Category: Uncategorized

Helpers of Animals, Reading, and Updates

♥ Helpers of Animals ♥

Tomorrow I’m going in to meet the person in charge of volunteers at the animal shelter. I’m ready to help with anything they need because I know that even small things matter. We are helpers of people, and I’m helping the helpers of people.


I’ve been reading my first book The Love Dare with my boyfriend because I think it’s going to be helpful for our relationship. We may not be married, but after as many years as we’ve been together, it’s going to happen (as soon as I get most of my ducks in the same place – they don’t even have to be in a line).

Spring Clean, Spring Simplify Update

I’m in the process of my spring clean and simplify (have been for one week) and am starting to realize that this is going to probably take the whole season. That’s frustrating but working on my patience could maybe be a good thing! Everyone had high hopes for the wire hangers, but they were not everything we wanted (back they go, and gold is better than silver anyways).

Maybe Dog Update

Maybelline Inez is not doing so well, but I’m saying so many prayers for her. We can’t leave her alone so Bryan and I trade off and make sure to give her plenty of attention. My heart is breaking, but maybe it’s healing at the same time. We can’t really see anything too positive with her meds but that doesn’t mean something miraculous isn’t happening behind the scenes. Please send your love her way and prayers her way.

Again, I’m super thankful for the chance to recharge and focus on the future.

A love letter to God

Today marks the last day of my sabbatical and it has been amazing. I have learned so much and have been rejuvenated. I would like to thank all of the people at Funeral Director’s Life for being a part of my family and for blessing me with this opportunity. I have challenged many men and women over the past few years to write love letters to each other that center around their faith and spiritual journey. I like to remind them that the Bible is the greatest love story ever told and encourage them to reciprocate that love in this sensitive way. One goal for my sabbatical was to write my own love letter to God and here it is:

Dear God,

Thank you for showing me unconditional love. My life has been so great since we started our relationship. I had no idea that love could feel this good and I am so thankful that you have shown me. I can’t wait to see our relationship grow through the years. Each day I feel closer to you and I am forever grateful. You have loved me when I was at my worst and you have lifted me up. Thank you for always standing by my side and offering me your intelligent guidance. It’s still so hard to believe that story you told me, how you have been waiting for me for all of those years. I really regret not taking a chance on our relationship earlier in life. I mean I knew you existed but just thought I could make it on my own. Thank you for being patient with me. I seriously think about you all the time now and I just want to share all of my life with you. Oh and thank you for all the wonderful gifts you have showered me with, I sometimes feel like I am not even worthy of them all. I mean the way you placed each of those stars in the sky and made them shine so bright or how about that time when I was able to watch the beautiful sunset while listening to the ocean waves crash. Wow!! The list goes on and so does my love for you. I hope you always know how much I care about you and need you in my life. I love you dearly and I am so thankful you are a major part of my life.

With love,

PS – I am so sorry to hear about your Son’s passing. He sounds like an amazing man. I want to be just like Him!


Things have been a mess lately, but I’m thankful for the chance to be able to deal with the mess.

Abscessed Tooth

My sabbatical started almost a week early because of a severely abscessed tooth. I was out on a Friday, pushed through one Monday, and then was out again on Tuesday. This would have eaten up my sick and personal days had I not been approved to back-date my break (thank you for that!). After one 2 am visit to the hospital and a few dentist visits, I’m on the mend.

Four Molars Later, Yikes!

Before the abscessed tooth happened, I was already scheduled to have my bottom molars pulled (one of the molars ended up being the abscessed tooth), and eventually get implants. Friday, one week and one day after the infection began, I had my teeth extracted and bone grafts done. Now I’m in a new phase of pain, but it’s so much better than where I was in the first place. Pushing onward!

♥ My Dad is Home ♥

My dad has been at Baylor hospital and rehab for seven weeks and was able to come home the day after my mouth stuff was taken care of. My life is more complete with him here.

Maybe is Not Okay

My pup recently got over a bacterial infection in her tummy and it took the vet 3 weeks to figure out what was wrong. He didn’t run any tests and just kept giving her shots and meds. On the third visit I asked if I could bring in a stool sample and she was diagnosed (vet 0: me 1). Fast forward to 2 weeks post tummy troubles and Maybe wakes up with no energy and is barley responsive. I rush her to the vet and he finds a severe heart murmur, puts her on meds, and now we are here. Bryan (my guy < who says that!?) researched the murmur and meds and found out that the probable cause of the problem was the bacterial infection that took the vet 3 weeks to even find! The meds could cause her to lose her hearing and not recognize us anymore. We are praying that the meds work for her and bring her back to normal, rather than take her away from us.

Spring Clean, Spring Simplify

Even though things have been hard, I’m working to reorder life and get rid of a bunch of things we don’t need. My goal is to have a camper for a home (or anywhere super cheap and small) and focus more on things that matter most. Spring cleaning is just a step forward.

200 Wire Hangers (it’s important!)

Perhaps the most exciting part of my break so far is the 200 wire hangers I ordered (seriously). They are 11.5 gauge, that means sturdy and somewhat affordable compared to your typical wire hanger. I’m kinda sorta obsessed with a bunch of things, and one of those things would be hangers. I want all of my hangers to be the same (except for my work clothes hangers, those are black velvet or clear crystal). I’ve had plastic hangers all these years and can’t stand that they get so dusty and have to be cleaned. Problem solved!

*This post is super choppy because things are super choppy right now.



Through the turnstile we go…

I completed the service portion of my sabbatical this week by volunteering at the Denver Rescue Mission. The Denver Rescue Mission provides housing, meals and other support services for the homeless here in the Denver metro area and other communities.  As I understand it, this organization is a private gospel ministry and as such, has certain pros and cons. The pros being that they can pray publicly and the cons are that they receive very limited federal state or local funds to help their mission. I have to admit, when this was explained to me I was perplexed… but that will be a story for a different day. I selected this organization because I would be in Denver visiting my family. I grew up not far from from this place. We always called it “Jesus Saves” because that was the only signage on the building. As a kid I was always wondered what the sign meant.

A couple weeks before I started my sabbatical, I visited their website and was very impressed! I clicked on the ‘Volunteer” tab and created an account and selected the days and shifts I wanted to serve. I picked 3 days Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. I showed up on Monday morning for my 5 AM shift to prepare and serve the breakfast meal. As the website instructed, there was a gated parking lot for “volunteers” and there was even a staff member there to greet me and point me to the door where I needed to enter. Once in the door, there was a kiosk inside. I stepped to the kiosk grabbed the mouse and low and behold my name was there and I clicked “sign in”.  Maybe I’m a technology geek but I thought that was really cool! I washed my hands as the video instructed (yes video!), put my apron on and was ready to go to work.

I was introduced to my supervisor Dean. Dean shared with me that not too long ago he was on the “other side” of the serving line. He was close to death due to liver failure from alcohol abuse. He explained that after his brush with death he decided to make a change. The program hired him and he is now in rehab.  Dean  said “God gave me a second chance”. On this day, my job was to clean the trays and plates from the guests and stack them for the dishwasher (it became pretty gross after a while). As I observed the guests, I was taken aback by the diversity of the people that came through the turnstile. Some where drug addicts , some where handicapped, some were young, some were old and some were  perfectly healthy.  We served french toast coffee, donuts and yogurt with fruit on the side that day.

On day two, my supervisor’s name was Jacob. Jacob wandered here from Oklahoma because of a broken heart-yes, a broken heart. He explained to me that his girlfriend had broken up with him and the pain drove him to drinking and was in a tailspin ever since until he was given a chance by the program to rehab and work to get on his feet. As he described his story Jacob said ” I guess God had to bring me all the way out here so I could listen”. On this day, I cut 2,000,0000,324 green and red peppers ( maybe I’m exaggerating but it felt like that many!) for the stew we were to serve for lunch that day.

On day 3, my supervisor was Pedro. Pedro lost his job a few months ago and simply did not have the resources to pay the rent. He mentioned he will be starting a new job soon but also stated  “this experience has brought me closer to God”. Today I cut 2,000,0000,324 apples and oranges for the fruit salad we were to serve at lunch.

Interesting that there is a common theme in all of these men’s stories -crisis occurs-God appears. Now I understand the meaning of the sign outside the building.

Ive been accused of being a big picture guy before and I guess I kinda am. As I look back on this experience it was rather rudimentary- I go in. I help. It feels good.

But what strikes me is The Big Picture!

There are essentially 3 turnstiles in this operation:

  1. The Food- the donated food comes from local grocers , restaurants and others. Food that is slightly old or not used for its original purpose -not up to a certain standard. Maybe overripe for high end restaurants I guess??
  2. The Help-very few are paid employees and most are volunteers.
  3. The Recipients- The people who come through the turnstile to get a meal

I know I am oversimplifying this process. I understand this facility has a heck of a time fundraising and all the political battles that must be involved in all of it but I am flabbergasted on how this place serves 2,000 meals a day through charity!

I cant help but marvel at Gods presence here…

No matter what turnstile you come through here at the rescue mission God’s presence is evident. Whether it was the program receiving a couple of boxes of vegetables from a local restaurant, an online reservation from a volunteer who is willing to give of their time to help serve the meal, or the employee who needed a second chance at life. Maybe you just needed a warm meal. In all of these situations God provided!

Mark 10:45 reads ” for even the Son of Man  came not to be served but to serve …”. After my experience here this week I am forced to ask myself am I being a servant??

God makes it easy to serve, if it is your will….just click “Volunteer”…Hell even send a concierge to show you to the door…


A picture of Dean and I and a picture of the sign that reads “Jesus Saves” (yup its still there)-attached


13 When Jesus heard what had happened, he withdrew by boat privately to a solitary place. Hearing of this, the crowds followed him on foot from the towns. 14 When Jesus landed and saw a large crowd, he had compassion on them and healed their sick.

15 As evening approached, the disciples came to him and said, “This is a remote place, and it’s already getting late. Send the crowds away, so they can go to the villages and buy themselves some food.”

16 Jesus replied, “They do not need to go away. You give them something to eat.”

17 “We have here only five loaves of bread and two fish,” they answered.

18 “Bring them here to me,” he said. 19 And he directed the people to sit down on the grass. Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke the loaves. Then he gave them to the disciples, and the disciples gave them to the people. 20 They all ate and were satisfied, and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces that were left over. 21 The number of those who ate was about five thousand men, besides women and children.

                                                                                                           Matthew 14:13-21







My Spring Break

Hi Friends!

This past week and a half has been a whirlwind. Thus the reason I am a bit late with an update. We were able to take a vacation to beautiful Ruidoso, NM with our great friends the Lopez’s. We stayed in a cabin in the mountains with quite a view. The adventures and memories will be forever with me. I am extremely thankful for this time and how much of it I have gotten to spend with my sweet girls.

My youngest, Ava, turned two today. We celebrated her over the weekend with friends and family. It is a joy to see how she is growing. She loves to sing and “Jesus Loves Me” stays on repeat. Or at least it did for the six hour car ride to our vacation spot : ).

I wanted to share a few pictures from the week, enjoy!

My Sabbatical Epilogue

Today is the final day of my Sabbatical. As I reflect on my experiences and areas of growth over the past 30 days, God didn’t disappoint!

Going into this Sabbatical time, I was physically and emotionally exhausted. I had been consumed with so much for such a long time, it had worn me down. While in this weakened state, Satan (as he always does) had pounced on me and the people I love. We were under attack! However, I can now confidently report that after much prayer on the part of so many people, we survived the difficult days and God prevailed. Amen!

Along the way, during these 30 days, I have learned the following:

  1. I am so blessed by my family. I knew this going in, but with the storms we have weathered lately, the blessings have been too many to count.
  2. Global Samaritan Resources is changing lives and I am so proud of our company for getting on board in supporting their Christian humanitarian efforts.
  3. I became reacquainted with some family members I have not seen in a long time.
  4. You’re never too old to try something out-of-the-box…like rattlesnake hunting! The day that my son, Brett, and I spent hunting AND catching rattlesnakes together was definitely a “Wild at Heart” adventure! However, I might have created a monster as Brett is now referring to our time together as our “1st Annual Father and Son Rattlesnake Hunt!”
  5. The importance of having a getaway with my wife. Even though I felt my manhood was in doubt during our trip to Magnolia Market, the time together brought real joy for Sherry and I.
  6. “Chase the Lion” food for thought:
    1. When we operate in faith, we aren’t risking our reputation
    2. Dreams aren’t just born; they are sometimes born again
    3. To achieve the highest level of success in any field, you need a high pain threshold when it comes to failure
    4. What Satan uses against you can be recycled for God’s purposes
    5. Every dream, no matter how big, starts out as a seed and some dreams grow slower than others
    6. Every generation must steward what’s been entrusted to them
    7. One of the biggest mistakes we make is thinking in terms of only our generation
    8. When you seek God, opportunity will seek you

Thank you to Kris Seale and our board of directors for your vision and commitment to bless all DIG employees with the opportunity to take a Sabbatical, what a blessing it has been for me! Also, thank you to my wonderful Marketing team for covering for me these past 30 days. Tomorrow, I’ll be back in the saddle!

Working for His Kingdom

I have had the amazing opportunity to work alongside a very inspirational man during my service project at our church property called Base Camp. Every day I was greeted with a smile and some warm coffee then handed some tools and an ATV and off I went, it was a sense of freedom and trust. Most of our work detail included manual labor like cutting and stacking firewood, repairing firewood shelters, and some general maintenance of the land. Last year when I decided to pick March as my sabbatical month, I made the decision based solely on the fact that March was always was my lowest sales volume. I had no idea that our church was planning three major camp retreats starting March 31st. We are hoping to have approximately 7000 people on this land over the next couple months. It was very apparent that God did not care about which month was my lowest, He hand-picked this month for me long before I even knew. Some days were cold and others were warm but one thing was consistent, I was surrounded by people that wanted to build His kingdom in major ways. We shared stories and we prayed, we told jokes and we laughed, we did some brainstorming and some strategizing, all of these things to help encourage each other and learn from one another. I have realized lately that The Lord has blessed us all with such amazing qualities. We are able to use our bodies in amazing ways to build and carry heavy objects and our brains to figure out the best way to handle situations. I felt a need to honor Him as I worked and poured everything I could into my task that day. When I returned from a hard day working on the land, I found myself eager to go back out at the next opportunity. My eagerness was a result of the company I was surrounded by while out there and the idea of building God’s kingdom. A few weeks ago I received my yearly social security statement and was struck by the amount of time that I have worked throughout my life. My first job was when I was 12 years old working at a party center washing dishes and preparing food. I wanted to work to earn money to buy CD’s and stereo equipment. This desire to work continued through high school, college, and beyond….. 26 years of my life I have spent working! Many life lessons I have learned through those opportunities but none of those lessons are as great as the one that I learned while helping out at Base Camp. We are all God’s vessels and designed for a purpose. No matter what work detail you encounter on a daily basis it is all for the greater good of His kingdom. I am confident in saying that through my service project work, lives will be changed. Many stories will be told around those campfires using the wood that I prepared. If just ONE person comes into a relationship with God as a result of those campfires then I have glorified God by building His kingdom. The even greater beauty in that statement is that I serve a loving and powerful God and I KNOW He will soften the hearts of many more people around the fires. A special thanks to Crossroads Church for this opportunity and an even bigger thanks to Mike Crossley who is truly the hands and feet of Christ!



“Chase the Lion” – Final Musings

As I finish my study of the book, “Chase the Lion,” here are some final points I would like to share.

Don’t seek opportunity; seek God, and opportunity will seek you. This is not suggesting that we shouldn’t keep our eyes open or put our best foot forward. And if opportunity knocks, we should answer it. What the author is saying is that the best path to our dreams doesn’t involve seeking a position of leadership; it’s posturing ourselves as servants. He also is making a point that all dreamers have to pay their dues, and if they don’t, then someday they will “owe back taxes for the shortcuts they took…success will be short lived.” The takeaway here is to not be in such a hurry to begin the next chapter of our life that we fail to learn the lessons the current chapter is trying to teach us. Great advice for us all!

One of the biggest mistakes we make is thinking in terms of one generation. In this section of the book, the author made the point that it’s not only shortsighted, but selfish to think that what God does for us is just for us. It is, but it isn’t. It’s also for the third and fourth generations. We think right here, right now. God is thinking nations and generations. The author writes that “the key to dreaming big is thinking long. And the bigger the dream, the longer the timeline. If you’re thinking in terms of eternity, you should have some dreams that can’t be accomplished in your lifetime.” He then asks a very pointed question: “What are you doing today that will make a difference one hundred years from now?” Wow!

Every generation must steward what’s been entrusted to them. It all starts with honoring the generation that has gone before us by learning everything we can from them. But that’s only half the equation when it comes to passing along a generational blessing. It continues by empowering the generation that comes after us. That’s how the baton of blessing is passed to the third and fourth generation. And that is what the psalmist advocated in Psalm 78: “So the next generation would know them, even the children yet to be born, and they in turn would tell their children.”

Every dream, no matter how big, starts out as a seed. In this section, the author made yet another excellent point when he stated “like a seed, a dream often goes underground for a season. That’s when we get discouraged because we don’t see any physical evidence of the dream’s progress. But it has to take root before it can bear fruit.” This makes me think immediately about Kris Seale and Jon Smith, and their dream for the AYSA Sports Complex…which has now taken root and soon will begin to bear fruit. Cool!

As I wrap up the book “Chase the Lion” by Mark Batterson, I am reminded to zoom out and see the big picture. It has reminded me that my life will soon be past and only what I have done for Christ will last. As the author stated, “don’t worry about the things that have zero bearing on eternity!” My only regret at the end of the day should be the time, talent, and treasure I didn’t give back to God.


Wrestling with Rest

Week two is accomplished – oh what a blissful week it was!

I will hit some of the highlights and share some of what God has been doing in my heart and through me this week. For starters, I started serving in my service project this week. I was helping with the missions department at my church with a couple of many initiatives they currently have going. For example, I helped put together a clothing drive for the “Single Moms” ministry. This was near and dear to my heart because this same ministry supported my mom and I when I was young/before she remarried. Some of her/my best lifelong friends were made through this ministry beginning over 20 years ago! I also did some research and found a lawyer to provide pro bono services for a mom in an abusive situation. It was really amazing knowing that I was able to directly help someone in the community I grew up in.

While this WAS my official service project, I found being led strongly to pour more of my time into serving my family in Bryan. Without going into too much detail, my family has been going up against relentless struggles for about 2 years now. A few highlights (so you can grasp the difficulties they’ve been through):

grandfather/”the glue” of the family passes away; family disperses/struggles to keep family bond; siblings move schools; step-dad studies/passes civil engineering exam (huge time commitment); step-dad’s father’s Parkinsons disease becomes dramatically worse, several close calls with having seizures, countless trips to the hospital; family decides to purchase/renovate house next door, mom fractures femur so all plans are halted for several months; etc.

Needless to say, my family has been through an exhausting and unrelenting couple of years. As God was calling me to focus more of my attention on them, I spent less time at the church and decide to just help around my mom and grandma’s house for the next week. So far, I have been sanding and prepping the wood floors at the “Next Door House,” as we call it, so that we can reseal them next week. The only more-backbreaking work I can remember doing is laying sod and digging post-holes! Yikes! My grandma lives on about 5 acres of grass that is in constant need of attention, so I also spent a day at her house mowing her yard and trimming trees.

What some of this meant for me, as a delightful by-product, was that I was able to be arounf my siblings a lot more than if I would have been at the church full-time. I have siblings Nena, 15, Evan, 8, and Isaac, 5, who I do not get to spend NEARLY as much time with as I would like. Between and after working on the house, I probably got in a solid 50 games of “HORSE”, sprinkled with trampoline and time at parks around our house. This was the most I have been able to see them since I was in high school, and I am incredibly grateful for the time I was able to spend just being with and getting to know my younger siblings.

If it is seeming like I may be going a little too fast and furious, I bid you not worry. Where I have been working quite a bit and enjoying it, my rest and peace has also reached a place I don’t remember being at any point in my life. I have found time for about a half-hour nap each day which rejuvenates more than any amount of caffeine. My times in front of the Lord have been sweet and filled with compassion. I am understanding more everyday what it looks like to rely fully and truly on God in every aspect. Who knows where life will take us but God, and in putting my faith and life fully in His hands I am confident He will guide and direct my life to meet His Will.

In you I trust, O my God

“To you, O LORD, I lift up my soul; in you I trust, O my God. Do not let me be put to shame, nor let my enemies triumph over me. No one whose hope is in you will ever be put to shame, but they will be put to shame who are treacherous without excuse. Show me your ways, O LORD, teach me your paths; guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long. Remember, O LORD, your great mercy and love, for they are from of old. Remember not the sins of my youth and my rebellious ways; according to your love remember me, for you are good, O LORD. Good and upright is the LORD; therefore he instructs sinners in his ways. He guides the humble in what is right and teaches them his way. All the ways of the LORD are loving and faithful for those who keep the demands of his covenant. For the sake of your name, O LORD, forgive my iniquity, though it is great.”

Psalm 25:1-11

These verses have guided and driven the first week of my sabbatical. This is more because of how much I struggle with trusting God with my whole self, rather than how easy it is for my to rely fully on God. Man, it’s a seriously hard thing to do! I get so caught up in the “to-dos” of daily life that I lean into taking every burden on myself. This sabbatical, for me, is to learn to trust God 100% in every aspect of life.

Through struggles and trials, this is especially important. Not only that, but really needed to not burn out and become totally overwhelmed. God is always there to keep these “enemies” from triumphing. For that, I am ever grateful. God takes the burden that I try to carry myself when I submit them to Him.

In the first week of my sabbatical, I spent time visiting family that I have not been able to spend hardly any quality time with over the last few years. I was in Bryan, Houston, San Antonio and Austin. Specific activities included

  • seeing two separate pair of aunts/uncles/nieces/nephews and their houses that I had never visited in their homes
  • watching my little sister compete and bring home 3rd place in her school’s state basketball championship (!!!)

  • meeting my brand new cousin, Maddox Rice, born March 1st

  • running an obstacle course race/eating lunch with my uncle who I have not seen since my grandfather’s death 2 years ago

Honestly, most of this was NOT planned going into the week, but as doors were opened I decided to walk through them. For me, this was a small way I could trust God – in my daily plans throughout the week, I did not realize how much had happened until listing it out, but God truly created many ways for me to spend time with family and invest in those relationships – for that, I am very grateful!

This week will be for resting and getting into a little bit of service with the church I was raised at; I will be helping them set up for a mission trip I took part in as a high schooler. Looking forward to what God has in store for me this week!

It Was a Wonderful Birthday!

Today I celebrated my birthday. Since it was Sunday, my family was able to spend the day with me in rest, relaxation, food and fun! I am truly a blessed man, who married a wonderful woman who gave me two awesome sons. In addition, I have an absolute angel of a daughter-in-law who will give me my first grandchild in about 2-1/2 months!

I know that social media gets its’ fair share of criticism, and sometimes rightly so. However, a number of times today as I was reading all of the Happy Birthday well wishes I received on Facebook, I felt the gratitude that George Bailey must have felt at the end of “It’s a Wonderful Life.” I thank God for my life and sending Jesus Christ to save me from my sins. I thank God for my wife and awesome children, who have the Lord in their lives. I thank God for my granddaughter, who I will meet in just a few months. I thank God for my church and pastoral team. I thank God for my awesome job and the wonderful people of the DIG family of companies. I thank God for great friends!

Yes, it is a wonderful life!

“The father of a righteous child has great joy; a man who fathers a wise son rejoices in him.” Proverbs 23:24




Patient and Present

My second week of Sabbatical has been great!  My daughter Ezme and baby are doing good! I have enjoyed the freedom of time with my children and grandchildren.   I have also enjoyed spending time with the youth at Bethel Community Church.

My Crossfit class is going okay.  I say ok in that I have had a week of true testing and soreness (the inability to sit, stand or walk without carefully contemplating each move).  Oh, what have I got myself in to?  Well, yes that is a bit dramatic but it has been a challenge.  What I like the most is of course that I am working out with my son, that the class is a challenge and different from what I  am used to.   Somewhat humbling to say the least. ( I miss my spin class, I miss my workout buddies at FD!)  Carrie, our Crossfit trainer is very encouraging.  She says that I am doing good she likes the energy I bring to the group.  This last week she kept talking about patience.  I get frustrated when I do not quickly catch on to the proper form for executing the lifting of weight (many times my own).  Patience, Sonia!  Now how can someone who has just met me see so clearly one of my greatest weakness?  Please do not all answer at once!

Early in this second week of sabbatical I knew that my self  was getting in the way of “rest & renewal”.  I had my week of rest and now it was time to get things done!  You know….. the things that need to get done, those things! 

So, knowing that my way of thinking was getting in the way,  I did what I always do, I turned to study of the Word.  I also, started reading “The Most Excellent Way to Lead ” by Perry Noble.   You need to read this book if you have not already!  It explains how the principles from 1 Corinthians 13 can help you become a better leader in all aspects of your life.  Leadership by love for one another.  As I am reading, I am reminded of all the great mentors in my life, I am thinking of the good and not so good experiences in my leadership journey.   I feel blessed for where I am weak, HE is strong.

Chapter 2: Patient- Love is patient 1 Corinthians 13:4

Patience isn’t something most of us are born with, we don’t become patient when things are easy; we tend to learn patience through storms in our life.  He speaks to being patient with process and people.  Patiently embrace the process, and the process will put you in a position to succeed.  I know this to be true in that I have experienced it time and time again.

So, I pulled it all together and continue to be purposeful in being patient and present in my life and for others!

I enjoyed Wednesday night with the youth.  We all have dinner together, then go into praise & worship, teaching and generally small groups however this time they decided instead of small groups they would play basketball and that they did!  I really enjoy Praise & Worship!  It is powerful to hear the voices of the young men and women praising Jesus!

I had the opportunity to visit with a few of my friends from work.  So, odd to describe them as such in that they are not just friends at work.  The people you work with are the people that share your story.  You know?  I am quite sure I was more excited about seeing them than they me!!  Yes, I miss my work and the people I work with!  I am blessed : )

I will say goodbye for now in that Xxoie, my granddaughter has been patiently waiting to go to the park!  So, off we go.



Global Samaritan Resources – Feeding the Hungry in Iraq

As I was working for Global Samaritan Resources a couple of weeks ago, I learned so much more about their various missions. With all of the attention that President Trump’s immigration strategies have created, it might be easy for many to believe that people are waiting at our borders to get into our country. And, while I can see how often times people could come to the conclusion that all refugees want to immigrate to the U.S., my time spent working with Global Samaritan has helped me to learn that this is not always the case.

In this morning’s edition of the Abilene Reporter-News, Global Samaritan’s initiative to send food to the Kurdish refugee camps in Iraq is highlighted. I encourage anyone reading this blog to click on the link below (if it doesn’t take you to the story, try copying and pasting the link in your browser).

If you feel led to donate to this very worthy Christian-based organization, please do so. The work they are doing to care for those who can’t care for themselves is very important!


“Chase the Lion” Musings – Part II

In continuing my reading of “Chase the Lion,” the latest chapters were fascinating to me, as the author discussed how our current experiences will be used by God for future generational influence. I was raised with the belief that “All good things work together for the good of those who love God” (Romans 8:28), but the concept of good OR bad things that occur in my life being used by God in the lives of others sometimes generations separated from me was a little challenging for me to get my mind around. Here are some highlights from this section of the book.

Our experiences form our destiny.

When David took harp lessons as a kid, he never imagined that those lessons would someday position him as a member of King Saul’s court. As he practiced slinging a stone while tending sheep, it never crossed his mind that this skill set would catapult him into the national limelight. Even when David was hiding out in caves as a fugitive, God was deepening his emotional capacity to write psalms that would pull heartstrings thousands of years later.

Just because something isn’t part of your life plan doesn’t mean it’s not part of God’s plan. God is working His good, pleasing, and perfect plan for your life in a thousand ways you aren’t even aware of. Everything in your past is preparation for something in your future. God wastes nothing! Even when you have a setback, God has already prepared your comeback. The God who works all things together for good will leverage every experience, every skill, every mistake, and every bit of knowledge you have acquired.

Generational influence.

Even when you feel as if you aren’t making a difference, God might be using you in ways you aren’t aware of. And it’s not the immediate impact that matters most; it’s the exponential impact, to the third and fourth generations. An inheritance is what you leave for someone. A legacy is what you leave in someoneit’s the influence your dream has on others even after you die. Legacy isn’t measured by what you accomplish during your life span. Legacy is measured by the lives that are affected by your life long after you are gone.

Passing the baton.

Everything God does through you is a testimony to those who have parented you, mentored you, discipled you, coached you, and loved you. You are their downline, and they are your upline.

The true test of greatness isn’t measured by your accomplishments. The true test of greatness is measured by the accomplishments of those you surround yourself with, those who come after you. Again, success is succession. That’s how our dreams outlive us.

h eh – s oo s my Brother in Christ


done on purpose; deliberate.

I have come to appreciate the meaning of this word during my sabbatical. Oh what a difference intentionality makes when it comes to our faith walk.

As I prepared for my Sabbatical I had one overarching desire or priority and that was to be intentional in my time focusing on God. Does intentional mean reading more? Reading less and meditating more? Does intentional mean praying more? I did not think this question would be this difficult to answer!

I arrived in Denver last night. On the schedule for today was a round of golf with my old buddy from the neighborhood Jesus. It was an absolutely gorgeous day here in Denver with the backdrop of the snow capped mountains-it really could have not been any better! After the round, I was going to go back to my Mother’s house for dinner but Jesus also mentioned after our round that he would love to have me over for dinner if I didn’t already have plans.  Well, something was “nudging” at me to take his offer and go have dinner with he and his family. So I did.

Jesus and I both grew up in inner city Denver and we have been friends from childhood. It was a difficult environment to grow up in and we both had our challenges. But there is something to be said about the bond that is formed when you go through battles together. We managed to stay in touch through the years and just before I moved to Texas (2010) Jesus was born again and his life was changed forever. The whole time I was on the periphery watching the transformation. What a thing to behold when God takes a life and sanctifies it! His testimony had a direct impact on me and his step of faith gave me the courage to seek out my faith.

His family and I sat and had dinner this evening.  We talked about our faith journey and thanked God for our blessings. One of his older daughter’s who of course,  witnessed his transformation made an interesting comment-she said “Dad for you it was like a rocket ship!”.  She was describing the swift and powerful change God made in her dad’s life- the joy in her face was unmistakable as she described the experience.

I thought to we take our salvation for granted? Do we forget the desolate place from which we came when we were without God? Are we today much different from the Israelites when they came out of Egypt? At the dinner table this evening I was reminded of His majesty. Jesus is now a successful business owner and community leader. I am very proud to call him my best friend and brother in Christ!

Thank you God for being in the rocket ship business! Your grace and mercy are so POWERFUL!

I am so thankful I had this time to spend with my Brother in Christ.

And I did learn a little something about being intentional today…be still and listen to those “nudges”!

God is intentional all the time all we have to do is listen and be still.

“Be still and Know that I am God ”

Psalm 46;10


Turning the Tables on Evil

About three weeks ago, as I prepared to leave on my Sabbatical, it was apparent that two people with whom I am very close, were under attack by Satan. Both of them are outstanding, Christian young men, whose marriages came under attack by evil forces out of their control. I was eaten up with mixed emotions – confusion, disbelief, anger, disgust, etc. In the weeks that have followed, God has been working through the emotions I had been feeling and given me reassurance that He is protecting the hearts of these two men. In fact, I am more confident than ever that, because of their dedication to lean on God during these difficult days, they will overcome the sin brought into their lives and will ultimately grow stronger!

In my reading of the book, “Chase the Lion,” the author relays the following story which underscores how God can work through evil:

On July 9, 1776, General George Washington was headquartered on Manhattan Island. The ink on the Declaration of Independence was less than a week old and Washington was rallying his troops by reading it to them. Right after the Declaration was read, his energized army marched to where a 15 foot high statue of King George III stood and pulled it down. Then they put the broken pieces into wagons, took them down to the wharf, and placed them on a schooner that sailed up the East River to a foundry where the pieces of the statue of King George III were melted down and made into over 42,000 musket balls.

The symbolism is hard to miss, as was the practicality of this action. Washington’s rebels didn’t just pull the statue over, they melted it down and turned the two-ton lead statue into 42,000 musket balls to shoot at King George III’s redcoats!

This story symbolizes how God works in our lives. He wants to redeem every attack the Enemy has waged against us. In fact, what the Enemy intends for evil, God will use for good:

  • Don’t waste suffering
  • Don’t waste failure
  • Don’t waste disappointment
  • Don’t waste cancer
  • Don’t waste divorce

God wants to recycle these things for His purposes!



Faith Like Noah

How would your family react if you told them God has requested for you to build an ark? Not a small little raft but a vessel that is 450 feet long, 75 feet wide, and 45 feet tall. How would you respond? This is what it means to have faith like Noah. Last week my wife and I had the opportunity to visit Ark Encounter, a life-size replica of the ark that Noah built. It was magnificent to say the least. As you make your way through the exhibit there are displays everywhere to help you understand how this boat operated and survived. Displays that included many of the animals on board, the living quarters, and also some recreations of the working gardens and kitchens used to prepare food.
The part that struck me the most was the door. One of God’s specific instructions for Noah was to build a door in the side of the Ark. This door is where everyone would enter the boat and be saved from the flood. Everyone outside of the Ark perished. This door represents a lot of things in my life that I have passed through. By God’s grace and mercy He has rescued me and allowed me to walk through that door many times. I believe that each day we have an opportunity to open that door and receive His blessing, some days are easier than others but I know I want to be on the “right side” of the door if the flood ever comes again. In order to do that we must have Faith like Noah.

Musings from “Chase the Lion.”

This morning, as I was reading “Chase the Lion,” the author made some points that really resonated with me.

To achieve the highest level of success in any field, you need a high pain threshold when it comes to failure.

A few years ago in the Disney film, “Frozen,” the theme song “Let it Go” won an Academy Award for Best Original Song in 2014. This powerful ballad was an instant hit, selling more than 10 million copies. But what’s easily forgotten is the fact that there were seventeen songs the husband/wife song writing duo of Kristen Anderson-Lopez and Robert Lopez wrote that didn’t make the cut. Most of us give up after two or three rejections. But to achieve the highest level of success in any field, you need a high pain threshold when it comes to failure!

The benefit of a strong work ethic.

When the London Philharmonic Orchestra selected the 50 greatest pieces of classical music, the list included six pieces by Mozart, five by Beethoven, and three by Bach. To generate those masterpieces, Mozart composed more than 600 pieces, Beethoven produced 650, and Bach wrote more than 1,000 pieces of music. If it had been baseball, Bach would have been batting .003! It takes a lot of swings to get a hit…and a strong work ethic! We glamorize success, but it always comes back to basics. You have to practice scales, practice skills, and practice techniques over and over again!

Dreams aren’t just born; they are sometimes born again.

Most dreams die not because they’re the wrong dream but because the timing is wrong. We’re not ready for it, or it isn’t ready for us. But what seems like a waiting period is really a grace period. Don’t put a period where God puts a comma. When the time is right, dust off the dream and rededicate it to God.

When we operate in faith, we aren’t risking our reputation.

You may doubt yourself because of your lack of education or experience, but if God has called you, you aren’t really doubting yourself…you are doubting God! God doesn’t call the qualified, God qualifies the called! Faith is taking the first step before God reveals the second step!


A Day for Sherry – Magnolia Market

Like so many others, my wife Sherry loves watching HGTV’s “Fixer Upper” with Chip and Joanna Gaines. And, I have to admit…I have caught a few episodes and it’s easy to see how likable of a couple they are. I can particularly relate to Chip and his affinity for “Demo Day.” So, with Sherry being on Spring Break this week, I promised her a day trip to the Gaines’ Magnolia Market.

So we left Abilene bright and early for our trek to Waco. Once we pulled up to the iconic silos that are their calling card, I quickly saw that my gender was definitely in the minority. I then became concerned that my “Man Card” could be revoked! I was amazed how long the line was just to gain admittance to this “den of estrogen!”

And wouldn’t you know it, as soon as we finally made our way through the entrance Sherry put her hands on a marble side table that was a “must have!” I could already see that this was going to be an expensive little trip. As she gathered up other “nick knacks,” and we headed for the checkout line, women from all over started commenting on “what a beautiful table we had found.” So, I have to admit that this made me hold my head a little higher as I began our four block trek to the car with marble table in hand! From there, we hit a few other nearby home decor stores. After it was all said and done, the financial hit left a mark…but not as bad as it certainly could have been!

Afterwards, Sherry did allow me to take a side trip to Buc-ee’s on our way to visit with our niece in Killeen, whose husband is in the Army and is currently on deployment. Come to find out, Sherry’s brother and sister-in-law from Boerne were there, too! So, after a nice visit with them we headed home and stopped at Underwood’s in Brownwood for supper. By the time we arrived back in Abilene, we were tired from a long day of travel but Sherry was happy and commented several times on what a great day it had been.

Any concerns I had about losing my “Man Card” earlier in the day were replaced with “Brownie Points” with Sherry…which I can never have too many of!




I’ve been trying to come up with the words to complete my last blog (hence the reason I’m writing this at 12 a.m.), but the only things that are coming to my mind are words of gratitude for being able to take this sabbatical. Because of it, I was able to make up lost time with my family, reconnect with a friend, go on some new adventures, de-stress, and find (or at least kick-start) peace/healing in areas of my life that desperately needed it.

It makes me think back to the end of year meeting when David talked about the extent to which we overwork ourselves; often without even realizing it. I know that in my case, I didn’t realize I needed to slow down and take a breath until I had no other choice but to slow down and take a breath.

Tomorrow I “head back to the real world.” Of course part of me will miss being able to spend the whole day reading or taking mandatory naps (are 15 minute nap breaks a thing, now? 😉 ), but I’m looking forward to getting back into a daily routine and incorporating aspects of my sabbatical into every day life.

My little buddy Patrick

Day 3 of Sabbatical

Sometimes we grumble. I heard somebody once say ..”God hates it when we grumble!”

On Sundays, I teach 4th grade boys bible study at my church. I became part of the children’s ministry program because there was a shortage of volunteers and friend in my men’s ministry group nominated me. At the time, I wasn’t actively looking to do this but it sounded interesting and since I do enjoy teaching,  I agreed.  This is my second year teaching and it has brought me great blessings and I do enjoy it. Lately, Ive been contemplating whether I want to teach again next year.  We recently moved and now our church is a little farther, it would make my Sunday a little longer and I would have less time with my family on Sundays. So you could say- I am kind of grumbling.

I prayed about it this morning on my way in to church.

There is a young man in my class and his name is Patrick. Patrick is a new student in our class and new to Texas. This young man has been such an encouragement to me! The first day he attended my class he was very sad and isolated himself from the group ( to be expected as “the new kid”). I took Patrick aside and asked him what was wrong. He then continued to tell me his story. Patrick and his family left their home in the Northeast due to domestic violence issues within his family. They (all 5 of them!) moved in with his friend Troys family. He mentioned how it was difficult to not have his own room and how it was crowded being in that house. He also mentioned to me that his Dad was interviewing for jobs and he hoped he would get a job soon so they could have their own house again. Of course at the conclusion of class we all prayed for Patrick and his family. This day was one of the most powerful days in my time in that classroom.  I realized that we never really know how we can affect someones life through ministry.

For my reading during sabbatical, I selected Timothy Keller’s book “Jesus The King”. As I read this paragraph from his book in regards to our relationship with God and service it really spoke to me about my decision:

“your glorifying something when you find it beautiful for what it is in itself. Its beauty compels you to adore it….When you say , “I’ll serve as long as I’m getting benefits from                                          it,”…that’s not actually serving people; it’s serving yourself through them”

This statement really made me think ..”Am I teaching the Gospel to these young men to look unselfish?Dutiful? Christian? Or do I really love sharing the Gospel?! What a sobering and profound question.

Meanwhile today in 4th grade bible study our lesson was on the story of God choosing Mary to  be Jesus Mother (Luke 1:26-56) and Mary’s willingness to go along with God’s plan.  As I was cleaning up after all my students left, I noticed my little buddy Patrick had left his activity sheet behind.  I picked it up and read his answer to today’s journal question. Dealing with Mary’s story…the question was ” List a few reasons you would be willing to follow God’s plan for your life.” 

I’m sure you are curious what my little buddy Patrick’s response was to today’ journal question but as they a picture is worth a thousand words. I attached it below along with a picture of him and his friend Troy I had in my archive.


In ministry, are we doing the blessing or we the ones being blessed?

Thanks to my little buddy Patrick for simplifying this complex idea.

What a glorious morning!

What a glorious morning!  I love mornings, I do.  I am an early riser, always have been.  There is just something about getting a fresh start to a new day.  I have very much enjoyed my first week of sabbatical.  I have a new grandbaby!!  He is so precious, Reuel Orlando Bueno.  I have had the great pleasure of caring for him and the gift of time with my children.   My daughter is  doing well after giving birth.  She is such a wonderful young woman and loving mother.  My  grandchildren Xxoie and Elijah are thrilled to have a baby brother and to have Nonie (me) around.  They do not live in Abilene and I do visit them regularly.  However, I only get credit for the days that I spend the night.  So, it goes something like this.  Nonie how many days are you staying with us?  If, I go over on Friday night they count 2 days even though I generally stay through 3:00 on Sunday.  I cannot count Sunday in that I am not staying the night!  It was fun watching them smile as they counted all the days (nights) that Nonie was going to be with them. 

I joined the gym here so that I could workout with my son, Abel.  Abel does CrossFit!  Yes, he does so therefore I now do CrossFit.  I realize there is a CrossFit revolution, but I am not a fan!  I certainly was shocked at the money I had to lay down for membership and the class.   I workout at the company Dig Wellness Center and participate in Spin class 3 times a week for FREE!!  I know now that I even get a little CrossFit, in that Tom our trainer adds those exercises to our workout when he can.

So, my week has been getting up at 5:00 am, prayer, going to the gym, helping to get Xxoie and Elijah off to school, preparing meals for my family, enjoying my time with the kids and bonding with my new grandson.   In all of this, I have found rest.  Yes, rest for my mind and energy for my soul. 

I am studying the book of James in the Bible and serving the youth at Bethel Community Church.  I am also planning on catching up with my reading.   Most of all I am being purposeful in being PRESENT in my life and for those around me.   I am enjoying each day and encourage you to do same!

Snakes Alive!

Today was definitely “a bucket list” kind of day. Brett and I ventured over to Sweetwater and took part in our first ever rattlesnake hunt! Yes, it was our very own “Wild at Heart” moment!!! Crazy? Probably. Exhilarating? Definitely! A great father and son bonding opportunity? Absolutely! You see, we quickly learned that to catch a rattlesnake required teamwork. We also discovered that there is a fraternity of sorts that forms between the hunters…who had started out the morning as strangers. However, soon our group of adrenaline junkies banded together to encourage and watch each other’s backs (and feet)!

Since it was a cool day, the snakes were inside of their den. So, we had to get them out. This required climbing into a deep canyon, finding their den and spraying a little gas into it to persuade them to begin moving. Then a brave soul had to lay on his belly with a flashlight peering into the den to spot any snakes on the move. I quickly discovered that my son was braver than I was, so I let him handle that duty! Then it was time for the catch. I assure you, the best purchase of the morning that I made was as long of a pair of snake tongs as I could find – and with the first rattlesnake I caught, I thought the tongs could’ve been even longer!

At the end of the day, this father and son had caught a total of 7 rattlers. Brett bagged 4 while I caught 3. I thought we would end the day tied, but Brett being the competitive person that he is just had to one up his old man! However, I gained the distinction of catching the biggest snake of the day who was easily 5 foot long!



Friends, Family and Landscaping!

After wrapping up at Global Samaritan Resources last week, I spent some time with one of my closest friends over the weekend. We have not been able to get together for a long while, so we went to the ranch and spent a good portion of the night and early next morning varmint hunting (I will refrain from posting any pictures). We had a great time together. There is something about guys, guns and varmints! Ahhh!!!!

Then, on Tuesday of this week I drove over to the DFW area and spent some time with my two nephews. The oldest of the two has kids of his own – making me a GREAT Uncle (I could’ve told you that!) Unfortunately, I do not get over to see them very often. As a matter of fact, I’m sad to say that the last time we were all together was during my 2010 Sabbatical! It’s really unfortunate that my sister and brother-in-law no longer live in Texas. They moved to Seattle about 10 years ago. This has caused a lot of hard feelings over the years, because my nephews feel somewhat abandoned by them – particularly Chris, the one with two kids of his own. Quite frankly, it has puzzled me over the years because when my sister and brother-in-law moved from Texas to Seattle, they left all of their family including their kids and soon to be grand kids behind. For multiple generations, our family has lived in Texas. So when my sister decided to up and move to Seattle (it was not because of work), it definitely broke with tradition. This has really continued to be a sore spot with Chris because he now has children who get to spend very little time with their grandparents. These kids are awesome and very loving. As a matter of fact, they clung to me as if I was their granddad the whole time I was with them. The time we spent together was very much needed by all. None of us can convince my sister and brother-in-law to move back to Texas, so instead I plan to make myself more available to my nephews…as sort of a surrogate dad/granddad.

When I got back to Abilene, one of my first jobs was to do some tree and shrubbery trimming. Today, I attacked two massively overgrown cedar trees. Over the 15 years since we planted them, they had begun to take over the entrance to our house. My wife told me she wanted them gone, so this gave me an opportunity to fire up the ole chain saw and start cutting…what a wonderful feeling! Since I am a visual guy, I’ve included some before and after pictures for your viewing pleasure. However, as stiff as my back is now, I don’t plan on giving up my day job anytime soon!



Tomorrow, my youngest son (Brett) and I plan to venture over to the Sweetwater Rattlesnake Round-up and see what kind of trouble we can “rattle up.” To be continued…

“Just in case you were doubting Me already”

“Just in case you were doubting Me already…”

Day 0 of sabbatical, yes, day 0 of sabbatical was today.   I don’t start my sabbatical until tomorrow but God knowing me, the way He does, is already at work.

My 19 year old daughter texted me this morning wondering why I had not stopped by her bedroom to say bye for the day as I usually do. She was upset because she wanted to see me before she left. She is leaving out of town tonight on a road trip with her friend to Denver for spring break. Although last night we prayed over her as a family for God to keep his hand over her in her travels, she wanted to give me one more hug. This was particularly disturbing to me because one of my priorities for my sabbatical was to be present for her and spend quality time with her. But I had a hectic morning an 8Am send off call and then a 830 appointment right after that, I simply forgot to stop by her room in my haste. The way the schedules ended up working out She would be returning from Denver as I arrive. We would be totally missing each other!

Well it so happened, (I love Gods coincidences) today she would have class at the college campus not far from the location I would be working out of today. We texted each other and agreed to meet for lunch.

We had a nice lunch at Canes her favorite place. We talked uninterrupted and I thoroughly enjoyed the time. She mentioned how nice the “Send off’ call was and then she said something she never told me before she said “Dad I’m proud of you”. I was truly overwhelmed with emotion when she said that to me.  I often times feel that I’m not present with her in between her college studies and her work, I rarely see her – but I am so PROUD OF HER!

She continued…and said “Dad other day I was telling my friend about how when I was little you would drive from so far away to come see me and I would be waiting on the stairs for you to show up and you would take me to the park” she began to cry and so did I.

You see my friends, Jocelyn’s mother and I divorced when she was just 3 years old and we lived very far from each other. My office was also completely on the other side of town.  But I would make those weekly sometimes daily trips to go see her because of course… I missed her.

She remembered that. Wow.

What a difference making time for somebody can do.  “Being present for my family” that is what I wrote on my sabbatical application and what was in my heart.

This morning I was already fretting about how this sabbatical was already not starting as I would have planned because of my daughter and I’s schedules. But as Ray so succinctly mentioned this morning on my send -off call…what I plan and what He plans can be two totally different things. I certainly did not expect this today but what an awesome God we serve!

It’s as if God was saying..”just in case you were doubting me already..”

“And he saith unto them, Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith? Then he arose, and rebuked the winds   and the sea; and there was a great calm.”

Matthew 8;26






Week 1, Sleep! Oh How I Missed You!

For those of you that may not know, I am a single mother of 5 kids.. yep I said 5. Well only 4 live at home. My oldest (Brandon 21) is away at college. So that leaves Ethan (18 on 3/17) Emma-16 , Jake-10 and Mollie-4months old home with me. Working full time and having a newborn that sleeps during the day and parties all night makes for one tired mommy. Then there is all the things i do for the other 3 kids plus cook and clean and laundry. So being able to take this Sabbatical is a blessing in itself. Mollie has within the last couple weeks started sleeping at night and only waking up once or twice. Thank you Jesus! So this first week of my sabbatical, I have literally slept the entire time. I drop Jake off at school, Mollie off at daycare and go home and sleep. Pick Mollie up at noon and we both come home and nap some After a week of this, I finally feel like I have energy to do things. Today is the first day I didn’t come home and sleep. Hence the reason I’m finally blogging. I really am so thankful for this opportunity to have this time off. Jake has had a hard time with me having to work full time. He was only 7 when I had to start working, so he is really enjoying having me at home when he gets out of school and being able to spend more time with me. I’m loving it too! I miss my “stay at home mom” days!

Well hopefully week 2 will be more productive.. lol


Giving Feels Good

So far my time off has been filled with fun, laughs, and renewed relationships. It is so nice to have time to fellowship with old friends. I have a couple of friends who have recently become Mother’s so there has been a lot of baby holding and spoiling these Moms as much as I can. I have spent a lot of time cooking meals for different families as well as my own and I have to say, that may be my favorite kind of ministry. I love to be able to give a home cooked meal to someone.

I spent this week volunteering at Pregnancy Resources and have really enjoyed it. Getting to know the staff and help out with different projects has been a blessing. It is wonderful to be able to give back. What this organization does is nothing short of amazing and they are some of the most kind people I have ever met. I am thankful that God placed me there and that I was able to help them.

Next week we will head to Ruidoso, NM for family vacation and I am really looking forward to it.

Discipleship culture

One goal of my sabbatical was to sit down with a few men in my life that have mentored me and challenged me and show them gratitude for how they have helped me. I truly only have one hero in my life and that is my father, but I have several men who have blessed me beyond belief.  Our church talks a lot about a “discipleship culture”. We believe in being obsessive includers and helping other people experience the light of Christ. This is what ultimately brought me into a relationship with God. Five years ago this month I took a chance on a men’s group at a local church to get into community with other men who were trying to be better fathers, husbands, sons, etc. The leader of that group is a man who I will never be able to repay. He showed me what walking in faith looked like and that faith was not a weakness but rather a strength. He encouraged me, built into me, and stood by me when times were tough. This was a glimpse of what it meant to be in community and bring God’s light into someone’s life. He always said, “I may be the only Bible someone ever reads.” This thought rang so true to me because although I never sat down and read the Bible, I could see him acting on his faith and leading other people.  At some point in that journey, I took it as my duty to be an example to other men on how to live a life filled with God and all of His blessings.  Several years later, I was fortunate enough to be led by this man again in a group at one of our church’s Man Camp retreats. It was during this time when I met another spiritual mentor and friend. This friend challenged me and brought out strengths inside myself that I was not aware of. He decided to nominate me to lead a group of men at our third Man Camp. This was one of the most flattering and humbling gestures I have ever received. I am grateful to both of these men and ALL of the men who I have encountered through these camping experiences. They continue to be a blessing to me and those around me. Although these two guys live approximately 45 minutes away from me, I was able to sit down with each of them in the past two weeks and say thanks! This was another gift as a result of this sacred time. I am gracious for a company with a hierarchy that has many good people such as these two men. The Bible says in Matthew 19:26; Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” I am so thankful that God makes this possible for each of us.


Back in January, I went to go visit my friend Natalie while she was in San Antonio for her brother’s Air Force basic training graduation. We’ve been friends since junior high and it had been 10+ years since I had seen her, so I figured it was the perfect opportunity to go see her. At the end of the weekend she kept telling me “You NEED to come visit me in Hawaii! I won’t be there much longer!” Eventually she wore me down (okay… she didn’t have to try that hard) and I booked my tickets.

Flash forward to today! I’ve been in Hawaii for 4 days now and it’s going to be so difficult leaving. Everything about this island is breathtaking. Yesterday we drove up to North Shore with the windows down, music blaring, sun on my face, and I swear I haven’t felt that relaxed in months.

But more than that, it’s been amazing to reconnect with Natalie. This trip has been 10 years in the making, and she’s one of those friends who you can easily catch up with – even after long periods of time.

I travel home on Thursday evening, and it’ll be great to have a few days to rest and decompress before coming back to work. I’ve missed you guys!

Global Samaritan Resources – Day 5

Over one billion people in the world do not have access to safe drinking water. Global Samaritan Resources is making a difference and saving lives through providing safer and purer water to those in need. They are the exclusive supplier for one of the most ingenious products I have ever seen, it’s called the SaveStraw. The SaveStraw purifies and filters out 99.9999% of contaminants. It can also soften some water and improves the color and taste. Global Samaritan sends SaveStraws to help people after earthquakes, typhoons and other disasters.

What a great week I have had volunteering at Global Samaritan Resources! This is a wonderful Christian-based organization that serves so many, regardless where the need exists. As I wrapped up my final day, I left there having made new friends and having acquired a new perspective on the plight of those living in poverty…and in many instances, living in persecution. I learned that the thousands of people Global Samaritan serve have the same hopes and dreams for their future and the future of their children, as we all do.

The mission of Global Samaritan Resources aligns perfectly with one of our company imperatives (To make Jesus Christ and Christian principles as attractive to as many people as possible.) They believe that helping people is the greatest calling in life. By helping others with humanitarian aid, water purification systems, food and disaster services they are advancing the love of Jesus Christ…whether it’s in Abilene, Africa, Iraq or any other location around the world.

If you would like to learn more about Global Samaritan Resources, click (or copy and paste) this link





I could get used to this

So, it took me a good 2 weeks to “settle my spirit” and get the whole meaning behind a sabbatical.  I wasn’t anxious and taking time to just “linger in the moment” without having to rush somewhere came much easier after the first 17 days!  My sabbatical was a blast.  I volunteered 3-4 days each week, then spent 3-4 days with family and friends.  It was a really nice blend.  As I come back to work, I hope the following will continue to be a part of my new routine:

  • Exercise
  • Time with God each morning and afternoon
  • Journaling
  • Taking time to be with friends

I’m grateful for each day – but especially for the gift given to me by this company the last 30 days.  A million thanks to all those that covered in my absence (Lori, Angie, Kelley, Lindsey, Ray, Tina, Terri B, Dawn, …..).  I’m grateful for all of you!


Fundraiser is a huge success! My heart is so full!

My heart is literally bursting with gratitude! Tears flowing with thankfulness! I cannot begin to explain the emotions I am experiencing – but I am going to try.

Back story: In conjuction with my onsite volunteering at Ronald McDonald House I coordinated a “families helping families, wish list fundraiser”. This charity is so important to me because of the connection it has with Robby Rosmann and his family. Remember his name, it is important later in the story. Robby was only 10 when he lost his battle with non hodkins lymphoma. His family was provided services thru RMHC during his stay at Children’s Hospital. I am volunteering and coordinated this fundraiser in his memory.

SUCCESS! Last night I drove into Kenosha from my apartment in Mayville to pick up the donation boxes that had been collected through the Mahone Middle School Generosity Club. What a fitting name. Generous doesn’t even begin to describe what transpired through their efforts! Thru the commitment of their teacher and club advisor, the school faculty, the parents and the students, they filled 25+ boxes and raised $105 in cash donations! When I showed up yesterday in my 4 door sedan, it became immediately obvious that they weren’t all going to fit (brilliant conclusion right?) Invoke plan B.

The local rental company had no vans or trucks available for today so Marsha Rosmann and her husband Bob (YES Robby’s parents) loaned me their van to make the trip.
So, this morning I picked up the van and returned to Mahone. The students once again helped me stuff the van, stacking boxes 2-3 levels high in places, leaving just enough room for my co-pilot, my dog lacie. I drove up to Milwaukee and thankfully had called ahead so they knew to have volunteers ready to help unload.

As I drove up to the facility, I was overcome with emotion; I could feel Robby’s presence with me. How fitting that I was in his parent’s van, delivery hundreds of items in his memory, bringing it all full circle. I’m glad the rental service had no options, I think it was meant to be, I’m glad he was with me!

The story does not stop there. Tonight, I met with the grandma of one of the students (Jaelyn) and received 2 additional boxes! This 6th grader wanted to do something more. She and her grandma Kathy got permission to put collection boxes at the senior housing complex where Kathy lives. I admit, I panicked after seeing the 25+ so boxes at the school and although I wasn’t scheduled to pick up the senior boxes til next week, I picked up what they had tonight and will return as scheduled next Saturday for any additional donations.

Thank you Brenda for being so committed to the success. Thank you Mahone Middle School for your true generosity. Thank you Bob and Marshafor allowing me to share your story and for sharing Robby with me! He has had such an impact in my life and continues to touch others through his legacy!

Global Samaritan Resources – Day 4

As we continued building pallets of supplies to be shipped to the Congo, the hot topic of the day was the Food & Hope Forum that was sponsored by Global Samaritan and broadcast on KTAB-TV on Thursday evening. The forum served as a prelude to their big event on March 22 when the public will be invited to Global Samaritan Resources’ warehouses to purchase a food box for $50 (this will feed a family of six for a month!). In addition, the family will be encouraged to provide messages of hope and love for refugees in northern Iraq by writing supportive words and drawings on the boxes of food to be shipped out.

During the televised forum Thursday night, Global Samaritan Resources CEO, Danny Sims, moderated a panel discussion centered around why we should help refugees. Former Dyess Air Force Base wing commander Michael Bob Starr, the expert in the group on national security, made what I thought was the most poignant comment of the forum when he said, “it’s true that terrorists vow to exploit refugees fleeing to other countries, and that’s happening. It’s in our security interests, though, to help refugees abroad because most refugees don’t want to become immigrants.” He also added, “a presence abroad, too, allows the West to tell its story — that we are not modern crusaders bent on plundering.” I thought this was a great perspective. The panel explained that the radical Islam movement preys on the idea that the U.S. wants to conquer everyone. (Are you listening, President Trump?)

I have seen first hand this week, how Global Samaritan is helping to spread peace in distant lands, while breaking down cultural barriers. As I head into my final day of volunteering at Global Samaritan Resources, my eyes have been opened to the phenomenal work that this Christian-based organization is doing all over the world!




Tomorrow Never Knows

I have a hard time praying but the one thing I can always say to god is “thank you” I know every moment of my life is blessed and this past month is absolute proof of it.

I am reaching the end of my sabbatical and my thoughts keep coming back to “Isn’t this is the way life should always be?” this is the first time I have ever felt this refreshed and peaceful. The opportunity to take a break from everything I was used to, my regular routine was something I will always be grateful for. I’m going to miss all the extra time I had but I believe I will be coming back a better employee that is super excited to get back to work. I can’t wait to see you all again it. Catch you tomorrow morning!
I’m ugly—The person who makes it doesn’t need it. The person who buys it doesn’t want it. And the person who uses it hates to use it.

Becoming Excellent

Wow, just wow! This journey so far has been fast and furious. I have been able to pamper myself, spend time with my sweet parents and friends, and best of all enjoy my daughters. We celebrated my Dad’s 60th Birthday last weekend complete with more food than we needed and a garage turned into a dance hall. Those of you who know my Mother will understand. I have been able to pick up Allie from school and take her for ice cream which to her seems to be the most amazing thing. I have to say this week has flown by. It has been such a blessing to relax in the mornings after dropping off the girls and sit down to spend time with the Lord. I am reading about “Becoming Excellent”, a book that really focuses on becoming a Proverbs 31 woman. God has really been telling me to SLOW DOWN, that I cannot do everything in one day nor should I try. My favorite part of this scripture is verse 30, “Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing, but a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised.” I want to be the wife and mother God desires me to be and to do that I have to serve Him first. That is something I am learning and am striving to get better at each day. It has been wonderful to cook and clean for my family, something that is not often easy when I’m working but that I really enjoy. I will start my mission work next week at Pregnancy Resources, a change from my original plan, but I am sure God has something great in store while I am there. Being a Mom is top on my list of favorite things so I hope to be able to inspire other women along the way. They don’t think it be like it is but they do. I will keep you all posted and am praying blessings for my Passare family! I miss you guys.


Guess who’s back

Hi everybody,

What in tarnation!? Has it already been 30 days? Just kidding, of course it has, although I am thoroughly confused about who I am and what I do. All normalcy has left me. Okay, maybe that is a dramatic way of saying I am ready to return to the real world and a get some routine back in my life. With that said, this Sabbatical has been a tremendous blessing in my life and has provided me insight and rejuvenation. This last week has been spent finishing my book studies and preparing myself to return to work. This Sabbatical has been huge in giving me the motivation to spend more time with the word of God as well as pursue self-help knowledge which can be utilized to not only make me a better employee, but also a better friend, sibling, son, and helper of people. I spent a good deal of time with Stephen Covey’s “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People”, a book I have been recommended in the past and always wanted to read. I am excited to explore how the principles of Covey’s teaching can be applied in the work place and was pleased to have discovered many of the books themes have been preached in the MIS department as well as the rest of the company, especially independence and proactivity. I am excited to return to FDLIC and see everyone, but even more excited to see how everyone’s Sabbatical journey provides enlightenment in your lives as the year progresses.

I’ll see yall very soon,


Helpers of People Week

This week was dedicated to the Helpers of People program, along with one week of vacation (flew to San Diego to spend time with my daughter, Tami).

I volunteered this week at the Pregnancy Assistance Center North (PACN), located in Conroe, Texas.  I, previously,volunteered as a counselor with this group in 2010 (first time on previous Sabbatical in 2010) and have from time to time spent some time with this organization.  It is such a blessing to help these young women and sometimes men, while they are going through a very difficult time at such a young age and where their living environment is not the greatest.  It is such a humbling experience, to say the least.

The first day that I volunteered, I was kept busy organizing the library and office supply closet.  Not alot of face time with clients, but the workers there were so grateful to have things in order.  I’m a very organized person (sometimes) and do better when I can find things, etc.  Everyone who works there or volunteers there has such a servants heart and are so appreciative of the volunteers who spend their time helping others.

The next day, it was a little more exciting and a little more engaging.  We had several appointments during that day and I had the opportunity to shadow the counselors while meeting with the young ladies.  What a day that was!

The one that broke my heart was the young lady who came in with her boyfriend (her baby daddy) seeking information to have her 8 month old daughter adopted.  She was needing assistance and guidance in how to go about doing this.  She was very shy and seemed to be very careful of what she told us.  We were very sensitive to the situation and gave her the information that she needed.  Her boyfriend was on probation and wasn’t allowed to be in the same house with her and the baby.  Not sure what was going on there.  I found out later that most of the time we like to see the girl by herself first, without the baby’s father.  That way we can ask questions to see if she is being abused, etc.  It didn’t happen this time.  I truly believe that God intervened during this appointment and allowed him to witness an organization that was  very compassionate and non-threatening. We were able to pray with both of them and will be following up with her on her decision.  She left there knowing that this was a safe place and there were people there that she could trust (in case she wants to come in by herself next time).  We will continue to pray for this young lady and pray she makes the right decision for this precious baby.  Sometimes adoption is the best option.  It is not for me to decide.  We were just there to give information, support and compassion during this time.

That day, I was able to shadow two more young girls.  One came in to just get some assistance during her pregnancy.  She was 18 weeks pregnant and very excited about the baby.  Her husband was in the military and they been married for 4 years.  She was in the process of taking classes to be a pharmacist when she became pregnant.  Money was the issue, so we were able to assist her in getting items for her new baby.  This was refreshing!  Another one came in to have a STD test.  She already had two other children.  While I was there, we had another young lady come in and had an ultrasound.  She is going to have twins!  What an exciting time for her!

The rest of the time, I was helping out in the office with clerical duties, making copies for folders and putting information in folders for the clients.  All in all, it was good opportunity to get involved again in this great organization.

I plan on continuing volunteering when I can.  They have a need for counselors during the week on Tuesday and Thursday evenings and hoping that I can help out when I am available.

Thank you Kris and the Board of Directors in allowing us the time and the opportunity to stop what we are doing, to slow down and be able to be available to help other people.  What a blessing it was!

Vicki D.


In 2016, our church purchased 435 acres of land in order to hold camp retreats. My “service project” during sabbatical is to help groom this land for all of the future camps. I have been a Trip Captain for many of the previous Man Camp weekends held in 2015 and 2016 and I have seen first-hand how lives can be changed. We always start Man Camp weekends out with one hour of solitude, so I thought I would mirror that experience on a deeper level by camping for 48 hours by myself on this magnificent land. Packed and ready to go, I headed out on my quest. My friend Mike loaded my gear into his ATV and dropped me off at the camping spot. After I set up my tent and got situated, the sun began to set.  I was suddenly overcome with an extreme feeling of loneliness. I realized all of the things in life that I took for granted including the companionship of my wife and the hustle and bustle of our house with three kids and three pets. People today are so wired to be connected. Smart phones, internet, social media, and Bluetooth headphones are just a few examples of how we stay connected. We hardly ever take time to just be quiet. This was certainly a challenge for me. As I sat and watched the fire burn, I came to a realization that it’s really only considered solitude if you don’t believe in God. As long as my faith was in Him, it was as if He and I were spending time one on one. This was such a relief for me.  It’s not often that you get to go camping with your Heavenly Father. I spent the next four hours talking to Him and telling Him everything I was grateful for. The beautiful stars, the warm burning fire, the sound of the wind………………all of the things He created. I spent time praying for people and things in my life and asking for His help with my struggles. I put my pen to paper and took notes about what was around me and wrote love letters to people I care about. This was quickly changing from what I thought was solitude and alone time, to time with God and it was so beneficial. I felt His presence and knew He was listening. What a night!!

The next day took a different turn for me. I woke up to some pretty heavy rain and the forecast was not looking good. It called for “destructive winds, damaging hail, and a few tornadoes”.  Needless to say, it did not seem responsible to camp in that weather. As I mentioned in my previous blog, God sometimes has different plans for us. It seemed as though His plan for me tonight was for me to be with my family and let them each know how special they are to me. I am just fine with that plan too!


Global Samaritan Resources – Day 3

Today was yet another busy one at Global Samaritan Resources. Thank goodness we had a cool front blow through…it made the rest of my landscaping this morning feel much more comfortable. After sawing down two out-of-control cedar trees and trimming a massive oak tree, we were finished…all that remained was my stiff back and sore muscles!

In the afternoon, Esther and I worked on gathering materials and packing them onto pallets for shipping to the Congo. By the time we were finished, we had two mountains of supplies ready to be placed into the container trailer. Everything from medical supplies and exam tables to non-perishable food to parts from the pontoon boat I discussed in yesterday’s blog, were included. Once we had the pallets packed to the hilt and piled exactly 9-1/2 feet tall (the maximum size allowed to be able to fit into the container trailer), we carefully moved them to the giant shrink wrap machine that our DIG Foundation had helped pay for and let it do it’s thing…technology is awesome and this machine is so vital for what Global Samaritan does!

As Esther and I were taking a break from our packing detail, she shared some stories with me about how God has blessed the efforts of Global Samaritan. There was one time recently, when Global Samaritan had a container trailer all but filled and ready to be shipped to Mozambique, when the head of the mission walked into the Global Samaritan CEO’s (Danny Sims) office and asked for prayers as an urgent need for an X-Ray machine has arisen. When Danny heard her request he could hardly restrain himself as he told her that Esther was currently at a local physician’s office to pick up an X-Ray machine they had just donated! Another story shared by Esther involved an urgent plea from Swaziland for hospital beds, when shortly after the request had been made a medical supply company from Midland happened to show up with a truck load of donated hospital beds! These are two recent stories about how God continues to bless Global Samaritan’s mission!

Even though I am tired and my body is aching, I feel so privileged to be spending my time working this week for this wonderful organization!

Get Back

In 2007 my father gave me a book called The Shack. He thought it was important that I read it but I never really got around to looking into it. I thought he just wanted me to read it because the shack on the cover looked exactly like the house we had lived in. Now many years later I felt that during my sabbatical would be a great time to see what it was about. I would also get to be a big book hipster before the movie comes out. “the book was soooo much better than the movie”

So yeah it was a great story. I laughed. I cried. I wished God was a black woman. Dad if you are reading this… thanks for the book, I’m glad you gave it to me. I apologize for being 9 years late with this message into the void.

I’m also have been focusing on reading the Bible the last few days of my sabbatical. I usually find it difficult to understand what I am supposed to get from each verse or even just understand what is happening so I bought a guide that was suggested to me and it has been helping me with that quite a bit. I’m hoping that we will be doing Bible studies in my department again soon. Away from work the people I spend most of my time around don’t care at all about religious stuff so its a nice when I can talk about God and faith when possible.

Also pulled off a pretty cool feat. I took a 7 hour nap. I will be setting an alarm next time so that my sleep schedule doesn’t go crazy just before I have to go back to work.
Ben chooses the room full of tigers that would have starved to death months ago— I have a huge nose, messy unkempt hair, sunken bloodshot eyes, 4 chins and huge ears. What am I?

Record high temps, sore muscles and lots of food!

My 2nd week of sabbatical was blessed with very unseasonal temperatures, 60⁰, nearly 70 in February in Wisconsin? I’ll take it – thank you God! My fitbit activity has been off the charts – longs walks, lots of activity!  This week however, winter returned.  I’ve been reflecting on my sabbatical goals.  I’m doing very well in the area of family, friends, and charity, however the others still need work.  I have volunteered a total of 25 hours so far with the RMH, not taking into account the 45 minute commute each time.  Last week I met several new families that were just checking in, all with their own stories.  Some of them feel a need to share while others are more private (which is always respected).  WOW the stories, the strength, the gratitude!  I am constantly being reminded of the great service that RMH provides and blessed by the simple fact that these families NEED us and I am there answering the call.  Whether it is stripping beds, making beds, folding laundry, giving tours, stocking kitchens, or a myriad of other mundane tasks, it makes it possible for these families to be together and concentrate on their own wellbeing.  My onsite sabbatical work at the RMH comes to a close after my shift on Monday 3/6, believe me, my muscles and knee are going to thank me! 😊  I hope to continue my work with them for 5-6 hours a month going forward.

I have had so much fun reconnecting with friends and family.  Seeing friends that I haven’t seen in years, enjoying meals out, making a meal in with my sister, making and sharing meals with my neighbors, reconnecting and talking with friends for hours at a time; doing some of the simplest things yet building memories along the way.  I am so blessed to have so many amazing people in my life and a few returning to my life!

The remainder of this week will still be hectic but starting next week I hope to catchup on my sleep (hit that coveted 8 hrs), continue to reconnect and connect with friends and family, catchup on my reading and enjoy this time at a more relaxed pace.

I am so blessed by this sabbatical and the opportunities it has provided.  It has certainly reiterated that I am happiest when I am with family and friends, my purpose in life is helping others and when I do, my life feels complete and I feel true contentment and satisfaction. I am so grateful and look forward to the next 14 days (but who’s counting?).

Wrapping it up

Since my last update, I knocked out a few more projects at home.  Working on projects around the house, yard, and garage has always been a form of relaxation for me.  There’s something about puttering around on a project with my hands that frees my mind.  However, thank goodness I’m not returning to work as a hand model as these projects left my hands full of nicks, scratches, and spots that won’t come clean!

Today I brought a piece of metal garden art over to Sonny Jones Welding to have a few pieces tacked back on.  The owner, Sonny, has spent the past 52 years providing welding services to the people of the Big Country.  He offered me an orange and some grapes that he’d picked up on the way to the shop.  He was eager to show me around his shop and show me a couple of projects he was working on.  I obliged.  He seemed a bit lonely as he mentioned his son who had been killed.  We had a nice visit.  He struck me as a person with a kind soul.  As a bonus, the place smelled EXACTLY like my grandfather’s shop that I used to hang out in as a child– a fresh bouquet of oil, grease and rusty iron with a hint of smokey exhaust to boot.  Loved it!

Moments like this are possible because we corporately and personally trust the Lord to provide during our sabbaticals.  Had it been a typical week, I probably would have been too rushed to take the time to listen and visit.  That would have been a shame.

Previously I shared how this time has positively impacted my relationship with my youngest son, Brendan.  Here’s more evidence:  I asked him to help me clean the garage this weekend– a two day, messy project– and he said, “Sure! Sounds like fun!”  My sabbatical almost ended right there with a heart attack.

On Friday, Kirsten and I attended the last Wylie boys basketball game of the season.  Kirsten had been volunteering all season by helping the moms make motivational posters for the locker room.  It’s a nice outlet for her creative needs.  On Saturday, we, plus Brendan, had dinner at Ryan and Shelly’s house.  We had a super enjoyable visit.  Yesterday, I ran some used sporting equipment over to AYSA, and some unused building materials over to Habitat for Humanity.  (Almost bought an used loom for my wife while I was there… but the box of twisted wires and unlabeled parts next to the loom scared me off.)

One of the best parts of both of my sabbatical experiences was watching the expression on peoples’ faces when they ask about my day and I explain how I’m on a 30 day sabbatical provided by my employer.  Never had a dull conversation after opening that door– whether it be with the guy who made a sandwich for me at Jimmy John’s, or the gal who sold two Hardin-Simmons NCAA Div. III play off tickets to me, or the lady who cut my hair at SportClips.  Priceless!

On one hand, I’m really ready to come back to work!  It was a bit challenging hitting the pause button on a couple of projects.  But I made it!  And frankly, I miss being around the people at the office!  This time of reflection has been great.  I felt like I was perpetually behind over the past few years and it was tough to find the time and energy to think and process.  I’m hopeful I’ll be able to continue that feeling until at least Friday!

On the other hand, it’s been a wonderful 3o days!  My devotional time was meaningful.  My relationship building time with my family was awesome.  A laundry list of household projects got knocked out.  I feel fit and rested.  And a big “Thank You” to all who took care of things while I was out!



Global Samaritan Resources – Day 2


Today, I started off with the one activity that I dread the most during mowing season – weed eating! But, I took it on like a champ! From there “Sal,” who can best be described as their version of “Craig Loper” and I tackled some shrubbery that was out of control. We were relentless and by the time we were done with our trimming, the front of the building was pristine!

From there we went and picked up several boxes of books donated by the public library. It was so gratifying to hear the librarian sing the praises of the work Global Samaritan is doing!

One thing that is consistent with all of the non-profit organizations I have worked with over the years, is that they have to be resilient. Funds and personnel are always tight, so they squeeze every ounce of value out of anything they own. Today, we took a trailer load of scrap iron, metal, aluminum and copper to the recycling center. Sal had even crawled on top of their building and disassembled an old air conditioner, just so they could get some value for the metal and copper in it. After everything had been unloaded from the trailer and processed, we came away with almost $600…which thrilled their business manager!

We wrapped up day two by figuring out how to ship a pontoon boat to the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Yes, a pontoon boat! Actually, this is a pretty cool story. A church in Amarillo donated the pontoon boat, and took the time to disassemble it and create assembly instructions so that it could be shipped over to central Africa. Then, when it arrives the mission team will assemble the boat and load the relief materials onto it so they can travel along the river of the jungle…stopping off at villages to deliver medical supplies, food, books and school uniforms. On the subject of uniforms, I was shocked to learn that in the area of the Congo where these uniforms are being shipped, the government does not allow children to attend school unless they have a uniform! That’s crazy! And it was sad to learn that the kids who do not have uniforms crowd around the outside of the school building, hoping to eavesdrop a little so they can learn something from the teachers. The great news is that we have 1,000 sets of uniforms that will be going out in the shipment for the kids! As the husband of a school teacher, I relayed this story to my wife so that she could relay it to her high school students…hopefully, it will make them stop and think of how good they’ve really got it!

Catching up.

What. A. Week. I haven’t blogged as much as I intended to, which I’m kicking myself for, but I haven’t touched my computer all week! So now… it’s time for some catching up.

This past week, my mom and I volunteered at the Foodbank in Dayton, OH.

We were asked to help with a wide range of duties while we were there, ranging from sorting donated food, to hand addressing envelopes to donors, to writing encouraging cards to children in need who would soon receive “Good-to-Go Backpacks.” Each week, volunteers at the Foodbank have these backpacks that they fill full of food. These packs are then given to schools and agencies, who in turn, give them to children they see have a hunger need. The children receive the backpacks on Friday, and it sustains them over the weekend.

Every person we came into contact with at the Foodbank was incredibly kind, generous, and willing to answer any questions that us rookie volunteers had. My mom enjoyed it so much that she is now talking about getting my youngest brother, Ian, involved with volunteering as well.

Wednesday evening held a much anticipated Beeksma family outing… and it didn’t disappoint. We ended up doing an escape room (and managed to escape with only a few curse words and no hurt feelings, so I’d call that a success). Afterward, we all went out to dinner and I honestly can’t remember the last time I laughed that hard. Did I mention how nice it’s been to have the family back together?

On Friday, my mom and I took a last minute road trip to Alabama to visit my grandparents. My grandpa was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer last month and just started undergoing chemotherapy. I haven’t seen my grandparents in years, and it just seemed like the perfect opportunity to drive down and surprise them. It was a short and sweet weekend trip, but every chance they got they thanked us for making the trip. It easily made the 18 hour car ride (round trip) worth it. I wouldn’t have had that opportunity if it wasn’t for this sabbatical, and for that I’m forever grateful.

I have a few more days left in Ohio and then I’m back on Texas soil… for a day. I’m very excited for this upcoming week of travel and the opportunity for me to finally catch up on something else – my reading.



Hello everyone,

After returning from Washington state I spent the last week focusing on rest and family. I really put forth some effort to ensure I was getting at least 8 hours of sleep each night and be intentional with my efforts to avoid any activity too strenuous as well as make time for naps. I also spent a fair chunk of my time fishing as I have always found this activity a perfect medium for relaxation and meditation. As easy as all of that sounds I would be lying to you if I said I have not struggled. The first half of my Sabbatical has been filled with so much activity that there was not a whole lot of down time where I was beside myself and now that I am spending the majority of my time alone it has really taken me out of my comfort zone, but also opened up an opportunity for exploring my thoughts and feelings. When I first heard Sabbatical testimonials, there was almost some humor in the testimonies describing the awkwardness and power of a month long Sabbatical, but now I think I am starting to understand the true meaning behind those individual descriptions and have been able to use this time to come to terms with some personal struggles.

As for family, my immediate family lives here in Abilene, but whether it be fatigue or laziness I have not been successful in giving them the attention they deserve. It would be easy to blame time spent with work for falling short in this area of my life, but personally I know it is a failure that I have created and so this Sabbatical has been a massive blessing in clearing aside any excuse I have previously manipulated. Throughout this Sabbatical I have been able to spend meaningful time with my parents and brother and not just give them the usual hello goodbye while I prioritize the rush of life over their relationships. I am also fortunate to have my maternal grandmother living in Abilene, having recently moved here from the metroplex. She has been another recipient of my time during this Sabbatical and every opportunity to spend time with her is a joy. I have always been guilty of trying to solve any problem presented to me regardless of whether it affects me and while that can be a wonderful quality it is also quite taxing on my mental and physical health. I know it is not feasible to help everyone you love with every issue they face, but I will always try and this Sabbatical has helped me come to terms with this in the form of clairvoyance and the opportunity to give more than I normally would be able.

The focus of this week has been concluding my book studies and winding down from a month away from work to gear up for my return Friday. My last blog post will entail what I have learned from the book studies and Sabbatical as whole.

Take care,


Global Samaritan Resources – Day 1

This morning, I began my service project at Global Samaritan Resources. This organization is a Christian humanitarian nonprofit, headquartered in Abilene. It began in 1999 with a very simple mission in mind: collect surplus goods and share them with people in need. They started by working out of the back of a truck and stored donated goods in a borrowed garage. Today, they operate out of a 55,000 square foot warehouse and have supplied goods in Abilene and more than 50 countries on five continents!

The five areas they are most involved in now are:

  1. Supplying medical supplies to developing countries
  2. Providing food to refugees in war-torn countries
  3. Providing water purification systems and products anywhere they are needed
  4. Supplying disaster relief at home and abroad
  5. Providing dozens of Abilene non-profit partners with a wide array of supplies

This is an amazing organization! They do all that they do with a very small staff of six full-time and 3 part-time employees, so they heavily depend on volunteers to help meet the growing need of being “His hands and feet.”

As you might imagine, the logistics behind shipping a wide variety of material all over the world can be overwhelming! Everything must be intricately placed onto a shipping pallet, shrink-wrapped, then loaded into a shipping container – you know, the type of containers you see huge cargo ships loading in any port city. As Esther (the head of their logistics and my boss for the week) was giving me the tour of their warehouse she mentioned that up until a few months ago, they had to shrink wrap everything by hand! I can’t imagine what hard work this must have been – we’re talking about pallets with material stacked 8 feet tall and even higher! Then, she stopped at the new machine they recently installed that they are so proud of (and now I understand why)…a massive shrink wrap machine. And, my ears perked up when she told me that they were able to purchase this machine as a result of a generous donation from our DIG Foundation. How cool! I have to admit that my chest poked out a little more upon hearing this news! The photo below is a picture of the massive shrink wrap machine.

Tomorrow, I will begin loading medical supplies for the Democratic Republic of the Congo, along with loading food for a Kurdish refugee camp in Iraq.

And so it begins……

I have spent a lot of time anticipating this Sabbatical opportunity. I tend to be a fairly organized person so I have charted out my days and my month to include intentional time for prayer, devotion to my marriage, and sacrifice for all the people who may benefit from my service project. It always seems to amaze me that just when I think I have the perfect plan and it’s all in my control God steps in and returns my focus to Him. It is as if He is telling me to relax and enjoy the ride. I am excited to see what He unveils during this time. I am grateful for a company who believes in giving back to its employees and who ultimately sees the real value in a relationship with Christ. I am also thankful for my wife who has supported me on this spiritual journey and for my parents who laid the foundation for me and showed me how God can be a part of your everyday life.


Brotherly Love

“There’s a bond that brothers know, and it gets stronger as they grow;

A love that time and miles can’t come between, there will never be two closer friends;

They’ve got something special, it’s brotherly love.” – Earl Thomas Conley


God blessed my wife, Sherry, and I with two great sons. Three and a half years separate them, so when they were little neither one really had a lot to do with the other. Most of the time, Brett (my youngest) would do everything he could to pester Blake (my oldest). However, I never could have anticipated how close they would become in their adult lives. Both of them, as young men, have had to deal with their share of heartache, but through it all they have grown closer together. Each one has had their opportunity to have their brother’s back…and have never failed to do so. As a matter of fact, I am certain that the adversity they have experienced has drawn them closer together!

This week I have had the opportunity to spend some one-on-one time with each of them. I thank God for these moments and I am so very proud of both of them!