to write my last blog on Sunday which will be my last day of Sabbatical.  But, given the inclement weather, I don’t know if I will have power and capability to do it once the storm rolls in.  I come back to work officially on Monday.  I have really enjoyed the past four weeks.  I’ve grown and gained so much throughout this time on Sabbatical.  I am sincerely grateful for this gift from our company.  This is not an opportunity we will find with most organizations.  I am equally grateful to everyone that has helped keep my region running and my customers happy.  But friends, I have to be honest.  I am ready to come back to work. I found that I missed my coworkers and seeing my funeral home friends.  If this is how you feel during and after Sabbatical then you know we work for a GREAT company. 

I have one last request if you are reading this blog.  If you don’t mind, could you say a prayer for all of our homeless folks/veterans, the elderly, hospital patients and anyone in need in Texas/Louisiana as we expect the arrival of hurricane Harvey? 

Blessings to you all,

Week 3 update

my apologies for not blogging earlier this week, my relaxing sabbatical just received an interesting plot twist. Last week the night before I was going to leave home for 7 days my landlord told me he is selling the house I am renting so now I must find a house to buy/rent in an extremely short amount of time, while simultaneously finalizing the rest of my wedding plans! Yikes…needless to say this blog will be short because I have time sensative issues to deal with so again I’m sorry for not blogging more.

Thursday night through Sunday morning I was able to spend some time in Wisconsin dells with a few friends and family members I don’t get to see that often. It was supposed to be a relaxing weekend on the lake but my mind was more focused on my new living situation, I still managed to have some fun and relax but it was not as relaxing as I had hoped.

Sunday afternoon I flew out to Rhode Island to visit with my best childhood friend who moved out there about 6 years ago. We were very close growing up due to the fact that we lived on the same street growing up and in 5th grade he was diagnosed with cancer and I was by his side through treatment. I asked him to be in my wedding and he said yes. He gave me a tour of Rhode Island and we even went to Martha’s Vineyard. It was an enjoyable trip to catch up with such a good friend but I couldn’t stop thinking of my living issues waiting for me back home. We toured the east coast of Massachusetts before I flew back Thursday night. Today has been filled with scheduling appointments with realtors, loan officers and attorneys. I have a lot to do before Stephanie and I have to drive 3 hours south for a bridal shower and a family reunion.

I will keep you posted on my travels and my housing situation.

Week 3

It has been an interesting time since my last post. A bit of good news, my house is all cleaned and we have fresh carpet for my older dog, my son, and the new baby on the way. Yes you read that last part right, we went to see the little one on an ultra sound Wednesday. Seeing the ultrasound can really put things in perspective, making many things seem so small and unimportant. I’m very thankful to have family here in town who were able to help us in our time of need with the flooding, it really helped us get through this stressful time.

On a bit lighter note, my best friend gets married this weekend down in Houston! The Woodlands to be exact, a bit north of Houston thankfully. We arrived Thursday afternoon, and went to downtown Houston to the Museum of Fine Arts Houston to check out an exhibit on the Mexican Revolution through art, we wanted to slip that in before all the rain and potential flooding. The plans are changing as Hurricane Harvey begins throwing rain this direction, but its the joining of 2 people in love so no amount of rain can ruin that, at least in my opinion. Please pray for our safe travels and happiness for the newly weds!

Getting Results

No way to lead into this but to say that the pathology results from my surgery were benign = NO CANCER!! Praise the Lord and thank you to every prayer warrior! My 2-week checkup is tomorrow, Friday, August 25, and I’d love to have your prayers for continued wonderful results.

This is going to sound way too cliché but…I’ve been looking to cultivate relationship results in all the wrong places. It’s true. I was focused on developing stronger relationships with family members who just recently became a part of my life. And I haven’t abandoned that effort. What did I learn that changed my direction? Relationship opportunities are all around us. Trust. It’s all about trust…opening our hearts.

My medical team was amazing as I shared in my last post. Now let me tell the impact on my life by my nurse from Mississippi. She is an angel through and through! I fought the good fight to be allowed to keep my Sabbatical coin with me during my surgery. She gently won the battle and I gave my coin to Galen. He held it tight in his hand while I was in surgery; he told me later that he’d felt such a strong connection with me during surgery through this symbol of The Whole Armor of God; pray always. Definitely a part of His plan, not mine.

I talked with my Mississippi nurse as we walked to the operating room and we continued our talk, when we arrived, as the rest of team scurried around us. She kept the conversation flowing by asking more questions about this “coin” to which I had such a commitment! I shared with her about our first Sabbatical Year in 2010 and that I received this coin during my send-off and I’d kept it with me since that day. I explained that, once again, 2017 is our Sabbatical Year which allows me to, among other things, refocus on the deeper meaning of my Sabbatical coin. I was sure she feigned interest in my coin just to distract me and keep me calm prior to surgery. No trust.

The next morning my Mississippi nurse came to my hospital room. She’d completed her shift and came to see me on her very own time. That resonated with me, trust was born and my heart opened. She said she just had to see me to be sure I was doing okay. Then she did it. She picked up my Sabbatical coin which was right in front of me on my little lap table along with my Jesus Calling devotional. Her next words kind of sealed our relationship forever. “So, this is THE coin. Tell me why you fought so hard to keep it?”

We talked for more than an hour that Saturday morning. I took out the little document that accompanies our Sabbatical coin in its case and shared this with her. [Note: If you haven’t read the story of the Sabbatical coin you really should!] She shared her faith with me and a whole new perspective on Satan that rocked my world. We’ve talked several times since I’ve been home and we’ll get together soon too.

God blessed me with this amazing faith-filled woman in my life. We’ve already established a bond that will not be broken. Someday we can talk more about the conversation on that Saturday morning. The voice-to-voice or face-to-face is the only way to do justice to the story of my nurse from Mississippi.

The topic of trust seems to all around me in my conversations and readings. I now carry with me an excerpt from my August 22 Jesus Calling daily devotional.

“Trust Me, and don’t be afraid; for I am your Strength, Song, and Salvation.”

Days 22 – 30: Coming home

     After leaving Raleigh, Amy & I came back to my parent’s house in Waxhaw, NC. One of our favorite “Grandma & Pops'” house activities is taking short scooter rides around their neighborhood. The boys & I had a blast doing that! I was also able to have some great conversations with my parents, and I definitely felt much closer to them after this visit.
     Truth be told, I had moved the dates for my sabbatical three times. The final time I moved them was because I realized I could be in North Carolina on August 21st (the day of the eclipse). My parent’s house in Waxhaw is about 70 miles from the dead center of the eclipse, and this is much less than the 800 or so in Abilene (obviously). So our plan was to leave my parent’s house and begin our drive home on the day of the eclipse, timing everything so that we could be in South Carolina to see it (genius).
     I’m not sure if eclipse day traffic was news in Abilene, but it was definitely news in the Carolina’s. Several projections predicted that South Carolina would experience the most traffic in the nation, and the interstate that we would be taking (77) would be the worst place in SC. So driving south on country back roads towards the interstate, Amy & I were keeping a keen eye out for traffic. We were both surprised that we didn’t see much at all until we got to the interstate. As we were driving over the overpass I looked north and didn’t see any traffic, and then looked south and saw that the traffic was bumper to bumper, presumably for the entire 40 miles into Columbia!
     Needless to say, we decided to stick to the back roads. We ended up completely avoiding all the traffic we had heard about, and ended up watching the eclipse (it was 2:37 where we were) in an amazing spot with a hundred people or so only 1400 feet from exact dead center! It was a truly memorable experience, and everyone in the family agreed that it was absolutely worth the drive!
     The rest of that day and the next was spent driving to Fort Worth to spend some time with Amy’s mom, and then finally getting back home on Wednesday evening.
     All told, this was a truly awesome experience, and I am so grateful to have been given this wonderful gift! Thanks to Kris & the board, may you reap 100x your investment in me and my family!

We Still Do!

Last week was a week to celebrate 25 years of marriage! Gary and I started dating in January 1989, I was a Junior and he was a Senior. As much as we were “in love” at that time, we never really imagined we would truly be so deeply IN LOVE 25 years later!  After our anniversary trip to Jamaica I came home and prepared for an anniversary celebration with family and friends! It was a truly blessing to have so many friends and family come to celebrate us!

One of the things I pray for most is that our children see the example that Gary and I are doing our best to give them. Marriage is a lot of work, but the great times outweigh the hard times. Most of all, being married to someone that makes you a better person is so very worth the investment!

This week is a week ALL ABOUT ME! Yup! Time to be selfish for a few days. Gary is at work, the kids are in school, so I’m going to do what I want to do and everything else will be there when I decide to do it….or until someone else gives in and decides to wash the dishes!


Free SPIRIT Riders

My service project is volunteering at Free SPIRIT (Special People in Riding Therapy) Riders.  It is a non-profit organization committed to enriching the lives of children and adults with disabilities through safe, therapeutic interaction with horses.  At Free SPIRIT Riders, the daily obstacles of frustrating disabilities are left behind for the freedom of a horse’s movement.  Students challenge the limits of their physical, cognitive, and emotional disabilities.  As a result, their physical, cognitive, and emotional health improve and they build confidence, pride, and self-esteem.

Two students have been assigned to me, so I may build trust with them (building relationships and the process of relating never goes on Sabbatical).  My first goal with a student is to relieve any anxiety the rider may be feeling.  The rider must feel comfortable and be at ease.  So, my first rider fell!!  She didn’t fall off the horse.  She fell asleep and we ended the session early!!  This has only happened one other time in the history of Free SPIRIT Riders.  I thought I was suppose to build the self-esteem of the rider, but my self-esteem is at an all-time high.  Don’t worry, my wife is always available to keep me humble and stop my self-esteem from turning into arrogance.  My wife accused me of boring her to sleep.  That is a complete possibility, but we can’t argue with the end result, she was comfortable.  She fell asleep!!  So, next session I throttled back on the comfort initiative and increased the level of interaction.  She is making tremendous progress.

My second rider is currently struggling with life and is depressed.  Her cognitive abilities are sharp enough to know that other kids are not kind to her.  As a result, she cries often and doesn’t want to leave home for anything, but to come ride with me.  I have been able to relate and build a relationship with her.  Some of her favorite activities include softly hitting me with a stick (used for playing tag with other riders) and drenching me with water (the water is meant to stay in a cup while riding to build a better sense of balance).  I may have turned myself into the occasional drenched human pinata, but I have built a strong relationship with this student.  However, I don’t allow her to play “tag” or “water games” every session.  She has an infectious laugh and it saddens me to know that she only laughs when riding a horse.  My goal is to pour enough love into her heart that it remains with her the rest of her day.

Aren’t we all disabled to some degree?  I am not disabled physically or cognitively, but my soul is disabled.  I am a sinner.  My disability is something I pursue reducing as I strive to have a heart like Jesus, full of love and peace.  Just as Jesus saved my soul, Jesus also longs to improve my heart.  Often our soul is connected to Jesus, but our heart is not altered.  Not only must we trust Jesus for salvation, but allow the love from Jesus to transform our heart.  The more time I spend with these students, the more my heart is filled with love and peace.  Let your heart be transformed!

Testing, 1, 2…30

“I promise, I’ll be brief”, said the salesman as he stepped across the threshold.

Nothing awesome or profound to report so far. What began as testing the blog waters may just stay on as a first installment.

Monday is day three, and Debbi is in the midst of her double knee replacement procedure. She’s such a trooper with the pain she has endured. She’s been ready for this for a time, and only in the last few days has she allowed her façade to show any cracks regarding her discomfort. We were both up by 3:30 AM to be at the hospital by 5:30 this morning. Immediately following surgery, the doctor came out to brief me on the success of her operation. He was pleased with the outcome and it only took 2 hours and 15 minutes. We were told it would range from 2 1/2 to 4 hours. As I type this she is resting, pain free and sound asleep.  Thanks to all of my FD family for the prayers for Debbi today.  Evidence abounds in God’s grace and mercy as she recovers and heals.

Getting up early for me is nothing new, I am usually up by 4:30 AM most mornings, and this last Saturday was THE first in what I can remember as a Saturday with nowhere to be in the morning. I was abed by 9 PM Friday and didn’t drag myself out of bed until 8 AM Saturday morning. 11 hours….What was that all about? Then yesterday I saw the opportunity to take a quick nap and what was to be maybe 30 minutes turned out to be a 2 ½ hour snooze fest. The rubber band has definitely lost its tension. So, I can see where the resting part of what we are called to do took little effort to achieve.

I started this journey with a short intermittent 24 hour fast coupled with prayers from Friday to Saturday. My good friend Mike, is always game to share in doing one of these, and we hope to perhaps do this a few times in the coming days and maybe one for a more extended period. We always have a purpose for these, but that’ll have to remain private.

Lastly, to bolster the whole experience, I am reading the Andy Stanley book, “Visioneering”, re-reading, “Love Does” by Bob Goff, as well as continuing to make my way through the devotional gift we received at the Summer Sales Meetings, “Book of Mysteries” by Jonathon Cahn.

In closing, for now, probably my biggest challenge over the remaining 27 days will be NOT filling all available time with activities. I need to throttle back a bunch. Nothing new, right?


2nd Week Complete (already)

As I write this second blog I can’t believe two weeks have gone by and I have started my third week already. Last week was more relaxing since I did not travel or do any work outside like I did at my parents house. Instead, I started my Bible study, continued reading my devotional book, and learned a lot about homeschooling.

First about my Bible study that I am doing. We had purchased this years ago for my wife to go in a group Bible study from our church back when we lived in Keller, TX. I stayed at home watching our kids so my wife could attend and now I have the opportunity to go through it. My wife Lindsey and I are doing this study together and we are doing two sessions a day which is two chapters a day. With no interruptions, we are averaging 1.5-2.0 hours to complete 2 sessions per day. I will have to admit that I am really appreciative of religious scholars and leaders who have taken time to put together study guides to give you the meaning of what you read. If you’re like me, I need all the help I can get!

Sorry for the sideways picture but I tried and tried to rotate it and the system won’t have it!

As for my continuation of “The book of Mysteries” I like the most so far the mission of the day that he gives. Don’t get me wrong, I do like the content his teacher gives the author and I think about that as well. But, for some reason I really like the mission that is at the end of each page.

As for home school, man, my wife keeps my three kids jammed packed everyday. A typical day goes like this: Breakfast, a few hours of school work, take kids to a place called Studio One (more on this later), come home eat lunch, more school work, back to Studio One, back home and finish remaining school work. I helped out where I could last week and I will do the same for week three when I am not working at Loaves and Fishes for my service project.

Studio One on 7th Street is place that is mainly for homeschoolers, but all is welcome. She does different activities for all different age groups throughout the day and week. Besides the basics, my daughter takes babysitting class, and photography. My son takes Wild Kratts class and chess club.

Time with Family Part I

The first day of my Sabbatical was more or less uneventful. I read the entire Gospel of John, and the first chapter of “Cure for the Common Life” by Max Lucado.  Two weeks ago today, I came down with an allergy attack that took away any energy I was hoping to exert.  It was a mystery why my allergies reacted that way for a couple of days, then I remembered what I did the day before.

My parents had a garage sale on the 4th and 5th, which was the Saturday before I started my Sabbatical.  My Mom’s two sisters came to visit them and help, along with their husbands, one of my cousins and another cousin once-removed.  (The generation gap in family trees confuses me sometimes.) Their garage sale was going on at the same time as a family reunion for Laura’s family on the evening on the 4th and the first part of the 5th.  Laura’s family is large,  I don’t know how many cousins she has or how many her Dad has.  This reunion was for her Dad’s Mother’s parents’ descendants.  I met some people I have not met before, so that was interesting and fun.  It was also exhausting to my introvert side.

When that was over, we headed to my parents’ place to see my Mom’s family and helped clean up after the garage sale.  That meant a long trip with an open trailer from Eula to Abilene for a stop a Goodwill to donate an inordinate amount of clothing (some of which may still be on South 11th and Treadaway).

My parents could have garage sales every weekend from now until Kingdom Come and still have too much “stuff.”  They have always been garage sale aficionados, but over the last year, they have gotten hooked on auctions as well.   So on Sunday, the 6th,  I got the opportunity to go with my Dad and two uncles to an auction in an older part of town.  I wasn’t planning on buying anything.  However, when we were outside, there was a stack of “Abilene” bricks along with a half full propane tank for my grill and some other “junk.”  When I saw it, I was sure the bidding would be too high.  The auctioneer started at $5, nothing, then he went to $2, nothing, and again asked for two.  Because I did not expect to buy anything, I did not register to bid.  So the third time the auctioneer asked for $2, I elbowed my Dad and said I wanted it and would pay him back.  I got about 45 bricks and a propane tank for $2 and tax.  There were so many ants and spiders in that stack of bricks, I had to put on gloves and still got bit a couple of times.  I think those bricks had been in the same stack for over 20 years and some of them may be 100 years old.   I have always wanted “Abilene” bricks.  Abilene is home to us and has had a significant place in my family.  


I tell this story partly to explain the mystery of the allergy attack.  On Tuesday, I had time to reflect and also figure out what to do with the bricks.   I remembered walking into the house and recalling the smell, it smelled like a pet or a hundred pets, specifically cats.  So, on Monday, the 7th, I rested.

On Tuesday morning, I rested some more, and did a few things around the house for Laura, and in the afternoon, we did chores together.  On Wednesday, the 9th I called my Mom to see what they were doing and if I could go out to their place and clean off my “new” bricks and measure them.  She told me they were going to pick up my niece, who is 3, because my 2 month old nephew was having his second surgery in two weeks on his throat.  I don’t know much about medical procedures, but I think the surgeries were called “supraglottoplasty.”  The first one was on the sides of his throat to clear up some tissue that constricted his breathing and the second surgery was on the top of his throat.  Fortunately, the second surgery went smoother.  I went with my Mom and Dad to meet my Brother-in Law, kids in tow at a truckstop around Gordon.  It was a good time for me to chat with my parents about things we haven’t really talked about in several years.  It also gave me a chance to compliment them on how well they raised my siblings and me.  On the way back to their house, we stopped at DQ in Ranger and got to see my parents be grandparents and buy too much ice cream for my niece, which meant she got to share with “Uncle Jamin.”  A quick discloure, there may be future blogs about the legend of “Uncle Jamin” and his status, which rivals Greek Mythology.  After getting back to Mom and Dad’s, Mykenna (my niece)  wanted to see the chickens, so we walked behind the shop and watched the chickens and I collected the eggs.  Going to the “farm” (only 5 acres) is one of her favorite things to do, evidenced by her perpetual singing of “‘Nellie and Pop-Pop’ have a farm, E-I-E-I-O.”(Nellie and Pop-Pop have become my parents’ grandparent nicknames.)  We came back to Abilene and hung out at our house for a couple of hours until Mykenna got tired and they went back to Eula.

On Thursday, Laura and I did more things around the house, including yard work. Finishing up my first week of sabbatical, on Friday the 11th, we left for vacation with Laura’s Dad to meet Laura’s family for a week on the beach.

Week 3

Hello FD family and friends,

It’s been a while since my last blog.  Mostly because there has been one thing after another on my calendar.  I might need to come back to work just so that I can rest!  It’s all been in good fun though.  Last weekend I was able to enjoy some very quality time with my best friend and both our families.  This is a rare opportunity given we both live busy lives with kids.  We enjoyed the beach and thanked God for each other and the blessings in our lives.  Then we rushed back to home in the concrete jungle for the work week.  We are down to the last week of summer for kids and it seems like there is more to do than usual to prepare them for the school year.  Most of my week was checking off a zillion things for each of them.  Too many to list and you don’t want to read that anyway.  While I thought I would be doing more ‘fun’ stuff on Sabbatical, this provided me with time to spend with each of them independently.  I recently saw on Facebook that time = love to a child.  As a working mom that travels quite a bit, I have to say this was a huge blessing to have just time.  My daughter is about to leave for college.  This is my first born and I’m not sure what to expect as we are packing her up this week to move into the dorm.  What I do know is that this time is precious so I am cherishing every minute.  Meanwhile, my son (age 10) is starting his last year in elementary school and as a result of them growing up too fast, I may be having a mid life crisis by the end of the week.  This is my last week of Sabbatical.  I plan to make the most of it!  Until next time…

And so it begins…

I wasn’t going to start blogging until later in the week, but I just wanted to share my devotional from yesterday. I’m using Joyce Meyer’s “Love Out Loud” for my devotional study. This coming Saturday, I’m driving to Red River, NM to help out as a counselor at Mountain High Camp – a 5 day camp for adults who have suffered traumatic brain injuries. I’m really excited about this opportunity to serve, but I’m a little apprehensive also. I’ve never done anything like this before and it’s a bit out of my comfort zone, but I know this is what God wants me to do. So yesterday I’m reading  my devotional for August 20, (because there is no way I could start at January 1 when it’s August haha) and it was of course perfect for the situation

“August 20
No More Same Old Same Old
Do not [earnestly] remember the former things; neither consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing! ISAIAH 43: 18, 19
In today’s Scripture, God says He is doing a new thing. As you move into the future He has for you, you will encounter all kinds of new opportunities, and challenges. The days ahead will be full of new experiences, things you have never done before. You may not know how to do them, but you will learn. Everything you are doing today was new to you at one time—and look, now you can do it. Continuing to face new challenges and develop new abilities is extremely important to your growth and maturity. As you walk with God into your future, you will hear Him say, “You have not done this before, but don’t be afraid. I’m taking you to a place you have never been before. I’m going to ask you to do something you don’t know how to do!” God has already been where He is leading you, and He has prepared the way. Step out in faith and you will experience the faithfulness of God. We think and say, “It’s time for a change! I need something new,” and then we hesitate to embrace that new thing when it comes. If you are ready for something new and fresh, don’t be afraid to embrace it when it comes. Don’t stay trapped in the past. Let go of what lies behind and press into the great future God has planned for you. I can promise you: God is with you. He will lead you. He will strengthen you. He will help you.
Love God Today: With God’s help, I will embrace every new thing He brings into my life.”

God’s got this!

Today is “Senior Citizen Day” at the Abilene Zoo, so I’m going to take my Mom. She doesn’t get around too good and hasn’t been to the zoo in several years, so I think she’ll enjoy it and I’m grateful for the opportunity to spend some quality time with her.

To be continued…


Hi All,

Wow, I am half way through my sabbatical!

I traveled to Fayetteville, Arkansas for some family time with my daughter and granddaughter. My son and his family made it there a couple of days before me and we had a great time. The grandkids love each other so much and it makes a Mimi’s heart happy to see her kids and grandkids have so much fun together.

After a week in Fayetteville I was planning on heading home on Monday when everybody left for work/school but, my granddaughter wanted to stay behind and help me while I finished packing up. So I had the pleasure of taking her to preschool on my way out of town. It was bittersweet! She was so happy to be back at school where she had not been for a week in order to spend time with her family from Texas. She was extremely happy to see her teacher and her classmates. She did manage to give me a hug goodbye in between accepting all the welcoming back hugs from her peeps. By the way, I expect the same reception when I return to work:) lol.

I cherish that time with my kids and grandkids!

I had a couple of things to complete this week with my mom and her appointments. It has been so nice and truly funny and frustrating at times with my mom. We are truly alike in so many ways and I just smile and Thank God for her every day!

I also meet with Terry from Love and Care Ministries on Wednesday and he got me lined out on where to report on Monday. I will be serving in the kitchen and I am looking forward to that.

I have had plenty of rest with no alarm clocks (except for grandkids lol) and my reading has been great!

Peace and Blessings

Reunions and Celebrations

The last part of my sabbatical provided two different opportunities to spend time with family members. We took a quick trip to Arlington with Mark’s youngest brother and his family for their last hurrah before the start of school. It was great to spend time with our niece and nephew, because they’re growing up so fast.

The second trip was to Santa Fe, New Mexico, where my dad grew up. I got the chance to see some relatives that I had not seen for many years.   When I found out that my parents were making a trip to Santa Fe while I was on sabbatical, I knew it was the perfect opportunity for a visit.

Our first stop was my dad’s favorite restaurant, Tomasita’s, which is across the street from the train station where my grandad worked. Both of my uncles and one aunt met us there for a delicious New Mexican dinner. We spent several evenings at Uncle Dale and Aunt Marilyn’s house, eating dinner on their patio overlooking the mountains. My cousin, Becky, came over and it was good to catch up with her. We also took some time for sightseeing around Santa Fe, walking around the Plaza, touring the Loretto Chapel with the “Miraculous Staircase”, driving up to the mountains, touring the Pueblo ruins at the Pecos National Historical Park, and the Veterans National Cemetery where my grandparents are buried.


The main reason for making the trip around August 13th, was to attend the 100th Anniversary Celebration of First Baptist Church. My great-grandparents, grandmother and great-uncle were charter members in 1921, and my dad grew up in that church. He had been invited to talk about the history, and to sing at the service. The first services were held in a tent until the church was built in 1922, and the first baptisms were held down at the river. My Great-Uncle Jabez is the one standing in front of the tent in the picture, and my great-grandfather’s name is on the original cornerstone. Today, the church meets in a traditional adobe-style building built in 1960. I really enjoyed seeing pictures of my relatives, and learning how instrumental they were in starting a church that has served so many people over the past 100 years. It was a very meaningful experience and I’m so glad I was able to be part of it.

God led me to experience some wonderful things during the last 30 days, and I’m so grateful to have had these opportunities.

Attacks against Religious Freedoms

Dachau Concentration Camp was a solemn reminder of how quickly a small group of individuals with bad intentions can destroy so many lives and families. Religious freedoms were taken away along with the annihilation of unpopular groups. Local people were not aware of what was taking place in their own community or at least tried to ignore what was happening.

Religious freedom in Europe has been a challenge for centuries.  During our visit to Romania we learned how during the Inquisition Era that Romania maintained Religious freedom allowing Protestantism to flourish in the region. This was quite a contrast to what was happening in the rest of Europe.  These Freedoms disappeared when the Communist began ruling Romania around 1947 to 1990.

Religious freedom has finally been established once again and my family was able to attend the largest 3 day Convention in Romania since the fall of the Communist party.  The Convention was entitled “Do Not Give Up” and was well received by more than 40,000 Romanians that were a part of this event.  Tears of joy at being able to welcome Friends from 7 countries including the United States were shared by all. To be part of such a Historical event was truly amazing.  The Romanian friends were so loving and hospitable to all of the visitors from other countries.

These are the kind of events that make me appreciate the time off we get with the Sabbatical arranged by Kris and the Board of Directors.  I have to thank you all for allowing us to be able to have a share in such amazing events.

Countries that had attendees: Romania, Hungary, Ukraine, Poland, Moldova, United States, Denmark






My sabbatical began at 12:00 midnight, Friday, August 11, 2017. At 6:00 AM that very day I was admitted to the hospital for surgery. Yes, it was “planned” for that date and time but it had not been planned for long! And, you guessed it, it was nowhere near what I’d planned all along for my sabbatical. Enter God’s perfect plan.

Until just a few weeks ago, we, my husband Galen and I, had no idea my surgery was even needed let alone medically necessary. Wow! Because of this necessity, lots of precautions were taken by my doctors to ensure a successful surgery. While my care team was focused on the medical/human readiness aspect, we refocused our perspective.

We left all the doctors and medical stuff behind and focused on who and what we know and have through our faith; prayer. And we didn’t stop with just the two of us praying. We reached out to family, friends, extended family, and every prayer group we know. Guess what? Every single person embraced us in love and prayed with us and for us. No questions asked. No “Soccer practice first, then I’ll pray.” No “I’ve been in meetings all day and I’m too tired.” Because of love, they prayed.

Oh, I almost forgot a pretty huge step that I took! I called on a true friend the night before the surgery, explained what was happening with all the challenges that had been overcome to make the surgery possible, all our fears that had been calmed, and the needs being met by this change in my plan. This news was a big surprise to my friend to say the least. My heart was relieved and our decisions reinforced after this call. He prayed for me, for us, for our medical team, and for a swift and full recovery. Why, you may ask, was this such a big step for me? Because it is easier for me to give than to receive. I’ve really focused on asking for help, for prayer, when I need it. It’s becoming more natural to me every day but it’s still a work in progress. And my friend remembers all too well the “DJ” who would never share her needs nor ask for help/prayer and recognized my strength and courage. See, I told you it was a HUGE step!!

My surgery was an amazing success! It took longer than expected but my team took the time needed to do their good work.  Another piece of big news is the fact that I came home the very next day! Yeah, that wasn’t my doctor’s plan for me, but we know who is in control. Today I went for my first car ride and had my one week checkup. Both were awesome!

I have much more to share but that’s for later. I’ll share with you a quote, a promise from God, that a longtime friend, who just happens to be a guiding light in my life, shared with me many years ago. Just insert your name on that line and peace will be yours too!

“God’s in control. _____ has peace.”

Controlled chaos

This has been such a chaotic week for me . I am praying about all i am doing and going through , i an trying to stay strong . I dont like to worry but it seems as if my body just cant help itself .
Helping with meals on wheels has been such a treat i have met so many nice people . Knowing i get to be a oart of have a hand in helping makes me so happy. Everyine needs help it doesnt matter what walk if life you come from .
I have also just completed my 1st week of my cna clinicals . The people i have been assisting with are so great and wonderful . I am so excited about being a vital part of this process . It is so amazing .
I will up date soon about me health concern with my hip, when i have new information . Until next time blessings !!

Days 13 – 21: A whirlwind!

    We woke up bright & early on Monday, August 7th, and left our wonderful beach condo on our way to Waxhaw, NC to visit my family. On the way, we stopped in Houston a the NASA visitor’s center there. We were able to get there a little after lunch, and got to see the two things we really wanted to see (the Saturn V rocket and the moon touchstone).
     On the way into the NASA visitor’s center in Houston, Amy posted on facebook that she was with four very excited boys. I know that this will shock all of you, my faithful readers, but I have to admit, it was definitely true: I love rockets. I enjoy museums quite a bit, and aquariums, zoos, etc…, but my level of excitement walking in would definitely have been ‘uncool’ in high school. It’s holy ground I say!!! You hear that the Saturn V is huge, but pictures don’t really do it justice at all. It’s amazing!
     We drove the remaining distance to Waxhaw over the next two days, stopping (accidentally) at the NASA Infinity visitor’s center in Mississippi and then in Atlanta where we spent the night with my Aunt and Uncle. It was great to connect with them, as we hadn’t seen them for six years! My uncle Chuck is the first person who I saw demonstrate how to give in a manner where “your left hand doesn’t know what your right hand is doing.” That being said, he loves to give thoughtful and sometimes funny gifts, so this time he said that he wanted to, “give the boys something to remember Georgia by,” and so he got them all camo hats. Good times.
     We arrived the next day in Waxhaw at my parent’s house, and stayed there until Friday, when we drove up to Raleigh to visit my sister and brother-in-law. It had been four years since we saw them at their wedding reception in Waxhaw. They just moved to the area after my sister got accepted into Chapel Hill’s Psychology program to work on her PhD. While we were there we got to go to a Durham Bulls baseball game (they’re the local AAA team that feeds into the Marlins), visit the Raleigh Children’s museum, and the State Farmer’s market! You guys, they had entire stalls devoted to freshly grown hot peppers. I’m just sayin…
     It was great to catch up with family that we hadn’t seen in years, and spend some time getting to know my brother-in-law! More to come!

Week Two

I’m in the middle of week two, and I realized I haven’t blogged as planned! I really thought I would use this as a journal, but realized I would probably bore you poor folks to death if I did. Funny thing, I have been journaling since I was very young, until 2009. That’s when it came to an abrupt halt.

If you happened to see a post of mine on Facebook, this is old news to you, but in 2009 I did something I swore I would never do. I walked away from a 29 year marriage and an equally long career as a church admin and musician. I was a Sunday School teacher, worship leader, and women’s Bible study teacher. I really thought I had reached everything I wanted in my career.

Suddenly, it all came crashing down. I’ve had a lot of time to think about it the past couple weeks, and it’s interesting that part of our sabbatical practice is called “redemption.”I found that an odd name to call the practice of meditation and reflection. Only now do I understand why, in my opinion, it’s called that.

I walked away from my entire life. I quit having a quiet time, I quit reading Scriptures, and I quit attending church. I was hurt and I was mad. Never mind that everything was done at my hand. God didn’t do anything to me, and God’s people didn’t do anything – at first. I decided that a divorced woman who was on church staff had no place in church work. I had fallen and fallen to the very bottom. There was no coming back from this one. There was certainly no forgiveness for this girl. I knew God couldn’t possibly hear me or see me ever again.

I did everything to hide from God and to ignore Him. I even thought I would renounce my faith. I gave away all of my Christian books and all of my Christian CD’s and printed music. I didn’t want anything to do with any of it. I put my Bibles on a shelf – funny those are the only things I purposely kept.

I went on like that for about 5 years knowing in the back of my mind that I may have changed the course of my eternity. You have to understand that I spent most of my life in a fundamentalist Southern Baptist Church that preached once saved always saved, so I tried to believe that I would be okay. However, the last four years of my church service was in the United Methodist Church. I heard for the first time that a person can lose their salvation if they didn’t want it. Oh my, was I in a mess of guilt and confusion and fear.

Fast forward to March 2015. I interviewed with FDLIC, a Christian values based company, and I thought to myself, “Why in the world and I doing this?”I was so afraid to go back into anything that had any attachments to Christianity. I knew I wouldn’t fit.

In the same month, a small Methodist Church asked me if I would lead worship on a part time basis. Yikes, really? God, what are you doing? I reluctantly began to sing and play again, but my heart was still a bit hardened.

Coincidence? Maybe, but I’m not so sure. Slowly, but surely over the last two years, I have started to open my heart again to God, but something magical happened the 2nd Sunday of my sabbatical. I searched for my Bible because I wanted to take it to church with me, and before service, I spent some time revisiting the Psalms that I once loved. It’s like a chain broke lose from my heart and soul, and I made friends with an old friend – Scripture.

I’m not sure where I go from here, but for the first time, I prayed – really prayed, and had a conversation with God. He didn’t go anywhere. He was waiting all along.




Week 4 – Focus on the Family

The Holladay family is very close.  Sadly, for those of us remaining, many of our family are now in Heaven with the Lord.   Over the years, my immediate family has enjoyed several amazing family vacations with my mom.  For the last ten years my mom has dreamed of taking a trip with all of her grandchildren.  She has said many times that this was a “bucket list” event for her.  This year we arranged a cruise with my mom, niece, nephew and my family.    During this time, we enjoyed some amazing family time and were also able to check off a second “bucket list” item for my mom by riding horses on the beach.  My children have been blessed and had the opportunity  to travel to many countries.  For my niece and nephew it was their first time to see the beach or another country and helped create memories we will all remember for a lifetime.  Seeing their faces as they experienced new opportunities was truly amazing.

Counting my blessings on my Birthday

Yesterday, was my birthday. It was a great day and we celebrated at Red Robin where I gobbled up my free birthday burger. I spent a lot of time reflecting on my life yesterday and decided to jot down my life’s blessings just to keep me grounded and focused on the big picture. If you are friends with me on Facebook you’ve probably already seen this but since part of our sabbatical is for a time of reflecting and focus I wanted to post here as well.

42nd Birthday Blessings in my Life

1. My God who is ever so merciful and forgiving of all my shortcomings. Who blesses me beyond measure every single day.
2. My amazing husband who treats me like a princess every day no matter what. I didn’t know the true meaning of being loved until he loved me.
3. My Hannah Rose. My beautiful, talented first born. I didn’t start living until I had her. She gave me purpose and has taught me how to be a mom and love a human unconditionally.
4. My Hailey Brianne. The most focused and driven young lady I’ve ever know. She is caring and loving and gracious.
5. My Hayden Vincent. He has shown me how to open my mind and let go of my own plans for this life. He is more gifted and talented than I could have ever hoped for.
6. My two angel babies. It doesn’t matter how many years pass, I will always long for the day I finally get to met them in heaven. Knowing I have that opportunity is such a blessing.
7. My parents. Through all my ups and downs, good choices and horrible decisions, they have loved me no matter what. I’m so blessed to still have them in my life.
8. My brother. Although we are far apart I know that he will always have my back and be there for me when I need him.
9. My grandparents. Even though they are all now gone from earth I will never forget all the great memories of how they loved me so well.
10. My last 10 days with my grandpa. It was traumatic and heartbreaking but was also my most favorite time with him. The blessing of showing him how much I loved him by caring for him is something I will always cherish.
11. My family by marriage. They have claimed me and my kids and never missed a beat. It’s a blessing to be part of the Bechtel family.
12. My former family by marriage. Even though my mother in law has passed, she was such a tremendous blessing to me for 20 years. She loved me as her own and was truly my second mother. I will forever be blessed from the things I learned from her. Mostly her graciousness and tremendous faith.
13. My former family by marriage, again. I’ve never felt abandoned or uncared for from my former father in law and I know I can always count on him if I’m ever in need. I’m blessed that he is still apart of my life.
14. My ex husband. Yep, I’m going there. I choose to find good in all situations. Without him there would be no 3,4,5 & 6 and I could never deny or regret those blessings. We have been through hell and back and I’m thankful that we have learned to be the best we know how to be for our children.
15. My friends. They are an eclectic group of people that I’m blessed to have in my life. Sometimes I’m still amazed at how faithful God is to have placed them all in my life at different times when I needed them the most.
16. My job. I work for an incredible company with leadership that cares for and loves their people.
17. My coworkers. They are all unique and bless my life in different ways.
18. My health. I’m blessed to be alive and well.
19. My dogs. They bless me with joy and love me no matter what.
20. My house. I’m blessed with far more than I deserve.
21. My Finances. We don’t struggle with money and have been continually blessed year after year.
22. My freedom. I’m so blessed to live in this country.
23. My humor. I have used it in all situations and it has gotten me through some tough times. I’m blessed to have this attribute in my personality.
24. My independence. I spent more than half my life codependent and lost. I’m blessed that through all my life experiences I have learned to be independent.
25. My heart. It’s ever evolving and I’m blessed at its ability to love through the hurt and rejoice through the pain.

Service Project

Monday, the 14th I was due to start my service project at PRA. Unfortunately, right about the time our truck broke down, I started having stomach issues and they didn’t get any better by the next day. I’m pretty sure I brought back a parasite or something bad from Mexico. So, I delayed my service project and started the next day. I have chosen to volunteer at Pregnancy Resources of Abilene for a few years and I really enjoy every aspect of it. The people there are awesome and I like being a small part of something so much bigger than myself. The simplest task is part of the big picture in saving a child’s life. Every card stapled in every folder that’s given to an expectant mom is an opportunity to minister to her to choose life. On Wednesday my daughter Hailey was able to come volunteer with me. I’m thankful for that time to spend with her.


I’m a little farther behind on my blogging than I intended so I’ll try to recap as best as possible. On August 6th my husband and I left for our 7 day anniversary cruise. We left out of Galveston and ported in Honduras, Costa Maya, and Cozumel. The first two days were great. We were at sea and enjoyed the ship and loved the group of people at our dining table. To me, that’s one of the most fun parts of cruising. Our table consisted of 4 couples and we all hit it off on the first night and became instant friends. On days 3-5 our ship hit a tropical depression with ten foot waves and horrible rocking. It caused me to be super sea sick and get very little sleep. We almost didn’t get to port in Costa Maya because of the swells but it cleared up enough for us to port. That was my favorite of the three destinations so I’m glad it worked out. We completed the cruise on August 13th and were excited to make it off the boat and to our truck by 8:30 am. We were excited to get home to the kids and sleep in our new bed. Unfortunately, our truck broke down in Waco and we were literally stranded for over 5 hours. It was horrible! Apparently, mechanic shops are not open on Sundays in Waco. After trying a few things with no resolve we finally called family to come pick us up and we left the truck in Waco. The next day my husband went back with a friend and a trailer to haul it back to Abilene. Not the most awesome ending to a vacation but it could have been a lot worse so I’m thankful we made it home and nobody had a heat stroke, which was a serious concern.




Final Days in Germany

We enjoyed some very nice sites that young girls dream of, Castles and Von Trapp family home.

The Von Trapp family home from the Sound of Music

Looking for their Prince

halfway point already

These first two weeks felt like they flew by! As I left off in my previous post the next step in my sabbatical was all about spending quality time with friends and family. Last Thursday and Friday I went back to my hometown of Durand, IL where I grew up. I tried to stop and visit with as many family members as I possibly could. I wanted to talk to them about their families/lives since I don’t get to see them that often as well as hand out as many wedding RSVPs as I could. (stamps aren’t cheap!) I got to play a round of golf with my father which is something I haven’t been able to do in years. We also went down to the local funeral home and finalized his funeral plans!!! Unfortunately I only got to spend a few hours with my mom since she got called into work while I was home, but that’s ok since I will be seeing her in a few weekends anyways.

Friday night through Monday morning I was in Bloomington, IL which is where I recently lived for the past 10 years. I was blessed with the opportunity to see a bunch of close friends that I haven’t seen since I moved up to Wisconsin. One of the families I got to spend time with has a 6 year old son named Liam who tells all his friends that his buddy Jake is “the coolest man alive”. I asked him if he would help me out by being the ring bearer in my wedding and he freaked out in excitement!

Monday I spent the day driving back to Wisconsin. Tuesday – today I have been trying my best to take it slow, meditate and rest, but I also spent a lot of time over at the Hunger Task Force too. The HTF is a rewarding place to donate your time. Everyone there is so nice and very down to earth, they have a common goal to help out those in need and they are an awesome team. I got to ride along in the truck again (my favorite part) handing out pallets of food to local establishments. It’s nice to know that I live in a town that has so many organizations that care about the less fortunate in the community. I have a fairly lengthy to do list for today due to the fact that I am planning on being gone for the next ten days so I better wrap this blog up and get my chores done!

Where am I going next you ask? Well…’re going to have to be patient and tune in next week to find out!

Week 2 and Some Change

This week I really embraced the rest and relaxation part of my sabbatical, I did not really work on any projects or anything. Most of the week consisted of binge watching Game of Thrones so I can catch up, only 4 seasons left!

I volunteered at Habit For Humanity on Saturday, this week we focused on cutting out the holes for the windows, getting the windows put in and weather wrapping the house. It truly is amazing how people can come together to help build a home for someone. While there was a few people I was working working with the week before, it was mostly new people, and seeing how we were able to organize and get going pretty efficiently was a sight to see.

The change for this week wasn’t great, as I’m sure you know we got a pretty good rain Monday night; that rain along with development going on behind my house caused water to seep into my home. Thankfully I had family that was able to come as it was happening and helped me to clean up and contain the water as best we could until it stopped. I believed that really helped keep the damage down, and am very thankful for that. It is tough seeing your house, something you worked so hard for, torn up. As it dries it gets better, and we can rebuild, you really have to stay positive in these situations, and turning to God through prayer is really helping us stay positive in this.


Proverbs 16:3 – “Entrust your works to the Lord, and your plans will succeed.”